ahmet sukru

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Posts posted by ahmet sukru

  1. 1 hour ago, Pure Imagination said:

    You’re definitely on the right track. Anytime I want to get life insights through psychedelics, I always set a clear intention and write down what I would like to learn.

    Having said that, you shouldn’t try to control your trip in any way once you’re in it. I’ve had trips where I was seeking some life advice and I ended up becoming the whole universe; which is great but that doesn’t necessarily help with practical human things ;)

    Let the answers come to you during your trip. Psychedelics alter your thought process; that alone will already give you insight into what you’re looking for. Really meditate on what you would like to learn. Visualize what it would feel like to have these insights, rather than focusing on the thought that you aren’t learning anything. Trust your intuition and don’t second guess what comes up for you. If it feels right, then it is.

    Lastly, if you still aren’t finding success, try altering your dose. I find that lower doses are better with receiving life advice. However, if you feel like your previous experiences have been underwhelming, then there’s nothing wrong with going higher. Just be careful and know that trips will never end up like you expect :) 

    @Pure Imagination Thanks a lot for your advices. 
    I want to ask a couple questions,
    -You said "you shouldn't control your trip" and "meditate on what you would like to learn". Isn't meditating on what I want to learn controlling the trip?
    -Do you recommend music while doing this? Once I listened some tribal electronic beats and I felt like I am on an advanture to inside. Can it be used as a tool or is it a distraction?
    -I consider to do it with my friend (which I trust and doing psychedelics and meditation also) to discuss those issues. Maybe it will help me stay on topic and make progress. Do you recommend that?
    -If I go to the nature, still can I get insigths about those topic or is it better to stay home for this?

  2. Hi,
    I used psychedelics (lsd) 3 times before. And I am into meditation, psychology and personal development for a long time.
    My trips was really good, but I couldn't get what I want; which is solving some of my problems, knowing myself better and defining a way for my artistic career.
    I set up pretty good environment, empty my whole day, meditate, doing yoga etc. and write down the things I want to solve.
    But when I look those writings, nothing extraordinary came to my mind, I tried to meditate more while tripping but everything became so empty so I played some music and strated observing around.
    So I think maybe there should be techniques to work on those things. Do you have any advice?
    Or am I pushing too much? Should I just relax and wait them to come spontaneously?

  3. 8 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

    @ahmet sukru I haven't used psychedelics as a personal development tool or to find answers. I don't think it would work well for me in that way because my ego would be assuming that the sober reality is real and the psychedelic reality is a place it can go to get stuff to bring back to sober life. For me, psychedelics are about existential states of being. Ego death. Nonduality. The Eternal Now. Hyper intuition and empathy. Entering different realms. Usually it has nothing to do with my sober life. The whole story of "me" dissolves. My profound trips aren't really about "me" (other than me having to surrender). My sober character has changed through the process, for example I can connect to other humans much more easily and deeply.

    I've known people that have used psychedelics for personal growth and to get clarity on life decisions and goals. Yet psychedelics have had the opposite effect on me.

    Perhaps the little monster problems arose from your subconscious trying to communicate with you. Or, maybe not.

    After two weeks, your tolerance will completely reset and you can trip again. It sounds like you will be good to go since your last trip wasn't very intense and there is much to integrate. You may want to bump up the dose a bit.


    Thanks a lot for your answer :)

  4. 1 minute ago, Serotoninluv said:

    Sometimes when I trip, the trip takes on a theme of the previous week or so. Perhaps there might be some subconscious energy around life problems surfacing? Yet sometimes, trips just seem to be random and wacky.

    It might be that way, but how can I get profound results with that?
    Or on some trips are profound and you come up with answers and some are like this? 
    Or as your trip gets deeper, it becomes more profound?
    By the way, is 2 weeks short to wait between two trips?

  5. 46 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

    How was your mind-body oriented in the weeks prior to the trip? What type of work did you put in the weeks prior to the trip: meditation, yoga, contemplation, self inquiry etc. Or had you been preoccupied and worrying about life problems a lot?

    Also, did you set intentions prior to the trip? And, I would sit up with awareness during a trip.

