Joseph Maynor

Besides Enlightenment And Life Purpose What Are Some Other Personal Development Strategies That Are At This Caliber

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Personal Development Mega-Strategies:


Life Purpose




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Here's one, although you can think of visualization as being a part of Life Purpose work too: 

  • Practicing Visualization in Writing Daily for a 20 minutes (I do 25 minutes daily which is one Pomodoro). 

NOTE: When you do your visualization session, do it in writing in MS Word or Microsoft One Note.  Hell, use One Note, this will get you on track with your Commonplace Book, as Leo talks about.  But you want to start to crystalize all your goals and visions into writing.  The more you codify your goals and visions, the more they will become your reality.  You wanna be thinking about it all the time, and you want it to be real for you.  Writing works to do this for you by objectifying thoughts.  Use it, it's Mankind's most profound technology so far -- writing.  If you don't have your life's vision in writing, just watch how fast the Mind will forget or forget the details!  Don't fall into this trap.  Your vision needs to be clear, detailed, and inspiring to cause the ambition you need to get your shit together by a stroke of magic almost.  The authentic self needs a map; it needs to fashion a very pragmatic map of what it wants in this life -- or else, yer gonna get something else, and God doesn't play dice, as Einstein said.  Don't crapshoot your life, program it in like a C++ program instead.

Construct a very clear and definite picture of where you see yourself 5 minutes from now, 5 hours from now, 5 days from now, 5 weeks from now, 5 months from now, 5 years from now, 5 decades from now.  This takes work, break it down into a habit and do it a little bit everyday.  These are your navigation charts.  Go ahead and modify this at will.  (NOTE: Don't use this writing like a noose.  You do it, don't let it do you.  You wanna have lots of sentences, but be flexible with them too.  The Mind doesn't control reality, although it likes to think it does -- so be realistic with your rules, but use them abundantly.  That's a paradox you gotta swallow.)  Think about this: if you don't know where you are going in detail, how the fuck you gonna get there?  You're not!  So, you need a tool, a map for your life that is for real and in writing, not just some weak notion in the mind.  Your Big Vision needs to be as serious as the US Constitution, more serious actually.  Create it and treat it as such.  Only you can show your life the proper respect.  Are you?

This Big Vision practice is just as important as Meditation.  Ideas are where all architecture starts, and you are the architect of your life.  Vision is what creates motivational drive in you: then you will take actions needed to make those ideas real.  I am proud of kind of discovering this in my life -- well, at least the part that it should be kept in writing and that it should ultimately be worked into a very large bulleted narrative.  Create your own life in writing and then there is no question about what you should be doing now, which makes all your actions easy, because you are doing what you authentically need to be doing, and the Mind knows that, which allows the Ego to get bypassed by a realization of -- Oh!  I'm hurting myself!  by doing otherwise.  See -- you can't knowingly hurt yourself in if you are highly-aware in the moment, which is the Awareness Principle or Law of Awareness, however you want to term it.  The only way that you hurt yourself is by not having clear awareness of what you should be doing and what that takes.  All those mundane details need to be there in writing, or they will not be honored.  Period.  The Ego will give you a lot of resistance to doing this Big Vision work, just a heads up. 

But if you can implement this Big Vision practice, loosely not neurotically (ease into this like stepping into a cool pool or you'll quit fast), it will be impossible for you to fail in life because you'll be 10 steps ahead of yourself, and most other people too.  You can't approach life without a plan, although the Ego makes this seem natural and even preferable.  This is a guaranteed way to be deeply unsatisfied with life, and you will show many signs of this -- it will eat at you from the inside-out.  You will feel like life is a burden and you will have this deep sense of failing to live up to your fullest potential, or even a fraction of that.  Not a good way to look at your life in the rear-view mirror when you are on your deathbed.  I wanna feel like I took a shot, even if it was just a piece of the shot I felt obligated to take with my life to do it justice.  Otherwise, I will feel like a loser measured up against my own authentic values, which is not a good way to feel -- it's the worst way to feel.  It's how I feel right now, although a lot of progress has been made in the last couple-few years as I've done personal development  work on my own life.

Start your Big Vision with your most pragmatic goals.  Just type those in first.  Then type in all your other goals.  This is the foundation for your Big Vision.  Then start to build around these and add in details from your Life Purpose work.  WARNING: The Ego is gonna tell you this is a BIG waste of time.  But the truth is -- this is the very best use you could make of your time!  There is no greater use of your time except possibly taking action, although taking action without a clear objective can be running around like a chicken with its head cut off too -- which is the problem with action -- it has to be focused action to be high-quality action.  That qualification is mandatory.  So, strategy (vision) is slightly more important than action is in a sense, although you do need both.  (Big Vision is a strategy, although not all strategies are Big Visions.)  The clearer and more authentic your Big Vision is, the more the actions will take care of themselves, almost by magic.  Your blocks will begin to melt and you'll just work without any problems.  It's so paradoxical because the Ego leads you to believe that you need to beat yourself up to act and that you are a failure for not acting.  Actually the problem is that your awareness is weak -- you want to get to the point where the Mind becomes your friend and actually guides reality to authentic outcomes in the moment for you. 

In conclusion -- so far we have 3 Mega-strategies to help us improve our lives: Enlightenment, Life Purpose, Big Vision.  What else can you come up with along these lines?

Videos on point:


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Enlightenment and Life Purpose.  Next would be codifying your Big Vision in writing and updating it on a daily basis.  Finally, you need to understand some implementation strategies like building daily routines, building willpower muscle, time-blocking your workday, and achieving peak-performance on a plateau.  

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