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Posts posted by Jacobsrw

  1. On 14/06/2020 at 5:51 PM, Lyubov said:

    He drank Ayahuasca for the first time a month ago and is still super ungrounded 

    That should be an indication of his spiritual prematurity but also his lack of foundation. It also does not explain away his delusional history and unrest he clearly operates from. Go watch the plethora of previous content he uploaded and then tell me someone simply awakens after one spiritual experience with that type of history. I extremely doubt so. The man is being credited far too much just by his mere social media antics.

  2. On 14/06/2020 at 6:32 PM, WaveInTheOcean said:

    Haha, he's very obviously awake to me. And I'm awake. Don't know bout you.

    Yes, i also find him a bit over the top. He obviously lacks a bit of integration/groundedness. It will come

    What's obv about his awakening is his energy and the truth of his words.

    You have to differentiate between relative and Absolute truths.

    Yes, absolutely speaking 'good' and 'bad' are all one: Good.

    But, relatively speaking, he is absolutely right: ~90% of people in the West stuck in orange/blue, even green, (spiral dynamics) are not happy, but depressed on the inside; i.e. "bad" right?:-)

    That’s some grand assumptions man.

    I’m far from convinced someone who spent years stuck in the hedonism of stage orange with no spiritual background just suddenly awoke. One does not simply awaken after a single psychedelic experience. Not to mention one in a western demographic dominated by materialism their entire life. Integration is required and immense work in order transmute insight into transformation.

    And people seem to be confusing conceptual understanding for understanding in its actuality. Just because someone relentless spits eloquently coherent spiritual jargon does not substantiate their level of awakeness more than a convincing actor playing a role. It appears he has fooled his followers just as he has himself.

    I don’t know if he is awake or he is not. Nor does it matter. However, my approximations tell me that he is far from so. To me he seems to have constructed a volatile spiritual ego if anything.

    Anyhow, I wish him the best and hope his followers do not make elitist assumptions going forward.

    What concerns me most is his level of careleness and wrecklenss that has been displayed thus far.

    I hope he moves beyond such things.

  3. 14 minutes ago, kireet said:

    @Jacobsrw of course I get that , but I am asking , some people like disciples of enlightened men , they still don’t awaken after 40 years in caves, why is that?


    One reason is because each sentient being has its own individuate complicated conditioning that requires deconstructing. Each being is not destined to awaken as a function of how much work they do but rather the degree of conditioning they must deconstruct. It’s an idiosyncratic process.

    This process is not binary. It may take one person a day and another 30 years. It is completely predicated on what goes into the “YOU”, you believe that you are. It just so happens there is a relative similarity between the conditioning many of us have adopted. So in that, it could be estimated most people will take far more than a day or even 10-20 years to awaken for that matter.

  4. 40 minutes ago, kireet said:

    Leo told in one of his videos when he went for 30 day retreat to pursue awakening and healing , he said that psychedelics are necessary.but I don’t understand if it is necessary then why are there yogis who awaken and do miraculous things just by yoga and meditation ?  But on the other side there are their disciples, who do this work for more years than them , but they still do not attain , but I don’t think even if they took psychedelics, they would awaken. I say this because there are lot of babas in India who keep doing weed and ganja , but they are looked down upon(I know it’s only a Stereotype , but I think It has some truth to it.) And they are know for stealing from people in the name of god ? Why are psychedelics necessary, could It be that Leo just did not do the yoga and meditation well enough(I’m of course no one to judge , but it is just a thought , no offence to Leo, I have huge respect for him ) . What is your perspective ?Could it be that psychedelics just work for him.

    P.S :- I am open minded about psychedelics and their possibilities, nothing against them .




    Because the average human does not have the benefit of siting for 20 years in cave constantly mediating. Psychedelics temporarily break the mind free of its ceaseless delusions so you are enabled to see the incommunicable potentiality you have for growth.

    Without them, an ordinary human in a conventional society has very slim hope of radically going far in this work. Nonetheless, it is possible. Just extremely unlikely. 

  5. 1 hour ago, JayG84 said:

    Thanks! Yeah, It's definitely a work in development. It sort of just maps my progress so far through my self-inquiry work. I'm sure it could be a lot bigger of a chart if I integrated more dualities, but I'll probably just use it as a quick perspective check when I need it. ?


