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Everything posted by Frylock

  1. With how fast and hard Twitter is tanking in just two weeks after his ownership, a part of me wonders if it was his intention all along to destroy Twitter. Because the smart move would have been to just sit back and change nothing.
  2. Being an idiot attempting to overthrow democracy is one thing and should end in a prison sentence in any halfway sane country. But stealing classified documents about weapons that can cause the end of the world? Should be a death sentence. But it won't. The cult will be allowed to continue to attempt to destroy the world.
  3. A revolution is at foot. That is, if the fat, lazy Americans will actually do something about their power being continuously stripped by this fascist coup.
  4. Sure about that chief? The 2021 winter storm crippled its power grid and damn near made it a failed state, all because of its deregulated energy.
  5. 70% of the GDP comes from democratic counties. Red states like Wyoming and the Dakotas really contribute fuck all in the big picture but oppress the country through the senate. It's egregious, it's anti-democratic, it's stupid. If Republicans win the house, senate, and WH, then expect a nation-wide abortion ban in 5 years. Will people actually revolt and fight a civil war? What about when gay marriage is banned as well?
  6. Empty land doesn't vote. Absolutely ridiculous that South Dakota and North Dakota have the same power as California and New York.
  7. Ron Desastrous has the charm of stale bread. Unlike charismatic Trump, I can't really see moderates getting mobilized to vote for him, but who knows.
  8. America is broken and officially moving backwards. Very rare do you see that in a developed nation but here we are. 9 justices who don't get voted in, 1/3rd of which were appointed by a twice impeached president who also lost the popular vote twice, have all the power to reverse our course. Democracy is so dead.
  9. New Mexico is Hispanic majority, particularly Mexican. Mexican Americans tend to vote Democrat.
  10. US is a third world hellhole masquerading as a developed country as far as I'm concerned. I know it's not really, but dammit if it hasn't been trending that way since the 90s.
  11. America's birth rates have been declining. Conservatives want more white babies to be born. They don't want the brown folk coming in and overtaking the white patriarchy.
  12. Conservatives are anti-freedom, anti-democracy, anti-civil liberties. Conservatives ARE fascists, especially when they back people like Trump.
  13. The sad part is that this isn't shocking. We all knew it was getting to this point. Pretty soon they're going to allow states to outlaw interracial marriage and ban contraceptives.
  14. Forced birth in a country with the highest maternal mortality rate, no universal subsidized childcare, no paid maternity leave, no continued birth parent care, and frequently inaccessible mental health care. Good job America ?
  15. The huge conservative wave that has been sweeping the world the past 10 years is just absurd. Did we learn NOTHING from WWII? Why is the world suddenly in favor of fascism? Crazy people.
  16. This country is hellbent on collapsing under stupidity. It was a nice run on top but our reign is over. Next up: overturning gay marriage, return of Jim Crow laws
  17. So developed that Trump actually received more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016? The racist, fascist bigot who let COVID spread and continously sparked culture wars for over 4 years gained more popularity. Yes... he did lose. But he was well on his way to reelection if not for a 1 in 100 year pandemic in his last year in office. All Republicans have to do to maintain power is dummy the education system, which they're doing rampantly, and continue to gaslight and obstruct. We already live in two very different United States and that divide is going to continue to widen over time. The bullies will seize the upperhand, and the complacent and increasingly uneducated citizens aren't going to do a damn thing about it. Jan. 6th 2021 was a horrific threat to American democracy, and it's only going to get worse unless this lackadaisical system actually holds government officials accountable for their actions. Spoiler alert: It won't.
  18. Absolutely we do, North Korea labor camps are hell on earth.
  19. MGS2's ideas were based on history, particularly the Cold War and military industrial complex. Its political commentary was just as relevant in the year it was released in 2001. Of course, it's more obvious to people who would play it now than back then.
  20. Elon is eccentric and has a cult of personality around him, but I do like that he's ambitious about settling Mars. Need to to start exploring space and expanding outside of earth, it is the future, baby!
  21. Can it though? What if GOP strong-arm and bully their way to the top and overthrow elections? Who's actually going to stop them? I would have thought that North Korea would have collapsed by now. And granted it's still a relatively young country but its Nazi style regime has lasted surprisingly long.