Hello from Russia

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Posts posted by Hello from Russia

  1. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    I am not disturbed.

    As far as horny, most of your gurus are horny and have sex. Very few people are asexual.

    I have no problem with excessive sexual craving. My sexuality is moderate and healthy.

    And just because someone acts like a monk does not mean he isn't horny every day. Many of those monks are dying inside from horniness. But regardless, your level of sexual craving has nothing to do with consciousness of Truth. My claims about the nature of Consciousness, God, and Truth are all valid regardless of my sexuality.

    That's so riduculous and stupid by society to expect gurus to have 0 sex desire or sex ambition

    Been reading tons of #metoo stuff on yoga teacher space lately and it just feels so bad

  2. @Leo Gura Do you think maybe meditation/yoga too can work exceptionally well on some people? (Or maybe the trick is to do it right)

    When I do meditation very rigurously and kind of add my twist to it on how to do it, I get very good results from it in terms of state

    It doesn't come as easy as taking some psychedelic dose and requires for you to have concentration vs the psychedelics kinda transform your baseline without much effort on your part

    Although if you try to concentrate while on psychedelics it gives even deeper effect of course

  3. On 7/24/2023 at 11:04 PM, Leo Gura said:

    When I micro-dosed LSD it was too strong for me to be able to work.

    It was neither here nor there. I don't like microdosing. But your results may vary.

    How much ug of lsd do you mean by microdosing vs regular dose for you?

  4. 9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Half-baked or partial understanding of a situation.

    The problem isn't that science, nonduality, and Buddhist are outright false. It's that they are dangerous half-truths.

    @Leo Gura Would you say non-dual\spiritual people are still doing a great service to humanity not by guiding to the truth of reality per se but helping people with more down to earth self-development in a much healthier way? Like trauma healing, overall better coaching and models of usual self development, working on health, developing great communities (permaculture stuff and other), etc. Especially compared to stage orange coaching, mainstream science and religious groups and what they are doing in these domains

    I am trying to help these guys as part of my life purpose but having my doubts 

  5. @Leo Gura Would you recommend taking psychedelics to develop the next level connection with other human beings? E.g. Experiencing profound bonding, opening yourself to new domains of love and getting much more skillful in feeling other people and relating to them in general. As well maybe getting a deeper understanding of this whole relationship stuff

  6. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    All of Buddhism, its practices and its attainments, is a fantasy, a dream imagined in the mind of GOD. It is possible to awaken so deeply that you will realize how silly and imaginary Buddhism is, and enlightenment, and the insanely deep dogma behind it and all nondual teachings.

    No human teaching that I have ever encountered properly captures God-Realization. None of them.

    All of Buddhism is a dream and no Buddhist comprehends this, even though they think they do, they don't. It is yet another religion/cult invented by very ignorant humans.

    @Leo Gura Do you consider it's still useful to study Buddhism/Hinduism etc for spiritual growth-sake?