    I didn't prepeare for weeks but I did yoga, 2 hours of meditation and breathwork that day.
    I've been doing meditation for 1.5 years (not much self inquiry, I must work on my career and life more right now)
    I don't worry a lot (like a panic) but there are lots of things that I need to handle on my life. I am making very risky moves (like quiting my job and going after art career etc) but those are the things that I want to solve with lsd.
    But I am relatively calm and positive on my everyday life. Also those problems were also there on my first trip too, but I didn't experience any badtrip (but also I was not alone)
    I think I set my intention well. I was in very meditative mode but since the trip was too weak after 2-3 hours, I got bored and opened my computer and listened some music.

  6. Hi,
    I did my second lsd trip and I would appriciate comments and advices from experienced friends.
    I am meditating for 1.5 years and I am into psychology and personal development. 
    My first trip was 2 weeks ago. It was pretty good and I felt pretty amazing even if I didn't trip deep as I read trip reports. (I used 250u for my both trips but thats just what they told me, I'm not exactly sure)
    So for second one, I wanted to go deeper and solve some internal things. I want to make some decisions about my life, draw a direction for my artistic career and figure out myself better.
    So I prepeared so well for my second one. 
    I closed my telephone, meditaded for 2 hours, made some breathwork etc. And even I wrote down some questions to my notebook that I want to solve. I was feeling well before I take the lsd.
    But the trip was soo weak that I was disappointed and felt down after I wait 1-2 hours. Maybe because of my first trip was two weeks ago (please inform me if it is too short to wait)
    But maybe the second lsd I tried was not good. 
    After a couple hours of very weak lsd trip, I was feeling down and I decided to go to bed and closed my eyes. Weirdness started here;
    I started to see some weird figures when I close my eyes. (not like hallucinations, They were gone when I open my eyes but I just see them when I close my eyes)
    My everyday problems started to rise and bother me. And they became alive like little creatures (like interesting 3d lsd animations) 
    Even things that I don't take as a big problem started to grow and bother me. My life was seen like a shit to me by the time.
    Then those little "problem creatures" started to merge and became one big weird monster with octopus legs. And a lot of familiar faces was floating around and it was disturbing.
    I watched those figures 1-2 hours before I was able to sleep.
    But nothing has been solved. I was expecting to view them from a higher perspective and come up with answers. But I just saw monsters and shit and thats it.
    Is it normal? Am I expecting wrong thing? Is it because my trip was weak, because I waited too short or my lsd was bad? 

  7. 20 hours ago, Shadowraix said:

    The higher you go the more profound it can be, but please do go up incrementally. The higher the dose the more energy you'll have to put in into handling the trips. I didn't ego death until my first and only 1000ug trip. It was intense and took a lot for me to handle I saw things I couldn't comprehend. It's not for the faint of heart and the risk for larger doses is higher. What it showed me is I had a lot of mental resistance to such insights I had to brute force it.

    If I were you if less than 500ug isn't doing it for you I'd put more effort into deconstructing the mind and meditation. The further you get along with this the less lsd it should take for such insights or even ego death to come to you. 

    Also if you can, watch a sunset with clear view on lsd. It will be a beautiful experience for you. It blew my mind. 

    Thanks a lor for your suggestions. I will definetely follow them

  8. 33 minutes ago, Aaron p said:

    @ahmet sukru I'm honestly a little scared to use them because I have a past of mental illness. But I'm also a major survivor, part of the way I am I feel like I can adapt to things much better. I trust what leo says about psychedelics though. There's no way he could be right about so much and be wrong about this one thing. I have a good feeling about them. Conceptually, I know that psyc's disrupt the input-output signals of perception and exposes the screen in which we live (for a while). You distort the picture, you see the actual screen.

    Which mental illness did you have?

  9. 13 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

    @ahmet sukru

    It depends on what you mean by "flashback". Once a mind-body gets exposed to various realities, integration can take place. For example, a classic effect of psychedelics is to enter nondual mind states. Later while sober, the mind may re-enter a nondual state. This can be unsettling to novices because the ego is dissolving while sober, which can induce anxiety. For example, I was in a cafe and started experiencing a collective consciousness and it felt like I was losing control and I didn't know what would happen. Would I start yelling? What if I threw my coffee at someone? This induced quite a bit of anxiety as I struggled to regain control. Yet with experience, I've learned to flow with it - in and out of nondual states. 

