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The Police / Noticing Thought - which is also seen

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during self inquiry meditation, one thing which gives me a much needed shake up is the thought which comes to put me back on track


if i am focusing on my breath and then after a minute or so find that i am now thinking about whatever story my mind is coming up with and have been dragged along for a ride- this noticing/police thought which catches me being off track and returns me back to the silence... this thought is also actually SEEN

common error, and also made by me, till i saw this myself was identification with this police thought... that oh, I caught myself off-guard and am now resetting myself back on the goal

but knowing that it is seen, that was pretty cool


now that thought, which declares that the police thought is also seen, was also seen

and so on, to infinity... until it collapses and ALL IS SEEN as it arises.

and it's rather, the thought stream breaks and ends in this light of knowing awareness...


as leo said in his video, "awareness alone is curative" and many teachers say that the illusion cannot lasts and melts away when the light of awareness is shone upon it.


Love Is The Answer

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A movement of concentrated attention was seen in movement.

 When you saw the “police thought-controller” enter in, did you move from one condition/thought to another that brought about the silence, or was the noticing of the whole movement the ending of that movement? 

So you saw this process & compulsion to reset and continue towards the goal? (subject/object phenomenon)

Edited by Jack River

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@Jack River hmmm

i think i know what you maybe hinting at...

that it's not the noticing of the thought which brought about the end

the noticing is what looped that movement away, back into itself .. thus resolving the wave which had risen back into the ocean and silence remained...


i guess i may have just removed 1 label and replaced it with another here

but i think that's the mechanism which has taken place.

and the frequency of this thought goes up, i return to the silence and seeing of the movement quicker and more frequently 

the time spent swimming in silence goes up

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14 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

that it's not the noticing of the thought which brought about the end

From what i interpreted from what you wrote it was awareness that was the action that brought the thought to light and to silence. It seems like there was a recognition that happened right after though. That will happen fosho. Common. 


14 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

the noticing is what looped that movement away, back into itself .. thus resolving the wave which had risen back into the ocean and silence remained...

I feel ya. 


14 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

i guess i may have just removed 1 label and replaced it with another here

The essence of awareness may have came first then thought comes in after. 

14 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

and the frequency of this thought goes up, i return to the silence and seeing of the movement quicker and more frequently 

Can you clear this part up?  Just so I’m following you. 

Edited by Jack River

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3 minutes ago, Jack River said:

Can you clear this part up?  Just so I’m following you.

i meant to say that instead of being stuck in my thoughts for a long time period before the police thought comes in to restore the order... the time spent stuck in traction of thoughts becomes less and less 

so i return and remain in the silence of the I AM longer - which is what i try to practice when i meditate these days. remaining in the I AM as much as possible... before a thought sweeps me off my feet of course :D 

Love Is The Answer

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1 minute ago, SoonHei said:

i meant to say that instead of being stuck in my thoughts for a long time period before the police thought comes in to restore the order... the time spent stuck in traction of thoughts becomes less and less 

so i return and remain in the silence of the I AM longer - which is what i try to practice when i meditate these days. remaining in the I AM as much as possible... before a thought sweeps me off my feet of course :D 

Ah. Fosho :)

We see that the silence even in a chattering mind is the constant.

At first it seems mind chatter is the constant, and there are small intervals of silence, until a switch is flipped on its end and we see that the silence is and always was the constant. 

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