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John Iverson

Let's talk about history :D

3 posts in this topic

I want to know every lesson you encounter about the history of your country, everything.. Let's make it broad and we try to connect each others history and see how connected are we as a country, as an individual or as a "COLLECTIVE EGO", I want these to be broad just for me or others know every topic within the "history".. let's make this a thread for history and we connected it for every video that will come in the future, I think it is better to have one, just for every now and then we can read the history here.. I don't want this to be a conversation, it will entombed the information, so as soon as possible don't post any Unnecessary..

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4 minutes ago, John Iverson said:

Let's talk about history :D

In India the idea was that history consists of mundane, ordinary, day to day things, which go on being repeated. A king is born, a king dies; another king will be there, he will die. Empires are built and disappear. 

The Indian word for history is very significant. It is itihas. The word means "that which comes and disappears like a soap bubble" the end is not very far from the beginning. So instead they used to write puranas, mythology. Now, the word puranas means something not concerned with individuals but with essentials.

We have not written histories about Buddha, Mahavira or Krishna, no. That would have been dragging something immensely beautiful into the muddy unconsciousness of humanity. We have not written histories about these people, we have written myths. What is a myth? A myth is a parable, a parable that only points to the moon but says nothing about it—a finger pointing to the moon.

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