
High Yield Techniques

6 posts in this topic

It would be interesting to see what high yield techniques you've all found for actualisation and any other subjects you've tried to study. 


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Recently for me one has been --Habitual day to day affirmation mentality + mantras + reminder strategies. Great for programming your subconscious and focusing on what's most important. 

Memento Mori

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Some of the best techniques i have found so far is

(there are also some good techniques here:

for personal development:

fully feel the emotion with zero resistance (don't avoid pain as it could create mental illness)

do the hardest emotional thing

look inside your thoughts to find the root cause

to check if you have gotten true growth vs fake growth be aware if anything have changed  inside or check if your behavior has changed you could also test your self in situations related to what you wanted to grow and see if anything is different 

do things more intentional and deliberate 

deep relaxation relax both body and the mind in a place of isolation to relax 

journal(writing your thoughts processes down) 

write things down to really think something through 

find an important why if there is something you want to achieve 

Become aware that's there is probably no easy fix or solution to the problem you a facing 

using all your willpower on something emotionally difficult to overcome it(might take several times)

to do something faster create a schedule and do it with zero distractions (also do one thing at a time but do it with great intensity)

be 100% honest 

take 100% responsibility 

become aware thats how you do something can play an important role in getting results 

if there is something emotionally difficult if it's possible see if you can face it but in a smaller quantity for example if it something dealing with people instead of facing the problem with 10+ see if its possible with just one not to avoid the problem but so it might be easier to overcome it and once it get easier you could increase the quantity 

schedule every minut of your day

for learning:

Work with fixed hours for example if you chose to work for four hours only work in those hours and then relax or do what ever you want afterwards (could for example  be 2 hours in the morning and two hours later in the day)

deep work(focus with great intensity with zero destrations for a longer period of time)

deliberate pratice(pratice at the edge of your comfortzone with feedback and with intensity)

prepare for what you want to learn and find learning techniques that help to reach your learning goal

for understanding a topic

explain it as if you where explain to a five year old and the feynman technique 

retrivival pratice for better memoery and self testing 

Spaced repetition, ultralearning (by scott h young)

when learning a language speak from day one and 100% immersion if possible alternative do digital immersion 


Edited by BjarkeT

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  • Doing the emotionally difficult thing
  • Mindfulness
  • Contemplation
  • Meditation
  • Journaling/Writing (Amazing to see your thought processes so clearly and objectively)

The Delphic Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone of all the Greeks know that I know nothing.


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