
Stillness An End In It Self ?

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It often seems to me that a lot of people are doing everything they can in order to encounter the complete stillness in their head.. As if it was an end in it self..

Do you think so ?

Once you have recognize where the thoughts come from meanwhile meditating, don't you have a great opportunity to take all this stuff a little less seriously and that for, be more present, more open ? In my opinion nobody has to make it perfectly, every step can be enjoyable...

Am I wrong ? Does anybody out there feel a similar way ?

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I know exactly what you are saying. Like people are trying to cut out thoughts completely.

Although sometimes they don't know why they do it, these people aren't necessarily wrong.

For me, it's about trying to find emptiness wherein non-judgement, non-desire can be found. WHy do I want to find non-judgement and non-desire? Look around you, at the world. Tall, short, intelligent, dumb, beautiful, ugly. Everything is judgement. Desire to for pleasure, to see oneself as beautiful or intelligent. The ego. Suffering. It's all interlinked.

I meditate so that I can observe form without having to judge others. I often watch Mooji's videos on Youtube, where he sometimes talks about the following the intuition of the true self. From my understanding, it is a mistake to think that we cannot function, when the mind is emptied.

Edited by tryingforfreedom

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You'll never completely cut out thoughts, but you can widen the places between those thoughts and just be. 

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there are some people who dont have thoughts like 95 per cent of the time, as a result of long term meditation 

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@MartineF Ironically, doing everything you can to still the mind is only going to cause more chaos. The answer is to just accept everything that arises, including the monkey mind. Not because you want stillness, but simply because it's what's true in the moment and resisting what's true is futile.

Taking stuff less seriously and being more open is always a great idea and should be practiced even prior to recognizing where thoughts come from.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@DreamSpirit ..well, I wrote this after reading several messages in there persons described how regulary and straight they train this issue and that one has to exercise for years in order to get a result, a few meant that it's useless.. Other meant they try so hart and they get to nowhere...

So, maybe I should have given them directly a feedback, but I liked to know how other persons in the community think about it..

For me, since I have restart meditating regulary (thank you, Leo :)), I can say that it cleared and still clear my mind step by step.

It's so liberating. I feel quite new meanwhile :-)

Still thinking.. So what ? It's a good possibility to see and feel what happens inside.. What kind of reactions come up ? Are old pattern coming through? What happens by changing some of them?

There's so much interessing work to do with it during the day, isn't it ? And it frees, doesn't it ?

Matt Kahn put it like this : "your thoughts don't have any problem with you, so why do you have some with them?"

We can observe them without following them blindly.

Of course I guess, the gaps between the thoughts are really enjoyable and they enable to experience everything in an complete different way, so much more intense...

I hope I could clarify it a little..

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Thoughts come and go, it's completely natural. Look for those thoughts you really believe and smash them.

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@WelcometoReality Are you sure you have to smash them ? Isn't it enough to look at them ? I've experienced that when they can't stay hidden in the dark where they habitually like to act from, they weaken and dissolve without any effort..

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Yes some beliefs are like that. Just seeing that they are beliefs are enough for them to dissipate. It's those at the very core of the ego that are the hardest.

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According to Gary Weber there are different thought types: You got the "problem solving thoughts", which might contain a I/me/my but that is only for the solving of the problem ("How do I get there?") and then you got the "ego-related I/me/my thoughts" ("Why is this [always] happening to me?"). You can cut out the last category unnecessary ego-related thoughts completely.

Some folks might get to this state by using plain mindfulness meditation. Gary Weber recommends self-inquiry. My personal experience is also if your mind gets still enought (i.e. during meditation) self-inquiry in addition can be very useful.

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8 hours ago, MartineF said:

@WelcometoReality Ok.. and could you tell me how to smash it, just in case one doesn't want to dissipate as usual ?  >:(

Through inquiry. Ask yourself is this thought true, why is it true etc. Watch for egoic reactions in thought and feelings.

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@Wini Interessing, I've never meditate this way.

I can't remember that I ever asked myself why something happened to me.. As long as I can recall, I had always seen a reason or at least, thought that there must be one.. It helps me to grow..

But if somebody made a whole book about this, maybe I miss the point..



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1 hour ago, MartineF said:

@WelcometoReality I thought you meant something more agressif with "smash".. So, no war, only liberation.. Right ?

Well it's more of a poke than a smash, but poke at someones shoulder enough times and you'll get a big reaction. 

It might be at war with you, but you will meet it with acceptance.

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