Sahil Pandit

FOOD Recipes Thread!

25 posts in this topic

Perfect salad recipe :


·         Vegetables: 1 or more of each

o   Leafy greens (i.e. Lettuce, Kale, Cabbage, Chard)

o   Cruciferous vegetables (i.e. Broccoli, Radishes, Cauliflower)

o   Bitters (i.e. Arugula, Dandelion Greens)

o   Herbs (i.e. Rosemary, Oregano, Dill, Basil)

o   Sprouts (i.e. Broccoli Sprouts, Radish Sprouts, Alfalfa Sprouts)

·         Fats: ~ 5 TBS

o   Olive Oil or Mct Oil

o   Lemon Juice and Primal Kitchen Dressings (i.e. Caesar + Balsamic Vinegar)

§  Whole Avocado or a handful of Olives

§  Cacao Nibs: 1 OZ or ¼ cup or Coconut Flakes

§  Sprouted nuts and seeds

·         Fermented Foods: A few servings of Sauerkraut, Kimchi, or other fermented vegetables

·         Protein: A serving of either Liverwurst, Sardines, Ousters, Salmon, Eggs, or Feta cheese

            o   Adds up to 30-40 grams of protein

·         Potato Starch: 1-2 TBS

·         Sea Salt

·         Ginger: Raw or crystalized with sugar washed off

·         Ayurvedic spice mix (Ground Ginger, Fennel, Cumin, Coriander, Cardamom).

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Home-Run Season Rice


  1. Brown rice
  2. Cooked Peas
  3. Coconut Milk
  4. Pupmkin and Sweet Potato (chopped)
  5. Ackee
  6. Greens (Callaloo or Brocolli ect)


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Last night I made a lovely meal...

Red Thai curry (vegetarian) (with my own twist)


Red and yellow pepper


Red and green chilli

Sweet potato (chopped)

Red Thai curry paste




Serve on Organic brown rice

Looked a little something like this before cooking, very vibrant and turned out to be extremely tasty and flavoursome ? (excuse my little Yoda in the background ?)



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