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Posts posted by Ascend

  1. 5 minutes ago, Toby said:

    @Ascend lol, if you don't know anyone that by your definition is enlightened, why are you comparing teachers and gurus?

    @Toby Because they aren't? And people seem to think that they are. I'm just dispelling nonsense. It isn't my definition. When you become acquainted and experience such things, it's pretty obvious who is or isn't. I'm sure there's lots of remote sages, etc in monasteries, temples etc. Maybe even some semi well known, but nobody I am currently aware of. You have to differentiate with enlightenment and "experiences of enlightenment". Many people have experiences of enlightenment and they teach it, but those are just brief experiences.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Toby said:

    @Ascend well, if you cannot see that byron katie is enlightened - even if her teaching method is not that direct - then I guess there is nothing to talk about "enlightenment" or "not enlightenment" imo.

      @Toby So you're not even willing to question a guru's status? You seem very close minded. No I don't believe she is - although of course she is very spiritually advanced. For you to get the picture - of how exclusive and rare enlightenment is, I can't name anyone that I know of that's enlightened. That doesn't mean there aren't people - there are, just nobody that I know of that is.

  3. @Toby

    47 minutes ago, Toby said:

    @Ascend totally mistaken. People have different personalities. Eckhart Tolle wouldn't write in an online forum because he knows nothing about computers. If I remember correctly he even said he doesn't know how to write an E-Mail. The one, who was running a forum (and was working as a programmer before) is an austrian guy named OWK Edgar Hofer.
    Besides that there are many many people - actors, musicians... - that are interested deeply in spirituality. And my guess is that at least some of them are very conscious. I mean, Jim Carrey had his glimpses. Also there are a lot of people that appreciate Tolle's work: Susan Sarandon, Meg Ryan, Russel Simmons. Other musicians: Leonard Cohen, John Frusciante, Brandon Boyd. There are also musicians that are very close to Ken WIlber's work like Billy Corgan, Serj Tankian or the producer Rick Rubin. Another very famous producer (Ross Robinson) is even the son of Byron Katie. There are so so many that it is only logical that at least someone would be enlightened without "us" knowing anything about "their" enlightenment.

    Yeah, but here's the thing. Interest in spirituality, or glimpses, don't MEAN enlightenment. Of course Jim Carrey has had glimpses. Of course most actors and singers, and musicians are spirituality advanced. But we are talking about enlightenment here, and it's obvious that you don't know what it is. Neither the guy writing the forum (I looked him up, seems like a good teacher though) nor byron katie, nor any of the aforementioned people are enlightened. Some of them are quite spiritually advanced though, I'm just discerning from "enlightenment". 

  4. @Toby @sgn @Nahm  

    1. Nobody in show business is anywhere close to enlightenment. You lose attraction to material things far below enlightenment. Nobody enlightened is interested discussing purely intellectual knowledge (aka the mind) on a forum or otherwise. Who ran the forum Toby? (pm me if you want) 

    2.  Enlightenment. Haven't you had glimpses of it? I've had many. That, but as a permanent state. Knowledge of self as awareness.

    3. They don't necessarily sit in the caves, but they don't spend their time on online forums either. Specifically not "self improvement" "self actualization" forums. Where do I even start? They have no self. Nor is there 'improvement' of this Self.


    I forgot to add. Do you think Eckhart Tolle would be interested in discussing things in an online forum? of course not. Nobody interested in "mind stuff" is enlightened. And btw, he's not enlightened either. Just saying though.

  5. Fully agree, it's extremely amusing that members think they might be enlightened or that actors, musicians, athletes might be.  Not even sure where to start with this...there are too many misconceptions. First, no one that's enlightened is on an online forum. No one enlightened would be an actor or hollywood, that's ridiculous. Nor would they be obsessed with the body, or anything intellectual.