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Preparation for my peak psychedelic experience.

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I plan on doing an 200 ng LSD trip this Monday, I have the days after it off as well so it's a good date for me. I have done LSD around 10 times so far 3x100ng and the rest below around 50ng. My plan was to darken my entire room to meditate and selfinquire as long as I can. My goal is to get an ego death experience and encounter consciousness in its raw Form for the first time. In preparation I amp up my meditation to 30 min. a day from 20 min. Also I start to water  fast on Saturday to keep my body calm and to raise my awareness. I also read Stanislav Grofs Relams of the unconscious two weeks before, so I am prepared to deal with most things that could come up. Does anyone have anymore advice on how I should prepare for the trip, I would really appreciate it. 

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  • Don't trip in a fasted state, at least for me it would be too intense as in having so severe shakes that meditating would be impossible.
  • Take a shit before you trip. This is the biggest universal wisdom across all psychedelics.
  • Don't be fooled: even though your meditation will feel much much deeper compared to sober, don't intentionally give in to crazy monkey mind stuff. Have an intention to focus.
  • Remember, what ever you see/hallucinate: it can't hurt you. Ask: "What is drawing these images? Who is sending them for me to see? Who is trying to scare me away from meditating? Who is asking?" etc.
  • If you get overwhelmed by energy, as in an urge to move your body/stand up/walk around during meditation, direct that energy into very deep breaths. Intentionally make as big inhales and exhales as you can, you can do this trough your mouth if you feel like it. Then return to nostril breathing.
  • Prepare comedown snacks beforehand.
  • Forget everything you think you know about enlightenment, forget all teachings and one-liners. Focus your attention on what_you_are NOW immediately, and nothing else.
  • Try the strong determination sitting technique. Don't move a single muscle. Not a SINGLE one. After adequate time, you won't be able to tell where "your body" ends and the stuff it is touching starts. If your whole lower body numbs down, let it.
  • Turn on the lights if darkness gets too distracting

Godspeed Alex

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32 minutes ago, molosku said:
  • Don't trip in a fasted state, at least for me it would be too intense as in having so severe shakes that meditating would be impossible.

Yes for me tripping after more than say 16 hours of fasting always makes the trip super heavy on the body. On the other side, my mind feels much cleaner and I don't have severe stomach issues which I always have when tripping after eating (even if 4+ hours of waiting after last meal). 
I think a light meal might be the best compromise?

34 minutes ago, molosku said:
  • Take a shit before you trip. This is the biggest universal wisdom across all psychedelics.

This truly is the holy grail of wisdom. Not doing so ruined a 6g shroom trip for me. I just wasn't able to get up to take a shit but the need to do so was so uncomfortable... Reminded me of my creature-ness. 

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1 hour ago, Alex said:

My goal is to get an ego death experience and encounter consciousness in its raw Form for the first time.

Might happen, and a direction to take is always worth thinking about, but my advice would be to not have a "goal" in mind. Forget about that. Just encounter what will happen and, as molosku said, remind yourself to stay focused so your attention is not taken over by your monkey mind. Whatever will happen is exactly what is meant to be shown to you in this moment. So drop any expectations if possible :) 

Also for me personally, if you feel super lost and can't get your way out of your head by yourself, good ambient music can be a powerful guide. 

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Thx for the advice guys :D

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