
ENLIGHTENMENT MOTIVATION: Self Inquiry for 1 week...shit starts to get crazy...

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Hey Guys,


so I´ve been doing Self Inquiry or about a week now and I start to get more and more frustrated. I feel like all my models of the world are crumbling in real life and no longer just intelectually. My mind resists like crazy and compells me to stop because "This just doesn´t go anywhere."

Another insight I`ve had is that I now realize how all my "petty problems" stem from a lack of truth and conciousness in my life. This doesn´t say that my emotional Traumas/neuroses are not really causing me pain or anything like that. Those traumatized parts Need Unconditional Presence/Love/Self Love and I do Shadow Work for that. I mean that there´s a lack in the overarching narative of conciousness and therefore deeper purpose and part of my life purpose.

So glad I finally started a daily Self Inquiry Practice in my life. 

So to everybody who hasn´t yet I would highly recommend it. In fact I´d urge you. This is like super freaking important at least as a part of your Self Actualization journey. But to me it´s really becoming the core, the overarching narative I think.

And to all the experienced Self Inquieres I´d like to ask the question:

How has your journey with the Journey to "Enlightenment" have been ?

What Tools do you have for beginners of this practice like me ?


Much love,



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@Moritz What a great attitude. Doing the ‘work’, open minded asking for insights. Awesome.  I would just say keep going. It’s so worthwhile. Daily morning mediation (if you’re not yet) is powerful and blends so well with the shadow work and self inquiry. Exercise kicks it all up a notch too. Happy for you Moritz!



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@Moritz wonderful, thanks for sharing your experience! 

everything Nahm wrote is gold. yoga and a clean diet are also very important. we are what we eatxD good luck on your journey Moritz!

whatever arises, love that

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You want to balance all the Mind stuff with just watching reality.  It’s by watching reality that you make real progress in enlightenment.  The theory is just there to serve as a kind of reminder to that.  

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thx for all the cool & helpfull answers guys ! :-)

very appreciated. 

good luck to all of you as well.


Much Love,




PS: What type of diet do you guys eat ???

I´m very curious. 

I eat a whole food plant based diet. Sometimes I eat oil or sugar but mostly whole foods with lots of raw stuff.

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