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Everything posted by Leo-Tzu

  1. @Quanty your first sentence is a delusion
  2. The more green you act the more red blue orange your shadow becomes . . .
  3. https://youtu.be/YWDsXa5nNbI@Leo Gura lol Look how they introduce them like a "medical wonder" . . . Like everything else is not a wonder
  4. @Dragallur i'm not saying he has the final word lol, just that he mentions it makes me wonder for the relations it might have . . .
  5. Is spiral dynamics a strange loop? (Haven't watched today's video yet but i have a feeling the more you go up the ladder the more you see below stages as unimportant. . . Like respecting the traffic in gta 5 . . . You might go red stage again if you know what i mean)
  6. @Leo Gura i know where you're pointing at. Mainstream science will never approve or even open up a possibility for these hypothesis til the very end when they become undeniable. It will always be a science's problem like it has always been. Actually it's a men problem. These scientists claim to be develeoped but at the core they act by the same mechanisms as terrorists do when it comes to questions their books . .on the other hand Bodhisattvas and gurus will never do mainstream science because they see it as unimportant . . . I personally i'm open to everything since i consider it a miracle. I think you shared the link of Dr. Rupert Shelfdrake which claimed he measured different values of G, when i saw that i instantly thought about a growing or changing earth.
  7. Well now that i think of it we as humans haven't explore even the bottom of the oceans . . . We really dont know anything ... Not to mention anything we know personally comes from mainstream books which will going do be laughble in 200-300 years. . . The question here comes down always to the IF the academy of science for example ridicules everyone who tries to question the colums of their knowledge to the point of neglecting or hiding any fact if there's one? Like in a direct flight from Rome to New York the distance grows 10 centimeters in 10 years or something like that... The moment when those dragonflies existed is know (lets say 100 million years ago) If the radius was 50% of whats today it can me meausured at what's pace is growing. I'm too lazy to do the math right now but i think it cant be visible in our lifespan
  8. Where were the oceans? Fossils of underwater creatures are way older than those of the Jurassic era. And what does "growing" mean? To gain mass costantly it needs to accumulate new particles from space somehow. . . Like constant meteor bombardment ect ... If growing means just expanding its volume with the same mass like a balloon it may be possible . . . I've seen a ted talk where a scientist noticed the "constat" g (gravitational constat) was not a constant at all because it changed during years and places where it was maeasured.
  9. Where would you put a guy like keanu? He's certainly not orange (by experience) but works for an orange industry
  10. Is he roasting fake green or orange ?
  11. I was noticing japanese spectators during the world cup in russia who after the game went on cleaning the stadium. Another "strange" thing among others like train company giving public excuses for being late 10 seconds all year etc... Which color do you categorise them? They must be some kind of deep blue or advanced yellow . . . @Leo Gura
  12. Here's a good point of view about free will . . .
  13. I mean , where is it, it had to be out right now.... My ego needs it
  14. @pluto also omega 3 from chia and fish helps... My only flaw are the screens but since im aware i tend to blink a lot mindfully.... It will go away with time i guess . . . . Thanks
  15. I'm satisfied on the 80% tho, the doc says i'm still improving anyway from a social point of view dont do anything to your kid while he's still not an adult.. let him gather up all the information and decide for himself because lasik is not sweet as the docs make it sound... It may ruin in small percentage your contrast, you may see floaters ect.... i would recommend vision therapy.... It works wonders... Just talk to many doctors as you can so you work on the best non surgical way (for now) . . . .all the best
  16. I did it on february and now im still recovering from dry eye... Lasik doesnt give perfect vision although you may see better than with glasses and not to mention the freedom you have... Anyway it goes from person to person, it depends on the cornea thicness etc..... I reccomend to do that when he'll be fully adult in about 20 years so . . . Who know what other better technique will be avaiable till then?
  17. I think the pixel is the building block ... If you zoomed in yourself (your body) ifinitely what you would discover is empty awareness... How do you point that out? I dont think that will ever be an instrument so sofisticated to do that cause it would be against the rules. . . Nor the less every religion and philosophy points that out in metaphores. Generally speaking most of humanity calls the same thing in different names like god, brahman, allah, consciousness, the great self, ecy but what leo refers to "rasing your consciousness" is grasping the essence of these metaphores. I dont think that awakening leads to pointing at the pixel i think it leads to knowing you're made of pixels, you're made to play so dont get to serious about it. Is like having a lucid dream, what you do if you know you're in a dream? Dream more and dream better.... Usually you enjoy dreaming more and more because you have some sort of control. Now imagine the dream lasts 80 years (in avarage) and you get awakened (like knowing you're dreaming) i bet your life or the experience of life gets 100.000.000 times better just because you're not caught in small neurotic feedback loops inside the great consciousness but you have the feeling you're all of that in a place called here and now. With that said we have a specific orgsnism which right now cannot allow us to look it ... Just feel it
  18. @Ether same... Except for needing less sleep (or struggling more to get to sleep and waking the same time)
  19. The only person that can help you is YOU... Everyone else can tell you how... I feel the same as you 90% of the time especially when my body aches, my vision isnt perfect or when i lack energy... I think its normal i cant think of anyone that doesnt have that kind of emotional response when the body feels like shit anyway what needs to happen is for you to take pen and paper and write things down, make a plan, advance on taking challenges and stop when the pain is unbearable. Fromt i read you should start hitting the gym. It fixes your posture without you thinking of it. Your subconscious mind and musclular frame would do the trick for ya.... Never surrender.
  20. Only doodeees in here
  21. @Time Traveler @Time TravelerTraveTravelTravel
  22. Now a tribunal in california claims coffee is as risky as cigarettes are.... Hmmmm