
How Important Is Apearence To Women When Finding A Man?

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I've recently been looking through various videos on  what men are attracted to in women and what women are attracted to in men, and I found that a lot of the time women seemed to be more interested in men that are 'emotionally stimulating', although I'm not doubting that this is most likely true but how important is appearance to women on how attractive men are if emotions are more important to women in terms of being attracted to a man? 

I've been wondering about this for a while because there are many men who don't look what would consider being attractive visually to the majority and aren't always wealthy to end up with super hot girlfriends or wives, but at the same time I've also heard women say that men look hot or attractive which kind of confuses me as why women would find some men ugly visually but are still be attracted to them regardless?

I'm not judging whether looks are more important than appearance or visa versa but as a male I find this incredibly hard to understand, so could someone please explain :]

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I used to be nervous about appearance, I thought others were looking at me my clothes, my haircut and judging me. One day I had a revelation, it went like this ¨Wait a minute! I am not looking at peoples clothes and hair and judging them, I dont have time, energy or interest enough to do that - so why have I been thinking that they are doing it to me it was never true. And if they are doing this and think something bad about me they can fuck off! Perfect with this new belief I could be free of interpreting others looking at me as judging me and not give power to anyone pathetic enough to waste their time on it. I think the way you think about yourself and others determins how you look more than clothes and haircuts.  More important to think about what kind of woman am I interested in attracting,  one who cares about my appearance or everything else that I am - because there are lots of each type of woman out there. I am so used to just picking clothes for me and no one else that when someone judges my clothes I just laugh at the whole idea and give a bow. If you know what you want and are creative, are confident in your decisions, focus in important things instead of hair gel you might attract someone more interesting because these invisible things will be obvious and noticed by women more than clothes. Seriously I never think to look in the mirror at all my personality is my strong feature, now I have a hot wife that I love being with, what can I say. 

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It is simple enough. Men are more visual, women are more emotional.  So looks may make women curious but personality makes them interested.  It unlocks doors, not opens them.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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On the first layer of attraction it is all about physical features.

Men look for: tits/ass/face etc... and Women look for: muscles (healthy look), wide shoulders & chin etc... 

Some might not admit it but that stuff turns us on as humans.

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Everyone is different. You will find girls that are "attracted" to old men because they are wealthy. I would say the men who are not good looking and end up with hot girlfriends have either a nice personality and their girlfriend are actually attracted to what you think is a non attractive guy with a hot girlfriend. 

Generally speaking though, men are more visual, they like what they see and they will get to know you based on their visual attraction of a woman. Women have to have an attraction to a man, however if someone was say 'average looking' but they understood how this hot girl thinks and connects with her in a way that other males don't, like this person understands her, the attraction is more of a huge turn on then a hot guy just talking crap. Girl base most things on an emotional level and how well you can connect with us on an emotional level.

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Looks are pretty much irrelivant once you get confident.

Even IF they mattered, there is nothing you can do about it so it is not worth thinking about it.

Like RSDtyler says: Eat well, dress well, workout and shut the fuck up. 

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On 3/20/2016 at 0:59 AM, Ajax said:

So looks may make women curious but personality makes them interested.  It unlocks doors, not opens them.

Exactly. Your appearance is your entrance ticket, if we find man attractive, we'll talk with him, vice versa. And then after a talk we decide if we're going to meet him again or not. Sometimes we make compromises about looks, but about personality never. And be aware that men to get attracted for a girl need few seconds, we women need a lot of time because it is based on personality and we are sometimes unsure how to judge someone. 

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