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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. Just been to see where I'll be staying for the trip. It's absolutely perfect. Very small floor space with fold out table. Outside picnic table, a fire pit overlooking nature. Getting very excited now ✌️
  2. @DrewNows absolutely amazing! I'm starting to witness movements I never thought I could. I have my first solo psychedelic trip this Saturday. Think it couldn't of come at a better time.
  3. 'hard' duality 'speak' more dualities. ?? Jk
  4. it's hit me like a ton of fucking brick's. I see what faceless was pointing to... I SEE THE MOVEMENT!
  5. Best is a duality ?
  6. @Nahm sorry for the late reply dude but I can't thank you enough for that response. I've printed it off. ♥️ @ValiantSalvatore thank you ♥️
  7. Okay well it was clear the backlash wasn't finished Jesus wept... Never had one like it but at the same time I can't describe how much I've grown from it. During the Shamanic breathing workshop I think the shadow came up and out and that's what I've been dealing with the past 2 week's. I've found myself in situations where the shadow is so forefront. There's so much that's happened that I didn't realise was still lurking in the corner. Insecurities being the main one. That created all sorts of behaviour. Outstanding the observe but I have a lot of work to do. So my ego backlash came in the form of attention from a man. I wanted to have a flirt and go on a date. Basically stroke my ego. Met a guy, first date went okay. Second date went to absolute shit ? lots of lessons learned in the process. It's funny, I've had this backlash but at the same time I've still been aware af, other backlashes I've just gone completely unconscious. Interesting. So now I got the attention thing out of my system I'm ready to crack back on. Psychedelic trip this weekend. Need to go out and buy some shit for it. Got to say it's been one of the best opportunities for growth I've had this year and it's all been in the name of suffering ♥️ cheers ego ?
  8. Fucking hell. Got so much to update. Been through a heavy ego backlash. I'll go into more depth tomorrow but I attended a TEDx talk Tuesday which was amazing. Will properly update tomorrow.
  9. @pluto although I'd love for that to be true plutes I do have an intuitive feeling that people will die never knowing.
  10. Booked my accommodation for my first trip. 17th may-19th staying in a little wooden pod in nature. Questions please guys: As some of you know I've dabbled in the odd bit of panic (?) I can see the 'come up' being the perfect time for it to show it's head if it does arise. What do you all do during the come up? I feel distraction at this point would be my best bet untill it hits me. @Nahm you have the best questions I've seen asked before a trip. Could you share some with me please? Shall I lemon tek to increase the come up? Do you guys generally make a plan of what your gonna be doing before the trip or do you just do whatever the trip guides you to do? ♥️
  11. @pluto will it? Definitely?
  12. @herghly I've done 2 60 minute sessions like a month apart (check my journal for reports). I personally wouldn't do this everyday, I feel it would have too many implications on the body.
  13. @Swagala My absolute pleasure. If you feel avoidance, all the more reason to do it ?
  14. @pluto @plutoEven if you did I couldn't see a lot of people accepting it, not easily anyway ?
  15. @pluto ??? absolutely amazing
  16. @DrewNows ? thank you!
  17. I used to go through this. I started at the gym and then built confidence to go out. But don't do that because your at mercy to your own thoughts and judgements of yourself. Your judging yourself and then imagining what others will say based on the judgements you've made of yourself due to low self esteem. Not to worry though, we can sort this as long as you put the work in. Also I noticed throughout your thread you say 'fat' so many times. Are you sure you don't judge others for being overweight? What is the link you have made in your mind to this word? I'm not gonna go down the whole non dual route in this occasion because I feel it's would be counterproductive but if I where you I'd look into your relationship with yourself, your relationship to the word fat, lots of self love work, shadow work, your history with your relationship towards food (it usually stems for a trauma in your childhood, even a seemingly small trauma can trigger it). Know though @Swagala you are infinitely perfect the way you are. I mean that ?
  18. @DrewNows try reducing using a picture resizer app?
  19. @DrewNows thank you ?
  20. @Shin I'm joking. Chill Winston
  21. Shin rejoicing from one press-up
  22. More dualities I thought of: Pain Satisfactory and unsatisfactory Suitable & unsuitable Sunrise, sunset Night and day Tidy, cluttered, neat, untidy