Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. That's basically just a different journaling technique Can relate, I often do something similar
  2. Yes, put a good infrastructure for yourself I have a dedicated laptop for reading, good PDF reading app, I read mainly in PDF. Good note taking app. Don't over read useless information inside books (a lot of books have fairly big amount of empty texts in it) - tho some books are golden almost cover to cover you gotta judge the book well
  3. Slutty girls are the best They have to be both spiritual and sluts - ideal combo
  4. I've read 300 books within 2-3 years time frame, lol Now taking a break from reading cause it's interfereing with my own contemplation. It becomes way too much other people's thoughts in the brain
  5. Being a wage slave is just a state of consciousness (lol)
  6. A bit surreal to watch something like this in some movie about 10-15 Century and then seeing an identical thing happening with a figure from our modern time
  7. Meh, dude. I studied like 20 religions/spiritual traditions or probably even more than that. They are all group-think as fuck, I wonder if there is any tradition that is not like this
  8. Yeah, she is also super hot I need a wifu like her but 20 years younger
  9. Teal Swan is good, you can tell she is an original thinker. However, most of her stuff is focused around emotions and relationships (all kind)
  10. @Leo Gura Sort of like enjoy the nightmare as some people enjoy horror movies?
  11. @Leo Gura Hehe, I already had such sex experience, it was much dirtier in a cool way.
  12. @Leo Gura I have a fear of living through these "tough" experiences that are also Love but at the same time terrifying from a relative POV of a person experiencing them. I wonder if you could give some advice to handle this fear? It exists as sort of existential tremor inside. I can totally recognize and be thankful for that my current life experience is not relatively bad as it could possible be (could be infinitely worse). But I have a hard time accepting a possibility that at some time my dream can become a total nightmare. And I have a desire to do anything in my power to avoid such a nightmare as I seemingly tired af from it existentially (maybe grown tired also from past lifetimes too if they exist)
  13. What's wrong with them? How bout Sri Lanca? I was thinking to maybe go retreat there for a year or so, I love buddhist architechture
  14. Cause she wants to seduce him when he ll start doing live events, open book obvious
  15. @Leo Gura And we sleep with super hot women who have extremely bad ethics & moral development as well. It's not like hot women are all saints When I see a hot woman with a shitty behaviour I get disgusted, not turned on personally. I will take less attractive but better morals woman any day of the week. Though in this situation the whole notion of "attractiveness" gets hijacked, these woman are not really that attractive, unless you are a scumbag yourself
  16. @Leo Gura I had a guy in his 30-40s approach me when I was 13-14 yo on streets offering me to suck my dick and play w my balls in some home's entrance (we call it подъезд in Russia ), he asked if I needed any money and suggested he'd give me 100-200 rubles (which was like 5-10$ at that time) if I'd allow him to do all that I didn't judge him, was kinda surprised by all that, he looked like a normal guy. Was even excited to see what this guy is really up to. But still made a decision to chicken out of the deal and politely say no thanks. He then started olffering me 300-400 rubles (15-20$) which I denied as well and then he just walked away Was an intertesting experience for me. I actually experienced a self-esteem boost from that, lol, cause I caught someone's fancy apparently and I kinda was lacking in the love domain during my school Never told my parents any of that as well
  17. @StarStruck Dude, don't do it like this, it's too much of a progression, you might heavily regret it
  18. About main theme of the topic: There is a very good book on going about this topic for stage yellow+ men called "Integral Relationship" (Martin Ucik). It's written by a buddy of Ken Wilber and has very good frameworks on how to determine and sort of map your "one" girl to deeply understand where to look and how. It also touches a lot on how different spiral types typically relate to each other in intimate relationships (Sorry for poor quality, can't find any better unfortunately) He also introduces such a thing as sexual development and sexual stages of development and describes/integrates a ton of frameworks about them and all things sexual. Such a profound stage yellow + work tbh. Damn, @Leo Gura, I think you would highly appreciate the work of this guy
  19. We all need Jesus, man, in one way or the other (Halleluja!) I'm not sure about secure attachment people don't love each other or going deep together, from what I see everyone experiences love. It's just with secure attachment there is more possibility for good sustainability
  20. Sounds like an avoidant attachment style (From attachment theory) Mine is like totally the opposite