    Regarding hallucinations, I occasionally have slight visuals when looking at certain things. For example, a tree swaying in the wind. Yet, I like it. I just smile and observe. On rare occasions people can develop HPPD which are unwelcomed visuals like seeing dots. My understanding is it takes a lot of tripping to be at risk. Especially if one takes extremely high doses like 10 hits of LSD. 

    Thanks for explanation. Do you think those things you mentioned could be dangerous -for example- while driving car or doing something like that?

  10. 13 hours ago, Shadowraix said:

    Sounds like a minor version of HPPD. But HPPD is more chronic.

    Its a risk you'd have to take but such occurrences are pretty rare compared to the amount of people who do psychedelics.

    I've probably had 30+ trips at the age of 20 with my highest doses being 1500ug and came out with no side effects.

    Ohh.. 1500ug sounds crazy.
    I tried 250ug once, it was very nice experience, but I didn't get so much from my subconscious mind, neither see hallucinations or reached deep problems.
    My senses changed pretty much and I perceive things so differently, and I got a little profound awareness of wild side of me (human nature) like our ape times, I felt how trees are alive and connected to nature, but that's it.
    Do you think I should increase the dose to go deeper?
    (btw I'm meditating for 1.5 years and aiming personal developement by this. also I think I'm well prepeared psychologically)

  11. 3 minutes ago, Shadowraix said:

    He was talking about after the trip.

    You never said what you mean by flashback. What is a flashback?

    You won't re-experience you tripping while sober.

    I'd say worst case you might encounter a tracer or 2 that resembles a trip or some odd color contrast.

    If you are talking about HPPD which is rare, thats a different story.

    Actually I don't know exactly what "they" mean with flashback but since they use that word like something dangerous, it should be something like sudden appearing of visuals from your past out of nowhere

  12. 22 minutes ago, Nahm said:

    The question comes from the perspective that this is “normal” or consistent reality, and a trip involves hallucination - and so the question is - Does hallucination happen after the trip is complete. But this is not “normal” reality, it is a hallucination, and it is only appearing to be consistent  when taken for granted (laws of physics, etc). It’s actually a perfect being, and consistency is not a given. Reality does not “follow” any rules, being appears to. This appears to you as such if you are a person who is in reality. But you are reality.   How much does reality love you (might come to mind)? A lot. 

    Ha! We aren’t talking right now, it just appears that is happening. You’re talking to your self. I’m your illusion. 

    Okey I get it now. 

    Maybe I will get it more after a few trips :)

  13. 13 minutes ago, Girzo said:

    What do you mean by a flashback? If full-blown trip then obviously no, there isn't anything like that.

    But there are certain elements of experience like moving patterns, altered thinking or synesthesia. They are non-intrusive and happen mostly in a relaxed state. Those can persist for a few months. We are talking about it happening 3-5 times during that period.

    If you are serious I wouldn't even take it into consideration when deciding whether to do psychedelics or not, but it's good to know that something like that can happen and is normal.

    Oh, I see I couldn't explain my question fully, my bad. 

    I don't talk about the trip, I mean after the trip (maybe after several months) suddenly you experience a flashback out of nowhere (for example while driving a car) because of the change on your brain chemistry. (which sounds ridiculous to me) 

    Also I listened a lot or scientific talks but none of them talks about this. But since I saw it several times, I wanted to ask. 

  14. Hi,
    I am trying to make a video which I will talk and explain one of my works to my followers on youtube as requested. This is quite important to me because this is the first time that I will speak directly to them and I want to share my vision and make them want to follow me. And I don't want to make any cuts on video.
    But it became a little crysis on me. I didn't expect this to be this hard because I am singing and performing to the camera with no problem. Also I don't have any problem with talking with people etc. But I see explaining something to the camera is whole another thing. 
    I already postponed it 2 weeks and trying and failing to do that everyday for last week. I watched videos, (also Leo's public speaking video) but I still don't get what makes me fear that much and it is getting annoying more and more :)
    Is it normal? What do you suggest? ( Joining to toastmasters or experience public speaking is really good idea but I should complete that withing a few days )
    By the way this situation made me aprriciate Leo's work even more. Talking to the camera for 1+ hours straight would require insane amount of labor :)

  15. 21 hours ago, Ilya said:

    it motivates to see some advancement in other people, thanks for the share!

    btw in the LP course leo said one of the hardest thing to do is going to be the markeing, why dont you pick up some books on it (in case you didnt already) seth godin and such, great stuff.

