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Bufo Alvarius

List of Radical Recontextualizations

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After watching Leo's new video, I thought of starting a list of radical recontextualizations, so that one can start to orientate his experience of everyday life in the context of these profound insights. And by that I do not mean to just take them on blind faith (like a new belief system), but to sit down with them and contemplate the shit out of them. Personally, I had great success combining my kriya practises with transmission work and additionally supporting my current experiences with the conceptual framework of these recontexualizations. Sometimes it seems you are right on the edge to another realization and these recontextualizations can work as pointers to push you over the edge.

Here is what I got so far from Leo's episodes and my own realisations:

- Everything is God and you are IT

- Reality is an illusiion/dream

- Reality = (is equal to) nothingness = everything = infinity = consciousness = God = Self = emptiness = Nirguna Brahman = Mu = formlessness = form = awakening = Abolute = being

- Everything is made out of consciousness

- Past and future are an illusion, everything exists as an eternal singularity. In that sense, eternity (or reality/God) uses finite mind to experience itself gradually.

- Life & death are identical, everything just exists. Therefore non-existence is just a concept in existence.

- Everything = nothingness and therefore absolutely nothing ever happened or all is ever happening.

- You (as the Self) created the whole universe, including your very self.

- Every object is infinite in itself.

- You (as a human) is a concept, therefore you have never been born, neither will you die. Nevertheless the experience itself of you as a human is real.

- There is no perception that is happening to somebody, perceptions just exists in itself to itself. Like a movie that plays itself to itself (aka strange loop).

- Inner and outer are identical. There is no you looking at an outside world, in a sense there is just outside world (appereances) in itself looking at itself.

- Everything is infinite in scale. For every object you can zoom in and out into infinity (talking about radical recontextualisation, think of carrying the whole universe inside you) .

- Everything is infinitely connected and correlated to everything else. You carrying a penny has to do with every other possible event in existence and is infinitely correlated with these.


Those are the ones I could come up with so far. Every one of them has many layers of depth and can get further recontextualized the more you ponder each of them. Spiritual practise is key to bring any of those realisations into being. 


Let's keep adding to this list, either from breakthrough experiences, mind fucks or any other profound epiphanies.




Edited by Bufo Alvarius

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There exists several if not infinite dimensions of You, of Reality. The physical world/body is one of them.


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i feel like these realizations have been said over and over in the videos for the past 2 years. 

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You forgot to mention aliens doing experiences & stuff..

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