Beautiful LSD trip I was not expecting

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Some context- I have very little experience with psychedelics I have only experienced mdma and cannabis.

8 years ago I had 1 tab of acid in rave, had some nice visuals but nothing much.

Yesterday my friend comes round we drink a fair bit of alcohol spirits and beers and tiny bit of weed  but nothing excessive but was fairly drunk.

He goes home and leaves me a tab of acid and I think to myself I will have this before I go to sleep and experience some nice visuals.

The next thing I know I am lying in my bed looking at my body feeling like this is not my body in a blissful state. I then have mystical visions for next few hours where I see myself talking to my friends but I can see that I am god creating them whilst I am talking to them. I then have a realization that I am the only being in existence, where I’m walking in some wasteland like I have always been here since the beginning of time. 

After the visions have passed I just lie in bed saying to myself WOW JUST WOW over and over again in pure bliss for about 5hrs. I tried watching porn which was something I would do when on mdma but I was finding it difficult as the bliss was too intense which surprised me as I did not expect this blissful experience compared to mdma. So I just watched YouTube videos and could not believe how beautiful the music was that I had previously never really noticed from artists like Nelly furtado who I previously had no interest in. 

Overall I was blown away by this experience and was not expecting such a feeling of ecstasy having taken ecstasy about 10 times previously.  This completely blew away all those times I had taken mdma, and I feel very encouraged to start taking this work more seriously as Leo would say. 



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Wonderful. Be sure to stay grounded. Stay healthy in all ways. Best wishes. :)

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Yep, psychedelics are incredible. Sounds like you had a really nice intro.

Be careful pushing the dose higher though. As amazing as they can be, a bad trip can be equally powerful and horrific in the opposite direction. The joy that surpasses all understanding which you're expecting could become the terror that surpasses all understanding.

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@INFP RACOON BABY sounds amazing. I’ve never gone to high doses with lsd but the most I did I just had the most intense feeling of ecstasy for the first half then second half became more channeling but through that I learnt some profound insights. 

Now we are finally back in the warming months I will be switching back to lsd from mushrooms

I certainly haven’t had that many visuals on lsd other than the world looking a lot more vibrant instead just having very intense feelings of connected with everything. The ecstasy was so strong it almost felt too much 

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I would engage more with the psychedelics if only I had more time. It’s a real commitment I find going into a trip. I do not do it casually 

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