
This Explains Everything

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I take no credit for this masterpiece:


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Fun stuff, yet his "nothing" still has stuff in it. How can there be an observer in "nothing"? There is no observer and there is nothing to be observed. How can truth exist in "nothing"? There is nothing to be true about. 

Nothing is no thing. Nothing. No emptiness, no void, no observer, no nothing. There isn't even nothing in nothing!! 

Humans just can't resist putting something in nothing. Some idea of stillness, emptiness, peace, infinity, beauty etc. There are NO distinctions in nothingness. 

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@Serotoninluv But it's not non-existence

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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10 minutes ago, Enlightenment said:

@Serotoninluv But it's not non-existence

I'm cool with giving stuff meaning in a relative context. Yet, if he wants to go to "nothing", that means no distinctions. He says truth is within the nothing. The nothing is bittersweet. There is contentment within the nothing. No, there is nothing in the nothing. Those are things that can arise within the nothing.

Imagine no distinctions. What is there without distinctions?

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