
How Do You Use Brute Force When You Burn Out Quickly?

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Somtimes i can use brute force to start something but then the fire seems to wear off and I go back to square one

.  Any tips? I'm 18 and I'm having trouble doing homework and studying 

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@Joker1111 might be how you’re thinking about the work to do. Plant the thoughts seeds that grow the tree of enjoyment and purpose, so to speak. Prep first with some thoughts on why you’re doing what you’re doing, where it’s leading, what opportunities it aligns for you. Independence ? Be patient, takes a while to grow. Meditate every morning. Exercise every morning. Eat healthy. 



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  • Break the project up into a set of sub-projects.  Do each sub-project one at a time in a sequence;  
  • Put each sub-project on an index card and arrange the cards in a sequence.  As you compete an item, throw the card away;  
  • Once you throw all the cards away, you're done!

This productivity strategy is to break a large project down into a series of parts and do each part in a sequence.  Create a visual aid with the index cards, which keep the Mind satisfied because it knows where it is in the project.  The Mind also likes to know when it accomplishes a sub-project -- that's why it's good to throw each card away when each sub-project is completed.  These kinds of things keep the Mind on board. 

The Mind does not like to be put upon.  You have to engage it nicely with the project or it will resist and throw up a defense mechanism.  Fatigue is one of the Mind's common defense mechanisms when it is not on board with what is happening.  Watch yourself start yawning! 

Another method for getting the Mind on board with what you are trying to do is: Visualize beforehand doing the project from start to end so the Mind is made aware of what to expect.  This reduces resistance too.  On my walk to work in the mornings I visualize my entire day from that point to when I go to sleep.  I try to visualize everything in detail that I am going to do that day.  This benefits me enormously because it gives the Mind a nice heads-up, and the Mind knows in advance what to expect.  I can't tell you how beneficial this practice is for sailing through your day like a hot knife through a stick of butter!

The Mind has to be treated nicely like a potentially menacing dog.  You're not just gonna yank a pit bull's leash and expect it to jump and do what you want it to!  Unless you're crazy, right?  You gotta treat it nicely and entice it to do what you want.  It has to decide to do what you want.  It has to be on board with you.  The mind works like that too. 

Here's another metaphor to get at this from a different angle.  You know when you are downloading some software and you get one of those little timers or circles that fills in that lets you know how long you have to wait for the downloading process to happen?  Well, that comforts the Mind, because you couldn't take it having to wait there if you didn't know how long you had to wait!  That would be so unnerving, think about it.  What I said above is sort of the same principle.  You're letting the Mind know what to expect in your day and what to expect in your projects, so that its neuroses don't manifest.  The Mind is "bought in" so to speak, at least tacitly.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Perhaps it is because you are forcing it? Force will only get you so far.

Reprogramming your subconscious is a lengthy task but it can make things you had to force flow authentically if you are able to do it. An example of this is that i personally hated to make food before, saw it as a bore and something that just had to be done in order to not starve. After a year my outlook on this has completely changed. I take my time making food, do it mindfully and i am much healthier. How did i do this? I can't point down a single thing but its a combination of seeing the bigger picture of what good nutrition can do for you and trying to find joy in things i previously despised because of laziness. I had to ask myself why i always resisted getting up and cooking. It took time, but now its easier for me to make better and more complex dishes, while at the same time enjoying it. Food isnt the same as homework, but the same principles apply. Try to see your studies in a bigger perspective. Ask yourself questions. Why are you actually learning this? Why is this a part of human knowledge? What do we need this for? How does this information connect to my own existence?


Mindlessly doing homework without asking yourself questions about the subject will make you burnt out. Mindfully doing anything with seeing a bigger picture will make you go all the way. And it wont be hard, it'll just flow.


Last thing, slow and steady wins the race. Don't do the trap and try to force this information either. Just have faith in the process and let time make the knowledge grow into your brain. There is no rush. Rushing will just make things go slower in the long run and even if it doesn't it will probably make you miserable.

Edited by AxelK

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