
Pain in the right knee

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When I was 12 I got surgery on my left knee, on Saturday when I was at the gym I was skipping on a foam mat for about half an hour, on Sunday I was moving things up and down my stairs for some hours. I feel pain in my RIGHT knee when I keep it bent, yesterday I worked out and it felt fine. The pain is on and off to be honest. When I stretch my right knee the movement isn't fluent. Is it soreness? And all in my head or might be something more?

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Watch out going down the stairs, I injured my right knee that way while working out on legs years back. From my experience, I can say that one is focussed too much on the muscles with the attention and injuries like this can arise. I'd stop any leg physical training if I were you. You don't wanna experience how is to not be able to walk properly for 5+ years. 

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