
my psychiatrist told me that being homosexual is a neurological disorder

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my psychiatrist told me that being homosexual is a neurological disorder 

he also wrote an article about it a couple of months ago that he told me to read it :

"The tone of homosexuality: not in defense of the Minister of Culture. But about the last line of psychological security (Ahmed Ayyash)

Ahmed AyyashAugust 12, 2023

Dr. Ahmed Ayyash – Al-Hawaro

A few months ago, a man walked into my clinic in France, and when I welcomed him masculine, he got angry and asked me to address him in feminine.

A nurse whispered to me that this was his legal right.

Dr. Samir was called to come to the hospital administration to inform him and warn him that he had no right to give his opinion on homosexuality and same-sex marriage.

Never mind.. We respect all the laws of the country, but Lebanon also has its own laws and must respect them, not jump over them in a world ruled by the Western secularists who invade the length and breadth of the cultures of peoples whose collective madness prevents what remains of faith in heaven, that God will hold the evil one accountable and reward the benefactor and the benefactor.

People are walking leaning on a cracked wall with the vigor and efficiency of their remaining psychological security.

The concerns of developing and underdeveloped peoples are to secure flour, water, pen and medicine, not to play on their existential disorders and identity disorders.

Existential disorders and identity disorders have a treatment available to psychiatrists, not to politicians, film directors, or to marketing and advertising dealers in order to win a handful of dollars and to win the favor of politicians and powerful.

Homosexuality is called sodomy, which is an anomaly from the norm, while gay and lesbian marriage and transgender identity is certainly a mental illness that needs medical intervention to restore balance to the tottering soul.

All psychiatrists know that schizophrenia sometimes begins with symptoms of sexual identity disorder and with existential questions that are less severe:

Who am I?

What is God's purpose?

Why am I male and not female or vice versa?

To combat the spread of AIDS and hepatitis C, the World Health Organization (WHO) has legalized the administration of manufactured morphine to heroin addicts instead of cutting off the hands of opium cultivation and trafficking mafias.

It's money.

Capital is forbidden.

We all complain about the WHO's confusion on the issue of the Covid-XIX leader.

No confidence.

Society did not declare war against gays and lesbians. They have turned a blind eye to them, but for them to declare war on society to impose their living conditions as if they were normal and normal, psychological freedom and personal freedom, is nothing but a turbulent minority dictatorship over the whole group.

Democracy is not where the powerful are suitable, nor where it is not suitable for them.

Let the Western countries kindly conduct a referendum for their own peoples on the issue of encouraging the rising generations to escape their desires as agreed and let us see the result.

Our democracy requires us to ask the people what they think.

Are there any exhibitions.

Let it be a referendum...

The issue is not the story of the film "Barbie", nor is the behavior of the Minister of Culture, Mr. Mohamed Al-Murtada, who knows his duties and his responsibilities in his ministry, in his belonging to the homeland and in his respect for public laws.

By the way, I don't know the minister.

Our words are medical and we are ready for duel, not discussion.

Article 534 of the Lebanese Penal Code states:

"Any sexual intercourse contrary to nature shall be punished by imprisonment of up to one year."

The judiciary did not imprison a single homosexual or lesbian, because society turned a blind eye to a few because it is immune to the group's

decision, collective psychological security and the last line of defense for existence and human belonging, as long as those who are afflicted with sins are hidden.

Be troubled, there is nothing wrong, but do not impose your disorders on others.

Practice your homosexuality silently and enjoy it, but do not come to convince me and convince the children that what you are doing is civilization and that I am on a great backwardness.

You are minimally troubled if you are not also sick.

The story is not a Barbie movie. No.

There are worse suspicions than the bankruptcy of the state, the readiness of the International Monetary Fund to flood the state with debts worse than Hariri's political debts, and the "sincerity of sincerity" of political Shiites under the wrong Syrian sponsorship.

In time suspicions. Some MPs have submitted a proposed law on July 12, 2023 to abolish Article 534 with previous trials and lawsuits.

Why now and why did we not see their signatures under their public name of the plunderers and corrupt of the state?

Our crisis today is a loaf of bread, a pen and medicine, but sexual identity disorders, masculinity and existential crises are not by destroying the psychological security of the child and the group.

Emad called me and told me that he felt embarrassed in a meeting with English friends who talked about what they call homosexuality, and that he was ashamed to tell them that there were no homosexual experiences in his childhood or adolescence and that he only lied about kisses and touches only!

As for Tony, he told me that a week ago he asked himself if he was a woman and he did not know, how do the Americans and the World Health Organization know about his condition?

Najla justified her late by needing to play a man for only a quarter of an hour to beat the owner of the electricity subscription generator.

From here and under a liberated pomegranate tree in the town of Harouf, sitting on a rusty and grafted "Tatra" tank, beware of harming the last line of defense for the psychological security of the individual, the psychological security of the group, and the psychological security of the homeland and the nation.

The Western secular Taliban are worse than our Isis Knowledge is with God.

Mad party and the invitation is public!!"

from what i understood the argument is that being gay or trans is a first sign of schizophrenia. 

what do yall think ?

Edited by Majed

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He is disgusted with them because he sees them as the root of society's "failures" or "problems", especially his. He has rotten his mind to the core.

Edited by Nemra

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Posted (edited)

"Neurological disorder" - Name coding of every situation we still don't really understand or don't want to face its consequences, complexity, meaning to person's life and hidden function in his developmental process, makes us to then unjustifiably demonize the neurological pattern, which is in reality only the tube the phemonema is being manifested through (in analogy - only the messenger) what increases the suffering by many folds due to the situation not looked and related the way it should - a healthy mechanism by its essense.

Edited by Nivsch

🇮🇱5th at Eurovision and 2nd in public vote with 'Hurricane' performance Here.

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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OK. So he's masking his beliefs, mostly likely learnt from some mosque or imam, as medical facts. 

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I don't see what's amusing. Maybe medical ethics are a sin in your culture. As is being insecure. As in having atrocious English and then getting offended when others call you out for the same. And going to a temple, thjt tells you "rules" that you cannot be judged, ever. why not? Tell me then where this special "rule" from fluff emanates from. 

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