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I Have Emotional Problems Due To My Mom's Health

7 posts in this topic

First of all,

I hate it when people when I don't care about feed off of my energy and are for happy for no reason.

Second of all,

I have one tooth that hurts 24/7.


I have a hard time thinking about anything other than annoying one person is with the way he pronounces words. He gets his D's and his P's messed up. SUPER ANNOYING.


I'm super stressed out about how illegal all the things my mom and my brother do together are. It's like their intentions are about ganging up on me, and mistreating me because of my age. It doesn't help that I have Borderline Personality Disorder either.


I'm angry at my neighbors, who I thought were my friends, but I'm never in a million years considering them friends again. I don't care what they've done. They're simply neighbors that I'm never going to take legal against, but I'm also not going to talk about my own legal cases with either.

Most likely, you all are going to refuse this as the truth when it is the truth. You guys only know through me my words on the internet, and I'm extremely annoyed with the person who gets his D's and P's messed up. He's violent these days.

I could write a book about every little thing that person does wrong.


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12 minutes ago, Morrtiz said:

Let it all out.

But I wouldn't say that you have possession of the truth.

I don't have (what doctors call) "BPD", but even I don't assume that I know exactly what is going on in others minds.

You might want to ask them what their intentions are first. I think that is a step in a better direction.


You're an easy person to communicate with TOWARDS ME.

Not sure what your values are though.

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Are you mediating? Your going to stay miserable if you keep all this bundled up.

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4 minutes ago, nightrider1435 said:

Are you mediating? Your going to stay miserable if you keep all this bundled up.

I'm taking medication, and you're right.

Edited by CuteCornDog
I have Language Processing Disorder!

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Whenever these emotions start coming about, just sit back and take a nice deep breathe in and out. Focus all your attention on the breathe as you do this. Do this whenever you feel it is necessary, it will help you relax more. Overall don't beat yourself up, everything is going to be ok. ;)

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12 minutes ago, nightrider1435 said:

Whenever these emotions start coming about, just sit back and take a nice deep breathe in and out. Focus all your attention on the breathe as you do this. Do this whenever you feel it is necessary, it will help you relax more. Overall don't beat yourself up, everything is going to be ok. ;)




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 The world is just a mirror, and you are reflected in it. Each mind is living in its own world, it creates the world. So if everything looks negative and everything looks destructive and everything looks inimical, against you, it is because you do not have the positive center in you...If you are positive, then nothing is negative for you. If you are negative, then everything will be negative for you. You are the source of all that exists around you, you are the creator of your own world.

Existence cannot be forced to go according to you, it flows in its own way. If you can flow with it, you will be positive. If you fight with it, you will become negative and the whole thing, the whole cosmos around you, will turn negative.

It is just like a person who is trying to float upstream, then the stream is negative. If you are trying to float upstream in a river, then the river will seem negative and you will feel that the river is fighting you - that the river is pushing you downwards. The river is trying to move you downstream, not upstream, so it will seem as if the river is fighting you. The river is completely unaware of you, blissfully unaware. And it is good; otherwise the river will go to a madhouse. The river is not fighting with you, you are fighting with the river. You are trying to float upstream.

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