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Is all stimulation bad?

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Title explains it all.

Have at it folks :)


If I must elaborate though, here are some of my thoughts:

I am basically wondering if it is best to become happy with no stimulation, rather than needing stimulation.........maybe once you are ok without stimulation like for the rest of your life, you can slowly(mb very slowly) bring in stimulation....know what I mean?


Of course, this wondering stems from stimulation in relation to happiness. We watch movies, we play video games, drink, smoke, go for walks, hang out with friends, go rock climbing or skiing or ATVing or tubing or sailing or...ya you get the point. Basically anything in life that we do for fun or to create happiness. Even just relaxin lol.....

A lot of the time though, obviously, we are not doing those things and we may get bored or something. Anybody ever get bored at work? Anybody ever wished their shift was over?


If we just completely cut out all sources of stimulation/fun/happiness is it possible to acclimate to that lifestyle? If we could acclimate to that lifestyle, would it be a tolerable suffer or a positive bliss/relaxed state or would we still be riding some sort of roller coast? If it was a tolerable suffer, would it be enough of a trade off to commit to the lifestyle. Are any of the options a good trade off compared to the typical lifestyle?


I hope people don't take this the wrong way haha :) :) !


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Edited by pluto8

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Technically, if the trade off is better, then yes, but I really have no clue if it is and the point of this post was to not cut off happiness. It has to do with the roller coaster, ya know? Like with stimulation and work n whatnot.........

Did I explain myself properly in the initial post? If you don't know exactly what I am talking about then probs not, or mb ur crazy hahahahah.

and yes I know, I should already know if you know exactly what I was talking about because you just asked a question about the post so the chances are that you do not know exactly what I was talking about, BUT WHAT IF you did and that question was coming from a state of just making 100% sure that we are on the same page. That is possible, but I highly doubt it. So let this be our relationship foundation so we can better understand each other. If you really were that far out (in your comment), let me know now haha. Oh, and prove it.

The reason why I doubt it is because you said "Let us know how that works out for you."


Cheers :) :)

Edited by pluto8

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The situation at hand is in today's day/age we are OVER-STIMULATED thus why we need to reduce down to significantly less stimulation because most of us are exhausted on all levels of being and are not even aware of it. Once you cut out society for a bit and step back and live like a monk or a hermit for a few weeks or months you really notice the magic of existence come to awareness. You don't even have to go anywhere, just make the place you live a temple.

We miss out on so much because we are constantly bombarded away from the NOW/Present moment. We cannot be in the NOW if we are always being stimulated thus we miss out on the Magic.

I use the word magic because its the only word that comes close to the true nature of reality. Its full of amazement and miracles happening 24/7 but we need to step back in awareness to notice divine intelligence at play but when we are constantly involving ourselves in physical, mental, emotional stimuli we distort out spiritual awareness/connection to spirit/true sight.

I am not saying one must do this completely forever, its all about simplicity and balance.


Hope this helps

Edited by pluto


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@pluto How is it that we are not always in the present moment??? Is that some sort of joke lol? Like some sort of super deeep joke? So deep that it can actually be presented as a teaching because you have to learn about it before you can "get the joke"......?


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I would really love to hear your response actually. I have spent many hours listening to people talk on youtube about various topics like this and I have listened to Tolle talk about the now. I have glimpsed into the Be Here Now book and I get the message, but it doesn't make sense to me. It's like it's just EXTREMELY obvious, like so obvious that I couldn't possibly imagine why it is so important and what the big deal is lol. Like all these books and people on youtube for what, just to tell me that this moment right now is the moment right now and that right now we are in the now!!!!!!!! no way. I literally almost feel like I have been falling for some sort of joke.

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It is more about shifting where you get the stimulation from and management of it than eliminating it.

Being in the now is so emphasized because many people get really caught up in past/future thinking and being mindless instead of mindful.

You are always in the now but your mind may take you away from focusing on it.

If you don't self-introspect into your own behavior you'll miss this easy. With every insight you have it seems so painfully obvious you don't know how you didn't see it before.

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