
How To Break Out Of The "friend Zone"

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So I feel I'm friendzoned with this one girl but it's a really strange form. It's as though she is interested and is throwing tests my way but at the same time is not remotely interest. She'll flirt, talk about sexual things and seems very open to it but if I ever make a move she will just turn cold and uni terested. It's as though she can't decide what she wants and it is really confusing me. I don't want to come on too heavy as we are in the same group of friends meaning I'd still have to see her if things went wrong.nDoes anyone have any good advice. I know a fair bit about this sort of stuff but this is just really strange and I don't know how to respond to what seems like random signals. I'm fairly confused and felt this was a good forum to discuss this obsticle on. 

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The best way to win "the game" is to stop playing.  She already knows you're interested and if she's denied your advances then move on.  Stop placating her and pursue other romantic options.  If she starts flirting again, then, make a move again.  Be very clear with your intent.  If she denies you again, same thing, stop communicating and move on.  If after this, she keeps coming after you then just don't respond.  If she asks you "why you stopped being fun" then just tell her point-blank: You're an amazing girl and I'm very attracted to you but, you don't feel the same way about me so it's not fair continue on like this.  One of two things will happen:

  1. She will stop coming back and you will actually just be friends
  2. She will open up to you and have a heart to heart with you and explain how she actually does like you and why she's been sending mixed signals.

Quite frankly, the 1st one is more likely going to be what happens.

It is very important though that when you stop communicating with her, you need to make sure you're not butt-hurt.  Accept that you two are looking for different things and move on.  She's still a great person who you were attracted to for a variety of valid reasons, you two just don't want the same thing and you need to stop deluding yourself.

Also, you need to improve your skills with women in general.  Go interact with more people and be more social.  It will pay great dividends.

"It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness"

Presence.  Acceptance.  Purpose.

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@Harry I couldn't agree more with that link.  I bought his book and have read it 2 times (another 13 to go lol) so far and I'm seeing improvements not only with my relationships with women but in general also.

Edited by Evilwave Heddy

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1. Make your intentions clear

2. Do your own thing if she isn't interested.

Any kind of 'friend zone' is simply you going out of your way for a girl with hopes of something more. If she isn't into you she isn't into you. And if you make sure to focus on you and what is best for you, then she might just fall for you. But that should never be your intention. 

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6 hours ago, Evilwave Heddy said:

@Harry I couldn't agree more with that link.  I bought his book and have read it 2 times (another 13 to go lol) so far and I'm seeing improvements not only with my relationships with women but in general also.

Only two times? Coach would not be happy with you. ;)


1 hour ago, Cuzzo said:

1. Make your intentions clear

2. Do your own thing if she isn't interested.

Any kind of 'friend zone' is simply you going out of your way for a girl with hopes of something more. If she isn't into you she isn't into you. And if you make sure to focus on you and what is best for you, then she might just fall for you. But that should never be your intention. 

Spot on. Communicate you have no intention of being friends and there is no way you will ever be friend-zoned.  

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Yeah, I'm reading Corey Waynes book at the moment. It's very interesting and i'm improving a little each day.

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@Kallan Good on you man. If (when) you get any success make sure to post it on here! 

Edited by Harry

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Mixed signals means she's just playing with you.

Find a new girl. Two things will happen here, one: she might see this and start to want you and two: develop your abundance mentality.



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