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What is the best way to help?

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There is this girl, that I grown a liking for. She has recently started doing personal development, which is great. But I found that whenever there is a problem in her life she resort to weed or want to cuddle and be intimate with me: to feel better. Now I'm all for cuddles but I'm also all for growth and overcoming problems long term.

On one hand I get it, she is feeling down and wants to feel better so she seeks out something that will. But on the other hand this is not how you solve problems, doing this only delays them and you don't learn anything if you just run from your problems. For me the best approach has always been to suffer though it and have faith it will get better, often this will require action of some kind. Now talking about the problem with someone that understands and cares can be very useful, but that's not really wants she is after here.

Now I can't do anything about her smoking, I wouldn't even tell how I feel about sense we are only friends after all, the cuddles I can but wouldn't that just be cruel?

Don't get me wrong this does not happens often, maybe once every 3 months.

So what would you do in this situation?

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I would find the reason why this is not about her and her habits. 

Relationships in general are very good for spiritual practice. 

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One small thing is saying that see how good you're feeling now? By working on yourself you can have this all the time. Of course the delivery of this message has to be good as well but still.

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