Kevin Dunlop

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About Kevin Dunlop

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  1. For those of you who have really atained a healthy relationship that you enjoy, Iam wondering if you can share how you developed this and what you had to change in the process.
  2. When you realize how deep everything really is the normal views dont cut it. I can see how this works. When I do the same I feel these views too but Iam just beginning to get into it. Its fun
  3. The waking state reminds me of lucid dream experiences now, a sense of wonder at the beauty and weirdness of it all, a state of awe. Nothing matters its just a dream to explore. Everything looks facinating, no stress, I get to play in the dream. The waking dream is a good description Its a repeating lucid dream but if you pay attension its no more normal or stable than a sleeping dream. I dont need to convince people of anything or argue with them its just a dream, life is easier, other people just express a part of consciousness - duality. Its really easy to spot, really obvious.
  4. I watched the ¨Life is a dream¨ video Leo published and thought I would share with you a technique I have been researching that exposes the mechanism of reality and dreams for most people. Here is how you can try it too. It will take about 3 minutes or as long as you wish, with a small amount of concentration and curiosity most succeed. Read the instructions first, then have your experience and write down what happens for you, please share your experience in the comments if you want to. After reading this shut off the computer or any distraction and dim the lights and observe what you see with your eyes closed. It might help to imagine looking forward at what seems like a screen very close and infront of you. From other reports what people see can vary alot but for most it is random, sparkles, lights colours, shapes, all moving and transforming. Whatever you see focus on it and try not ot lose sight of it, try to hold your attension on what you see there in that field as it transforms and stay with it. The objective here is to put your attension on something you have not been noticing and see what it is. As you look at these visual elements watch what they transform into, go ahead and try to give them names and see these images more clearly and more realistically. This is what naturally happens for most when they can focus on the images ramdomly generated in this field. Some who can hold their attension on these images see that they become more and more real and defined. One might see a blob of light, then as it moves it takes the form of an animal running then it becomes a horse then the horse is in a field then in a completety real conscious dream like visualization. With our experiments we have observed that the random noise one sees with the eyes closed becomes a full dream when we focus on it. Try to have this experience. Let the random images become a visualization like a dream you are consciously watching. This, for most, is automatic when one focuses on the process. In a few minutes you may be surprised how easy it was to see something materialize in your field of vision with your eyes closed. Notice the your ability to create a reality or at least something out of nothing and how it happens on its own all you do is observe it. Let this go on for as long as you like you may also use thoughts to embelish and encourage the process of visualizing something definable or at best a realistic dream like visual experience. Now open your eyes and look at your normal world. Try to see aspects of the same process happening in your waking state. Things being fabricated, visual processes embelishing reality, even how thoughts are working as a filter that create your experience. The first part may be alot easier than this second part of questioning reality, but try to allow yourself to take the importance away from reality and put some on this dream field that is operating to soften the difference between the two. Thank you for participating, I am interested to hear what you experience and if it helps you sense something new about dreams and reality. Here is a tip for those who see nothing but black with the eyes closed. Flash a flashlight across your eyes with them open then close them, here you will be able to begin with the image left behind by the light.
  5. THanks, I am really glad for this advice. I just picked up on one of these points in a video and here again you mentioned it - things are as they are that is how they have to be - dont want it to be different. When I heard this I felt like laughing at the way I reacted to peoples criticisms etc. They are not going to stop and they shouldnt - Everything.. just go for it, I dont need to change a thing. Iam just laughing at my self
  6. I feel a deep gratitude because I am used to looking at the world I am presented with and it appears stunningly beautiful. I take time to relax, slow down and observe the miracle of life I am surrounded with and I smile. All the plants and birds each leaf in the sun the fresh air the good people, the colours etc. If we go too fast or get too focused on the fucture we miss the impact reality should have on us. So just get into a state where reality can fully absorbe in without being washed down, passed over as not being part of your mental objectives, filtered out by numbness, overly simplified by language and definitions. Everything is a masterpiece enjoy it and you may become thankful for this possability you have.
  7. If we are in a field of infinite possability there are alot of options bouncing around out there that one can living out. At times I feel like some people are caught up in some unpleasant possabilities and cant get out on their own. How do you make sure you are living a part of the infinite possabilities that you want to be living? Do you use a defense against having others bounce their unpleasant reality onto you? Sometimes I feel like people are reaching out for help and they do this by doing negative things to others that were done to them as a way of involving others in the process of learning how to better oueselves as a group. If you have had some unpleasant reality set up for you how do you switch over to one that you want to be living, and keep others from bouncing bad times on you as they learn their way to a better life?
  8. I like the way you boil it down to being the minds knowledge -that is simpler. I might say it is a limited form of consciousness because it is based on an illusion not truth. This self knowledge was formed over time. I wanted to say by how our parents treated us and spoke to us but it seems important to see it as the minds interpretations of this sensory input, with this view I feel more responsible for creating it not having it placed upon me by others.
  9. Mmmm Hmm, I dont mind taking some time to think of it in terms of wording for a bit. I do realize that any wording is just more wording and only deepens the limited thinking of the ego instead of transcending it. But yes I dont see much need to call ego something other than identity - probably just a set of beliefs we learned to identify as being our self, as we grew up. With a need to identify everything - a very basic thing parents teach us as we learn language. The ego then could be seen as a product of learned language, and so limited to the depth created by this process.
  10. So it is the idea of who a person believes themself to be, the character they are. The ego is the idea of self. A question I have then is the self created throughout life or do we have some of this before we are born?
  11. Is the ego the identity? Is the ego created while growing up in each persons unique situation, or is there something more to it? How do you feel about the ego? Is it possible to become aware of it in all of its depth? Have you figured out a way to alter the ego or manage it in a satisfying way? Is there something that you have found about the ego that you would like to share, something that could help others in life?
  12. You have a really good idea. I have something going here but I am in a different zone. The basics are you want to get seeds from people who are doing what you want to do in your area. Their seeds will be adapted to your zone. If their plants are big healthy and productive yours will be too if they give you seed. So go around and get to know people there and ask for the seeds that come from the plants you want to have in your garden. A green house is a big help in cool climates - you will have bigger plants, faster growing and have to water less as well youll have better germination. Set up a strong frame (depending on wind velosity there) and cover it with greenhouse plastic that is UV resistant. Youll likely get food from the green house all year around. Put organic fertilizer in the ground before you plant - almost no dirt grows awsome plants without fertilizer. Use minure, compost, seaweed etc. Bugs like gardens - pick them out during the day - some only come out at night so check with a flashlight when you can after midnight. Dont let them get out of control- ask people there what they deal with - even animals can be important to keep out of your crops. I use another idea - I grow wild plants in half of my garden - they are more nutritous, good and invasive, bugs doent eat them and under good conditions produce big constant yeilds, red sorrel, nettles, dandilion, plantain, these can be added to salads and are good and easy to grow.
  13. Duality is experiencing through concepts that oppose. The more they are strengthened as opposites the more extreme they seem to be .When two concepts are put together there is a zero point in between where all is cancelled out. Non-duality is when All concepts become redundant because they are nothing more than an opposite creating conflict in the mind against another concept. When all concepts are seen as equal they can disappear because there is no conflict for the mind
  14. Instead of anger and mind games getting me into trouble I have decided to use my energy to stretch... thats what I need, now all I have to do is remember and enjoy.
  15. This came up in a conversation with a friend about the theme of disappointment. ¨The only reason we are not enlightened is the addiction to disappointment.¨