
How Do I Not Idolize Someone?

3 posts in this topic

i mean.... how can someone not idolize a person like that 



the question was serious tho

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@Ilya Remember, they are people just like you. They feel pain, suffer, and have everyday problems just like you. Yes, they might have a talent or something that you don't have but at the deepest level, they are the same as you. 

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I was idealizing people because I thought that if I was like them I would be happy. But when I understood that outer things don't bring the kind of happiness that I want I stopped. 

You have unique circumstances and personality and habits and environment and genes etc. Success of someone else can't be applied to you at all. So when you look at someone and think that they are so cool the only thing you can do is to inspire youself, but the way you will work on yourself and kind of your success will be different, inspiration can come from outwards but change is guided by the inner forces, like intuition, feelings. Being yourself is way more fulfilling than trying to imitate.

Also, idolizing is a process of rating things, ego likes to value everything, looking for what is better than other and claim it good and disregard other things. Which is absurd, world is grey, not black and white.

Ego likes to claim that "this is right and this is wrong", and it applies this kind of thinking to people, it makes some people totally worthy and good and some totally unworthy and bad. Which is absurd again.

Also ego likes to disregard the unseen part of success, years of failure and suffering and even the damage that this person perhaps did in the past to other people.

There is no reason and value to idolize someone, it's just ego tricks that it plays on you. You must question and doubt even the most true-looking guru, because anyone can be wrong. And there's no reason to glorify anyone, just learn from them and look for others too, there's a lot more amazing people than one.

The answer to your question is: be aware that you do that, be aware that it's meaningless and limiting.

Edited by Privet



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