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Do good and bad exist, or are they figments of imagination?

Good and bad do not exist. They exist as a perspective, but from objective truth, they do not. Something good to me could be bad to somebody else. Something good happening at the wrong time could be bad. Good only can be there if there is bad to compare it to. Good and bad are relative and distinct to an individual. In reality, there is no difference, the two ideas go hand in hand, meaning they go full circle. From an objective perspective, the two are non-dual, no different.

To expand, all dualities are distinct and therefore not truth. Up vs down, left vs right, shy vs outgoing, life vs death, existing vs non existing, black vs white, tall vs short, etc. All of which point back to the same non-dual nature.

What good does it do to believe in non-duality?

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get it?

truth be told you should be asking yourself that, asking others is only going to show you their version of why it does "good" but even then it will only be "good" from your perspective. you have to figure out if it has any basis yourself. 

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@lens It's showing us that language can only get you so far. Non-Duality is pointing towards nothingness. I see. 

Edited by ragolp

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15 minutes ago, ragolp said:

are they figments of imagination?

They are pigments of imagination.

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forget absolute perspective. from absolute all is absolute and all is relative in the same time. absolute perspective has zero care whether u good or bad. but also it cares 100% coz you are IT.

its you who needs to care for your life and for your life and surrounding reality only. 


You can choose good being or evil bad being.

To be good is to be in your true non-dual state of being, like all other animals and babies. Unified with reality = god. JUST FOR ONE REASON - not to suffer anymore. Most stable thing for it is to enlighten yourself. Thats why spirituality is important - best ways to no more suffering.

To be evil is to continue ego separation and continue suffer in long-term even if it feels good in short.


doesn't make you a bad person for a bit. but from your perspective you often gonna feel bad in your duality awareness 

u can surely have very good life in duality, but its not 100% stable. and it is full of resistance

instead u can choose path of least resistance.

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