
Jac O'Keeffe's helpful diagram

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Some of her Quotes:


"What you call your life was never yours anyway; you never owned anything. You are all of it and yet imagine yourself to be separate from it in order to own, search and achieve."

"Observe without thinking, without conceptualizing. Pure observing where there is nothing to see – it is this that is at the core of the I AM state."

"As long as the 'I' is looking for peace, there will be no peace." 

"You may see that every single thought you can entertain only serves to perpetuate the personal 'I"

"The world cannot exist independently of your mind, so how can the world be other than mind?" 

"All that appears as the world is dependent on you to validate its existence, and this can only happen if you have taken it to be true that you have an independent existence." 

"Without the movement of thought, there is no phenomenal world." 

"All is well. Continue, with patience, patience, patience to place attention outside all of it. Every story is mind, let mind do its thing. Know that mind will continue to appear to do its thing but let there be no ownership. It is not possible that thoughts are belonging to "you". Never claim ownership for this creates the idea that "you" exists. You are no more than an idea. Do not claim any thought as 'yours'."

"Go back to knowing that it is simple. The fun is in the busy-ness as long as it's fun for you. And when you see that it's just more of the same stories, all about 'me', drop it. You can observe what goes on benignly, but keep going. From the position of observer, take that last step. Who's the one observing ? Go there. Who is that ultimate, absolute observer, where 'seeing itself' arises from ? Let attention rest there. Let it be ok that nothing has happening. Let the show be over, let the movie, the story of 'I' as an individual person, be over. And see what happens. Truth will reveal itself, absolute clarity of how this matrix works, will show itself to be no more than a matrix. And somehow, a capacity to enjoy what ever is unfolding is always there. You don't have to be perfect, you don't have to have good health, you don't have to do it before your body dies, it's got nothing to do with anything : it's right now, place your attention behind any stories, any concepts. From there, freedom arises, beauty arises, love arises. But don't take my word for it, do it. And prove me wrong, I'd be delighted. I'll take on that challenge any day (laughter). Do it and find out. So blessings on all of us, who are pretending to be human."

awakening story: https://jac-okeeffe.com/about

- At a Santo Dime Ceremony a great inner black vacuum stripped all from jac. It seemed to annihilate her totally. During this spiritual ceremony it became clear that existence itself was a thought. All she thought existed was simply all she thought. Existence itself was no more than thought and so she too was not real in any authentic way. All thoughts that jac existed were stripped. Fighting for her life, for any reality that was intellectually sound proved pointless. It was a violent and traumatic experience that lasted many hours. Over the following days, it was clear that all that manifests is no more than a thought, that the perceived reality attached to creation is also a thought. -

- She was physically taken care of by her friend and as that period of time ended and some capacity to engage consciously with the world returned it also was directly known that there are no individuals. Both personal and divine will both have no basis in Reality. There is simply the appearance of energy moving through form and part of that energy is thought. All that is in creation moves as one mass constantly in flux, never adding or losing from the sum total of all that is. Energy is simply changing from one form to another. Somehow all of this gets named and labeled as if it comprises separate parts and then somehow, thought is believed to be the truth. Yet, there is prior to all that changes and attention can remain there. For jac there was one remaining desire, still running, that gave the idea that she existed.-

- All is manifesting as it is, it can not be any other way than how it is, but a personal "I" will believe otherwise. That is the nature of the personal "I". One year later, jac was asked to give satsang and well... somehow the show goes on without ownership of any thought, any action. No ownership does not mean no responsibility, for it is clear that there is only God, all is God or all is Nothing - as you like. Without the personal "I" there can be no ownership of anything, not even one thought is "yours". All is passing through and even the seeing of all - the labeling of what is passing through fades also. What's to be said – except that cliché – that at the end of it all, nothing ever happened!

I enjoyed the simplicity of it and just wanted to share if it may help others. 

Edited by JustinS


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Her cute little trailer for her DVD is just so simple and clean. Haha I am not promoting her in anyway it's just that I think she's a true gem! 


"It's Prior to Nonduality, duality and nonduality are still within duality, both categories. Still in the area of conceptualization. So we can see where dualism is still at play and pull back and see that wow the nondual nature of all that is, that's Consciousness....prior to that!" xD

Edited by JustinS


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“The mind will never know the Truth, hence, it is when the end of seeking it will reveal itself. But this happens through the maturity of one’s journey. There is a softening that happens when you realize the mind will never know it.”


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“I used to be into healing chakras and working with energies but it was just a temperory fix until something else came along to disturb them.”

”The new age thing plays a role but its very far from Truth.”


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