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Simon Håkansson

Spiritual work is extremely exhausting

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I did some spiritual work a couple of months ago, (in december/January) when we had a christmas break in collage. I was doing that for a couple of weeks, about 20-30 minutes a day, but when I did it, I always become completely exhausted from it, I got in a bad mood and didn´t want to do something during the day, I was on vaccation with my family so I was slightly anxious about it to, I was just staying at the hotel all day.

I obviously realize that the ego doesn´t want me to do this kind of work, the problem I had however was that when I came back, I was tired, just when the school had started, which is quite a problem. I don´t know how I can pursue this if it ruins other parts of my life, like exersicing and things like that, the other problem is that if I break one day, the ego will probably see the chance of breaking my habit of doing spiritual work. I am currently doing the inner seeking (the one Leo talked about in his how to get enlightened video).

What should I do about this, meditation really seems good to me, haven´t been giving my any nasty side effect or anything, but should I really stop doing enlightenment work altogether.

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I am where you are and have been there for a few months. I used to to do only self-inquiry with no meditation for a while but then it started to sabotage school and relationships. What I have done is 25-50% regular meditation to cool down for self inquiry and then 50-75% self inquiry, for example 1,5 h inquiry and 0,5 h meditation, but thats just me. Stop pursuing enlightenment if you wish but it will probably leave you with this voice that wants to know the truth no matter what. Anyways good luck with whatever choise you do!

Edited by Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj


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I can definitely relate, this is from word to mouth so I'm paraphrasing here; although, With each choice we make we must give something in return, If we choose the spiritual side of life, then we may lack in the physical side, and vis versa; thus, we must try to establish that balance between the two.

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all this enlightment, spiritual work, and how meditation moves one closer to god/higher self/being/existance/whatever.....

all of it sounds very appealing and nice, profound at times, but the goal is just to be in tune with oneself....

as such, one should resolve any and all childhood traumas, then move to bad habbits and only then or at least after resolving at least half of bad habbits, start thinking about these wonderul and very seducing concepts of growing and actualizing oneself.

i came to this conclusion the hard way and simply state my viewpoint, i did not intend to pass judgements or insult anyone.

also, as i see it, people[some/most, but not all] misunderstand or misinterpret Leo's vids. they are really becoming useful only after one has resolved basic issues i mentioned or at least childhood trauma, from that point on one can see any real meaning from what he is saying and even then, if one does all this actualization as he intended, people would only come here to agree and fistbump with him, instead of being seduced by his jesusness and asking for salvation left and right.

i have given advice and learned a lot from people here, i mean no disrespect and apologise if any taken.


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The ego will manufacture obstacles to keep you from enlightenment. It doesn't want to have its importance undercut. Your exhaustion is likely a very sneaky thing your ego is doing to derail your progress. Be mindful of the exhaustion itself and you may become conscious that it isn't real bodily fatigue but psychologically created emotional fatigue sent from the ego to act as a protection mechanism. My advice is to push through the difficult emotions, and continue on the path. 

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Yes, it will be brutal at times. And worst of all, the ego will use this as an excuse to trash all your other personal development gains.

The ego is like a little spoiled child. When you take away its candy, it starts to spit and fight and rage and cry and use every other cheap trick in the book.

What do you do about? Just observe it mindfully. Don't react to it. Be patient. Be accepting. And never break your daily practice under any conditions. If your pace or workload is too high, scale it down. This is just like running a marathon. You gotta pace intelligently.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Ramp up the intensity to the power of 1M and then you'll be somewhere close to the focus and emotional energy that's required to destroy the ego ?

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