    Thanks a lot for your respond and recommendation.
    I didn't see my music as something to sell until now because of emotional bond and low self-esteem but of course it is not a healty way to approach :)
    I bought "the purple cow" already but didn't read it yet, I have other books in the row. But your advice reminded me the importance of this. I will read it next. I would be happy to hear other book recommendations on this topic.

  16. 2 hours ago, Jamie Universe said:

    Great story! I've done affirmations before with lots of success. I tried a visualization for enlightenment once but I realized that I couldn't really imagine enlightenment, so that ended quickly.

    Haha, actually visualization seems like a bit opposite work because in visualization you try to be something, but in enlightment you try to be nothing (I am not sure, I am not enlightenet, just my guess :) )

  17. Hi, I want to share how visualization (or law of attraction) actually worked for me.
    I am a musician and animation artist. I am creating animation music videos for my music right now. 
    I have a youtube channel but my work didn't get any attention for a long time. (I don't share the channel to avoid self-promotion) 
    I upload videos so rare because the work I'm doing requires so much time, I don't use social media, I don't have large group of friends to spread. So this situation is not suprising.
    Also I have money problem because I didn't want to go 9-5 job. I don't want to put myself in a position that I would not be able to have time to run my projects. 
    So about one year ago, I had one last project that I wanted to complete. That was a bit crazy project for me because I had to do all music recordings, composition, mix, 3D modelling and animation by myself from stracth. So the complete process took 10 months of INSANE amount of work. Even Sometimes I came so close to cry :)
    But I knew that even if I make it perfect, this work will not spread to large group of people. I was telling myself that I would do that even if no one will see it other than me. But on the other hand I want to be appreciated of course.
    At the same time I was doing self improvement work, life purpose course etc. I knew a bit about visualization before but It looked so silly and unreal to me. It seems like you send energy to the universe and some quantum shit happens then magical things come to you. But the explanation that Leo made about visualization seemed legit to me and I gave it a try.
    Then I started to dream that finally my work will get attention and people appriciate my labor etc. Even I didn't know how this will happen, but I still did it every day for 2-3 months until the project finished.
    So as time goes, I started to think like "marketing of my work has nearly equal importance as the work itself. And I should do everyting to make it through" So I made a list that contains 30 items of actions that could be effective. Most of them are silly and actually I didn't want to do none of them because It required emotional labor. But I did all of them. Sent it to the people that I met, facebook pages, some directors etc. But none of them seemed to work at all. Then I thought "oh, people didn't like what I did, whatever, let me look for a job. I will try to maintain it while working" 
    But then one of the people that I sent said to me "you had amazing work here, my son has a very popular twitch channel, I will say him to share your work. I hope this will help, we are ready to do whatever we can"
    So he did. Then amazing group of people flocked to my video. there are 1000+ likes and 9 dislikes now. I know it is not a huge achievement, but that was a big step for me :)
    Not only the people that came, the comments they made were incredible to me. All of them were pissed off how such a work got so little attention. There are hundreds of comments that I hardly believe a real human being said it to me :D and also messages that encrouges me to not give up.
    So I wondered if this attention was just for that video or something permanent. Then I released a song of mine without video clip, just with audio to measure the reaction. The reaction that work received was even more emotional and intense. Then they started to look for my old works too.
    I knew this is not a big deal and just a beginning. But this changed my direction in life and I decided to release more videos and see what will happen for a while.
    But the point that I want to make here is: now I see, If I really didn't believe that this time my work will be appriciated, I would not send it to those people and this would never happen. Now I can say it was not about to convince the universe or god, more about to convince myself :)

  18. @Pelin hey, nice to see you too :)

    You are right, and it seems like this is my best shot. Because I spent years and lots of money and changed lots of jobs all those years just to see what can I do. If I had all those insights 5 years ago, I could go directly to the music, but now I need to make money while doing this. (of course I have no regrets, those experiences are the most precious)

    I guess Leo did the same thing with internet marketing & actualized.org
    Maybe he didn't mean "don't work on two things at the same time" ,
    Maybe he meant "have just one mastery area"
    It seems to me either I will be mediocre in both areas or I will nail both :)