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I am confused about this topic..I see people here on this forum taking about  the NoFap challange and actually doing it.On the other hand I hear people saying that masturbation is healthy and prevents prostate cancer(Ralph Smart).On another fucking hand I see people saying that if you masturbate you increase your chances for prostate cancer -_-.

What am I supposed to believe or prove to myself that one of the "theories" above is right?I am 17(guy) and never had a problem with masturbation. Fortunately,I am not addicted to porn nor to masturbation.

Is it really that the NoFap challange has a role in self development?I is not normal to jack off multiple times a day or everyday..and the issue lies within yourself or your mind,not within the act itself.Therefore,trying to brute Force your way out of the act doesn't resolve your issue.I know from personal experience..there was a short period of time in my life where I masturbated a lot in order to avoid stress and other strong negative emotions..and yeah,it worked..for a few minutes..then the emotions came back.And I admit..I tried NoFap and went on for 2 weeks..I could have gone further but I thought to myself..what for?

That being it healthy or not to masturbate?If yes,is there any way it could have an impact on developing myself?(like developing intimacy with myself,I don't know...)

Oh yeah..if you plan on telling me.."Go get a girlfriend and f her"...please don't. This is stupid..I am trying to understand if the act itself helps me in any way and how I should react to the urge to do it.

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6 minutes ago, see_on_see said:

NoFap is just the other extreme of being addicted to fapping. It's a neurosis some guys develop because they get brainwashed into thinking that not fapping will make them more confident, better at dating, more energetic, more conscious etc.

It's all nonsense. They attribute their psychological problems to fapping when the problems really lie elsewhere.

Having orgasms regularly is healthy, and you can fap in moderation while still being confident, energetic, on your purpose, and successful with girls.

That said if you have a problem with porn/fap addiction and you do it in excess then definitely do something about it. But you don't need to guilt trip yourself or try to make your balls explode by repressing your desires, that's unhealthy and it won't solve anything.

Moderation is key. Porn addiction, as any addiction really is distraction. The problem is, when men want to break the addiction, moderation is actually harder to do then flat out not doing it. 
That being said, if you do not have any addictive behaviour towards porn and /or masturbation, then this isn't a topic for you, just as if you dont have an alkohol addiction, drinking a beer from time to time doesn't hurt. It hurts the addicted person, though.

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It's not really that I'm blindly doing Nofap because it is 'better' in any way. Ofcourse it really has it's benefits. You can google them. For examply more energy, higher testosterone levels in the body; which helps with working out, etc

But those are not my reasons why. I do it because I've noticed within myself a lot of loneliness and yearning for love. When I masturbate I temporarily numb that feeling. So the real purpose why I am doing Nofap right now is to be able to solve this yearning for love. This simply isn't possible when I numb this feeling. There has to be exposure to the pain to grow.

Edited by Max_V

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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@Ryan_047 Well that's basically what I'm doing. Exploring suffering and internal struggle is the basis of Shadow work. I do this alone and with a psychologist

Nofap makes it that much easier to work on this part of my shadow because I'm not numbing down the struggle and pain but actually experiencing and feeling it.

Edited by Max_V

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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