Revolutionary Think

My Jealousy has melted away

4 posts in this topic

Just thought I'd share something positive with all of you. When I was younger and my life was quite painful I used to get jealous of people who had parents that were married, were enjoying their lives, had more money, did extremely well in school, knew advanced topics, and who could go on awesome vacations. Now though I see it's all a state of mind jealousy and envy aren't useful emotions and they don't do anything to improve our lives. After I went on my trips to Australia, Japan, Israel, and New Zealand by myself I thought to myself that I shouldn't have been jealous of the people who have more abundance and are happy instead I should be making friends with them and learning from them. So when I went to the ISDC and met Jeff Bezos maybe I was a little envious that he never had to worry about money a day in is life but, when I got up to him and talked to him face to face it was like he was like at the end of the day we were just people having a conversation and all that other stuff is an illusion. I have a body he has a body and we're both living on this planet. He didn't think that I was just some peasant not worthy of having a conversation with him and in fact he started the conversation because I went up to him but, didn't know what to say at first. Then when I started mingling with all the rocket scientists and space enthusiasts despite not having a background in the hard sciences it just seemed like I belonged there anyway just because I had a passion for it. I felt like I was just as much a part of it with my Communications Degree from CSUN than someone who went to Harvard and had a degree in astrophysics. So I made my way to those awesome countries I always wanted to see and now I'm part of Mars Academy USA and I'm going to be a part of something with more doctors and scientists as a 3D printing officer and who knows what awesome things are in store for me in my future. It feels so liberating not to have to have any homework assignments from school in the back of my head and not be somewhere watching someone happy and coming from a place of abundance and me shaking my fists at that person saying I deserve all of this and that person doesn't because I know now there is plenty to go around. 

So if you are that jealous person I was in their teens or mid-twenties know that things always evolve and change and where you are now isn't where you are going to end up. Just send your signal out into the Universe and instead of being jealous and envious from the people who have success and are in a better place than you try to emulate them and befriend them it's a much better idea. Just imagine if in Germany instead of the people being stupid and hating the Jews they knew nothing about they made friends with them and learned from them instead. More people have that mindset of abundance and love the better place this planet (and even the universe) will be. 

Edited by Revolutionary Think

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