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Sahil Pandit

How to Workout Smarter

8 posts in this topic

I have been doing similar techniques for a long time now.

 volume, volume, volume!!!

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Thought i add this. Take it or leave it. Dude is funny asf

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@Sahil Pandit O man, I gave this video some thought. 
The way Firas talks about training in that video is a great way of progressing if you're new to the gym, but it won't work for a trained individual trying to develop greater strength. This way of training makes perfect sense if you're seriously training martial arts because it's better to spread your volume throughout the week to lessen the negative impact resistance training has on your martial arts training. 

But if your goal is bodybuilding or powerlifting, for example, spreading all your volume across every day of the week won't make a difference in the total amount of volume you have to do. If I could do the same amount of volume in 4 gym visits that I could do in 7, I'd prefer to train 4x/wk instead of 7 for the sake of saving time. Making long-term progress involves sticking to a program that's challenging enough to allow you to progress but not so challenging that you burn out or become sore. The few times I get sore are after breaking a personal strength record or coming back to lifting after taking a break for longer than a week. The resulting soreness is acceptable to me because I don't have to be sparring 6 days a week. 

Point being that you should train in accordance with your goals and fitness level, not because someone on the internet has some cool new way of training. Firas isn't wrong, but I'd caution against training the same way he does because most people are not an elite MMA fighter. 

@Rinne this video was way too fun. Stage green does fitness, he's literally hugging trees!

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Make sure you don't over-train because it leads to you having less willpower for later workouts, but workout frequently

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@waking_dreams Great video, right? I agree with you, this training method would be good for someone who is new to the gym. Although for an experienced athlete, it would need to be more complicated and nuanced. With your powerlifting example, I think it is still doable to train powerlifting each day, but thats where the amount of intensity makes a huge difference. Most days of training should be for volume and fun, not intensity. Then again, that might be very taxing on your nervous system, especially if you go more than 70% of your max multiple times a week.


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