Ibn Sina

I think Shamanic breathing is harmful.

6 posts in this topic

When you continuously take in oxygen for over 30 mins/ breath rapidly/hyperventilate it can cause  the accumulation of oxygen , and there is less amount of carbon dioxide in your body as you are taking in more oxygen before your body's metabolic reactions in tissues has time to produce more CO2, which means that there is hyper alkalinity . There is imbalance in blood pH and this is what is causing all sorts of neurological effects.  Wikipedia says- . Respiratory alkalosis is caused by hyperventilation, resulting in a loss of carbon dioxide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkalosis

Edited by Ibn Sina

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
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This is already being discussed here: 

Please make sure to check if it's already been posted before you post things.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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So has Leo made any comments about this?  And what are people settled on after knowing about this? Will they still do it or are there any counter arguments?

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
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28 minutes ago, Ibn Sina said:

So has Leo made any comments about this?  And what are people settled on after knowing about this? Will they still do it or are there any counter arguments?

Look at the thread. It's your choice to do it or not, you are your own medicine man, take responsibility to do research into your costs and benefits of this and make a choice.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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i was not on forum when leo just started mentioning using psychedelics and i wonder if the forum had similar split reactions to psychedelics (saying that its rly bad, etc) as they have to shamanic breathing.

I have read & researched as much as i could, and i could not find one person on the internet that said they got health issues from this practice. Ive looked at interviews of people doing it for 20 years (old ppl, they look like theyre in their 60s) and they look full of life, nothing looks wrong.

The only negatives i find is people finding issues with disbalancing O2/CO2 levels, and all of these people who wrote this either never did the practice or did it once or twice. Also this is something that many facilitators say that you shouldnt do for your whole life like meditation, many advocated to use it for a year or two,  then after that once yearly. It is up to you obviously, i think people are going a bit crazy over this, there are many other options for psychotherapy, you dont have to do shamanic breathing. You can do mirror work, get a therapist (prolly $$) or i heard presence process & completion process books are good as well. 

Bonus theres a study (not sure how credible it is) where a doctor tested it on 11,000 psychiatric patients and no one displayed any health issues. Someone posted the link in the main holotropic thread.

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Ego loves to fear the unknown realms of the psyche.

Wikipedia is the not the best source for spiritual guidance.

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