
Chair ,Crosslegged and Lotus - Does it matter?

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Does it really make a difference whether we meditate on a chair, or on the ground crosslegged or lotus?

I've heard from some Gurus that posture does not make a difference.

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I don't think that it really makes a difference. It's said that you should sit in a way, which grounds yourself best. And of course comfort plays a role, so that you can meditate without having to quit because of the pain. When I gathered information about vipassana retreats, they said that if you have trouble sitting crosslegged, you can just meditate on a chair.

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For a 15-minute session anything would work, but the longer the session gets, I would think the more apt you'd be to nod off to sleep if you were too comfortable. My goal for my 45-min sessions is to find the most comfort I can without nodding off asleep. I'd rather err on the side of too LITTLE comfort, because that has meditational benefits if you can sit through the pain/discomfort the whole time. 

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5 hours ago, Sirius said:

Does it really make a difference whether we meditate on a chair, or on the ground crosslegged or lotus?

I've heard from some Gurus that posture does not make a difference.

If it was critical, someone with no legs could never reach enlightenment :)

I will say that I have noticed that certain body positions can bring about more clarity than others but I have found through experimentation that much of the differences in efficacy can be overcome to a large degree. I think the positions recommended are best if they do not cause discomfort but if they do, the discomfort can be a bigger detractor than using an alternative position.

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I had insane results just by being comfortable.I don't know if they could be more, if I was meditating in "right" postures.

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does not matter at all, but if you are using a chair make sure you are sitting up straight and not using the back support

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I always meditate on a chair.Of course i maintain a good posture.I got good results like this.

You guys are right, whatever makes you comfortable is best.I used to force myself into crosslegged postition to the point of pain, which was distracting me of course.

I'll keep up on the chair.I've set it up on a nice height, adjusting myself well.

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