What Am I

Vaping salt forms in e-juice

5 posts in this topic

It may not be as necessary as we once thought to use freebase when vaping using a device meant for e-juice specifically. The worry was always that salted forms require a much higher temperature to vaporize and aren't ideal for vaping, but that doesn't take into account the different method by which these e-juice devices function (lower temperature aerosolization into liquid droplets absorbed by the lungs). With that in mind, salted forms actually have a number of advantages, such as a likely higher bioavailbility and a PH closer to the human body, making for a better and more comfortable vaping experience.

The conversation and experimentation has been going on for a few years over at DMT-Nexus. Skimming through these threads will explain it better than I could.




I actually have a lot of experience vaping 5-MeO-DMT fumarate, 5-MeO-MALT HCL, and DMT fumarate using this method, and I can vouch for the sentiment expressed in these threads. It does indeed appear to be the superior method.

I realize this is going against the grain of the typical vaping advice, but I think we as people often get locked in a way of thinking and just kind of give knee-jerk responses that we've heard from others without really evaluating. In my opinion, the notion of "freebase only for vaping" is worth reconsidering in the context of an e-juice mix.

As a side note, I actually don't love the ROA of vaping in general, and I'd tend to recommend something like oral or rectal administration depending on the substance. Vaping an e-juice mix definitely has an unhealthy feel. In my experience, its largest advantage is that you can continuously control the intensity of the trip in a granular way. It's great for mapping out the territory of what's possible with a substance. My body and lungs have always felt like they've paid for it afterward though.

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@What Am I I'll check it out. I'm searching for a comfortable way of redosing. Because rectal redosing doesn't feel that comfortable honestly. So then I snort but, I'm not satisfied with that either. It feels like a good way to blast off or redose. 

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless you live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, you should know the requirements of your body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ...                       Lovingly discipline Life & Realize Absolute Infinity

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Posted (edited)

E-juice psychedelic vaping is certainly the king of redosing in my experience. I've spent hours periodically puffing on the vape getting to different levels of consciousness. It's amazing for exploring various doses and inching forward into ever higher states. Like I mentioned though, it might take a toll on your lungs.

The absolute most comfortable redose ROA would probably be subcutaneous injection, but that's understandably a step too far for most people.

Edited by What Am I

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Is relying on a pH test to determine the toxicity of a substance effective?


Can we really rely solely on a pH test to ensure that we don't inhale toxic fumes when vaping HCl in e-liquid?

"Following Leo's psychedelic path to God...or maybe just finding my inner hippie."

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Posted (edited)

The PH strip is to determine comfort in vaping by targeting a PH at a neutral level relevant to the human body. It's only related to safety in so far as it's probably not great to inhale something that's too acidic or too basic.

The idea behind the potential safety of the method has more to do with the lower temperature the e-liquid devices use. The example given in the first link mentions the fumarate decomposition temperature of 300C as opposed to the vape device operating temperature of 200C. In theory, the old worry of fumaric acid decomposing into a toxic chemical when vaped wouldn't apply here.

You make a good point though that it's difficult for people like you and I to actually know whether or not it's safe. It's not like we have a lab setup performing the necessary testing. In the absence of better data, it's up the individual to decide the level of risk they want to take based on the available information. Though I'd somewhat counter that the original fear of vaping salts in e-liquid might have been formed based on similar amounts of hearsay and lack of data.

Edited by What Am I

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