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Realizing my present life is a product of my past lives & knowing my petty problems are because of my ignorance kind of makes me sick. Theirs only so much a mentor can do for who he's mentoring. He can't go inside your body, there's no magic pill, we have to get over our own maze... sometimes it makes the present moment hard to enjoy. When we're older its sooooooo easy to say " I miss the old days & why was I worried about that thing ?" 

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In my experience, the maze always keeps up with me.
When I reach a stable plateau of peace, I can't wait to see what crazy stuff is going to happen to upset it.
The anticipation is a reward in itself.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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11 hours ago, Shakazulu said:

Theirs only so much a mentor can do for who he's mentoring. He can't go inside your body,

The true Guru is the Satguru, the inner Guru, God, Self, or whatever other name you wish to give it. This Guru has been guiding you, silently, toward your liberation. “He” is the same as all of the true physical Gurus, for their real identity is the formless infinite Consciousness that can appear in any form.

Sri Ramana Maharshi used to say that the body-mind of a Guru is still an illusion, but an illusion that can wake you up. It is like a lion appearing in an elephant’s dream. It is powerful enough to wake the elephant up from the dream.

-Santata Gamana

11 hours ago, Shakazulu said:

sometimes it makes the present moment hard to enjoy

You are God. Your aim is not to get enlightened, but to listen to your deepest, authentic desire and follow your intuition. Over time, you will burn through materialistic desires and that is when realizing the Self will become your highest priority. Of course you can use psychedelics and go on retreats, which will accelerate the process. No one, not even the Buddha, got enlightened in a single lifetime; which is not to say that you can't do it in this one.

We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception.

- Vernon Howard

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It is said that Siddhartha Gautama had mastered different spiritual and yogic practices in his past lives, which is why he could start spiritual practices at the age of 29 and still get enlightened by 35.

We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception.

- Vernon Howard

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