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I’m attached to my negative ego from a half and a year... and recently I’m working hard on me... I intervally become aware of my real self and after some time loose awareness and find myself with the negative self.... why is so.... Why can’t I maintain the awareness for a long period... Why I keep sticking back to negative ego... I NEED a solution... Thank you Buddies.... ?❤️

?IngitScooby ?

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You must completely replace the old with the new, you must be who you are at all times in order to attract the reflective of that reality. Practice makes perfect, don't be hard on yourself, love yourself :)


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Sorry but I don't get it, I read it twice and still unable to see, understand what's the negative ego? can you just show me your negative ego?

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Just gotta keep trying and trying until that negativity ego can fuck off :P 

I think you need a habit or even a schedule. This might help with the awareness, perhaps have a journal or every Sunday you can do something special

You're not human, you're the universe

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I read your PM. The real answer is you got to meditate. You will 99% never be satisfied with intellectual answers, you gotta have the experience, first person experience in order to fuly understand this. You gotta meditate. Setup a meditation habit for 20 min a day minimum. If you can do it, you should go for 40 mins a day at least ever day.

The intellectual answer is there's no " I " that you refer. A lot problem arises from here. What really meant is,


There's that voice inside your head right? When you type on your keyboard for this topic to explain things like " (I) do this but (my) ego bla bla" stuff right? Now try to find what this voice inside you refers to? A useful tip is: At first assume you're 100% the voice inside your head. That's it. You're totally it. Now listen this voice as it talks inside your head. It says such things as "I do that, I musn't do thi, I have this, I . I ..I" Now think about is it the voice itself is " I "? Or what is it referring to? Actually it refers to nothing, nothing means you can't find a reference to that object. ( I.e null reference exception if you're a programmer or some sort.) It's a voice inside your head just lingers around and thinks it exists. There all your problem arises.

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Another useful tip at this point (voice exercise) is to think about that voice comes and goes. Sometimes there will be blank, sometimes it talks. It comes and goes. You (as I ) can't be something comes and goes. You're not that. Whenever the voice inside your head stops, did you really go into non-existent? Think about it. Ofc you did not.

Voice is just one way of getting rid of your fake identity. There're lot of thinks we assume (i.e body, mind, inner voice, thoughts) All of them leads to same thing. They never exists. I just gave you one way of seeing it. Thank you.

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@non_nothing Thanks Mate... I would keep that screen clipping of yours in my common book place... I already am doing meditation its going to be over a month every 20 min... Today Im late ... Its 03:20 am and Im awake ... I had to go to hospital to see my relative and Im returning home and I will not sleep until I complete my daily mediation habit... I think I would be home at 4:50 am

?IngitScooby ?

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