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When working on my business my body DIES

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When doing most kinds of work (I think difficult work), my mind goes into panic mode and my body STRESSES OUT. My energy depletes from 100-0 and I feel like death/extreme body pain. I can't go on like this. These are some insights I think I may have gained. Should I just start becoming mindful and as Leo says "make my body like a superconductor of negative emotions?"

Thoughts that may be going into my body: 

Is there something wrong with me?

Oh my god that is too hard

Oh my god that's a lot of work

Oh my god it's overwhelming

Oh my god this is to complex is there something wrong with me


Edited by d0ornokey

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Detail the symptoms.

Edited by Shin

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2 hours ago, Shin said:

Detail the symptoms.

head feels imploding, eyes exhausted, back pain and stress, shoulder stress and an overall feeling of "pain and fatigue"

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@d0ornokey I kind of know what u feel although i don't know how severe it is.

I have had that problem recently as i am busy renovating a house i bought and i have zero skills that area.

So i bought it and was extremely happy about it and finally i could learn these skills which is also my goal of developing but then it was time to actually go do it and i felt extremely overwhelmed in spite of the help i got, i realized then how much i had to learn and i didn´t even know where to start.

I had a LOT of stress the first few weeks.

A few months in now and i can say that the solution to this problem was that first accepting you´re a total noob in this and just start on something, of course u instantly run into problems and from there it is nonstop problem solving of little stuff one at a time, break up the problem into a 1000 small problems that u can handle and don´t be afraid to ask loads of people for help most will gladly help you.

Maybe your problem is that you don´t know how to teach yourself that is a frequent problem in this age of comfort and easy entertainment and i suffered so long from it, it also KILLS your self esteem and it is slightly traumatic for me because i was addicted to videogames so long that i did not really know how to teach myself real skills is this true for you too?

Probably the only answer to this is to get attain mastery in something of your choosing and to go right through the pain.

It helps me i know that for a fact.

Do you have experience in mastering a particular skill?


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