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Being productive while self-actualization

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Maybe this is a "minor issue" but I wanted to do thread because it seems NOBODY talks about this and it surprises me to say the least.


So last Sunday I had a big insight about me as a person. This insight has got me pretty "traumatized". Not in a bad way but in a way that I haven't been able to do any work this week (I do freelance part-time/ studying part-time) even though I'm pretty left behind in my schedule, and I know my career now is a top priority, when I have this type of weeks, for example also when I do psychedelics too happens to me, I just can't put myself to shut my mind up and give energy into work when I see how much stuff going on in my inside is so much important.

Let's not even talk about spiritual stuff, because that can get even more draining if really gets real and serious.


 So far spiritual and self development work is making working on my career a lot more difficult, although I'm sure it will be worth it, I would have appreciated if someone has warned me about this. Dont you guys feel the same?

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@Javfly33 I feel you 100% my friend, unfortunately spirituality is a minefield with lots of pain to be had along the way, but that is the way it is, there appears to be no other way around it, it seems like you are getting alot of it out the way, so that is surely something, you are making progress, spirituality as you said will be worth it and is much more important than your freelance studying in the long term, at least from an internal perspective, keep at it, you are bearing the burden of a self-actualizer, this is what it is to grow! If you feel like you are pushing yourself too much then give personal development a break for a while, lay off the psychedelics, but only you know your limits, of course.

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Self-actualization might make you realize that things you previously deemed important is really not that important at all. When I was younger I pretty much considered good grades and wealth the highest achievement in life, so I naturally worked my ass off to get good grades. But as I got older I realized there was more to life, like social interaction and life experiences. So grades and money felt kinda pointless in comparison, and it was much harder to motivate myself to do schoolwork. Because it wasn't really the most important thing.

Right now I'm studying Computer Science, and while I like fiddling with computers it doesn't really feel fulfilling at all. I can foresee myself going through a career change pretty soon. I don't really know what yet, but I'm pondering it pretty often. I am trying a lot of different things at the moment, learning guitar, painting, writing a book, about to start a blog. I know I want to do something creative, at least.

So yeah, self-actualization might have some unforeseen consequenses. I think it stems from some inner yearning for a better life, which is why I don't consider it a bad thing. Even though it can be quite inconvenient before or during the transition.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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You have to produce ART in order to be productive while you want to wake up, otherwise, labour and following orders cannot help you awaken.

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