    Thanks man! Yeah the middle of the chart is sort of the last stage where I realized that symbols and language have to be deconstructed also and that ultimately, you can't explain anything in the chart with anything else in the chart. Outside of the chart, there's only Consciousness and Love which explains itself. 

    Good idea with applying it to different cultures. I'm sure there's an infinite amount of ways that this chart could be changed to reflect each individuals personal journey. This is just the way it made sense in my mind. ?

    That’s it, symbols are helpful up until a point, they the. become redundant. Nonetheless, I see there being much use in this map. Just like any map (such as spiral dynamics) it’s important not to cling to them so as to leave room for further developed learning.

    I think that’s a good idea since it will provide you some real world relatability too.

    Good work man. It’s great to see someone so committed to actually interpreting this content through their own unique understanding. Keep it up ?

  6. Worthy of a watch.

    This woman describe her powerful 5meO DMT experience as infinite love, god and being expressing itself. Interesting how she resorts to these words stating no others can quite do the experience justice.

    may be a pointer for those critical of the psychedelic experience.

  7. 8 hours ago, JayG84 said:

    Hey guys. I was just messing around in a wordprocesser this morning trying to organize my thoughts about the path I'm taking to the realization of consciousness. I wanted to express it in a visual way and drew this.

    It's kind of a ruff draft, I'm still trying to organize and add more levels to it, but I thought I would share it with you and get your input.

    Each circle has a purpose to further question the next level of the chart. The construction flow goes inside out and the deconstruction goes outside in. Each word in the chart has to be questioned and realized. I built it going inside out, but the realizations probably came to me in the opposite direction.

    You can't explain anything on the outside of the circle without going more inside. But to explain ALL of it you have to go outside of the circle but there's nothing left to explain it with. 

    Let me know if you have anything to add to it, or any questions about it. ?


    Jay ?



    Dude, this is good.

    Its much better to lay it out so you can understand what you are leaning. Also important to remember that all symbolism must ultimately dissipate and be left behind. Great work nevertheless.

    Should consider applying this to different cultures and filling in each section. Could provide a reflexive interface with some general utility.

  8. 17 hours ago, Galyna said:

    Oh dear... I read most of them including: Ramesh S. Balsekar, Chopra, Watts, McKena, Tolle, you name it, lol....

    That is what fascinates me the most, I wish I could have this experience to jump into someone head to compare. 


    Have you come across Irvin D. Yalom? 

    That’s a good start. Self inquiry,  contemplation and psychedelics are even better.

    Mm me too actually, sometimes the humility to do such a thing, understand one’s experience directly intrigues also. Much ignorance could be shedded way from all our assumptions we are accustom to making.

    Yes I have actually. I have had to do brief study on him for psychology. He was a specialist in existentialism, one of its key pioneers. He has some very fruitful information to share. Namely, that suffering, fear, guilt and the dark side of phenomenology is what reveals our deepest sense of self.

    Victor Frankyl is quite good also. You should read ‘mans search for meaning’. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Galyna said:

    @Jacobsrw hey, thanks for the answer. ?
    The book has finished. I would say that it became bestseller because he went only that far to explain enlightenment. He still operates within the frame of time and space. I would say for the mediocre it is a cool guide to start with. I read far advanced books than this one. However, what I love about Singer is that he is very simple in putting you back in the present moment. The whole experience was a meditation for me. 
    now... about the thoughts. All I want to know how my inner dialogue differs from others and have I advanced just a little bit on my path. I have this inner space call it “awareness “ if you like for a long time. I acknowledge my thoughts and when I conscious I never identify with my thoughts. The thought arises, I laugh at it and let it go. To be honest super hard to stay awake when involved in conversation where I need to tell my opinion. 
    I am still learning how to let go. My challenge is to let go of what I really love: people and experiences. I am clinging to experience. If I like it, I want it to be again. I still have desires. I am working on dropping my dearest dreams and wishes. It is way harder than to drop or let go of negative experience. When you have a wonderful experience it is hard to let it go and not cling to it. 

    welcome :)

    Indeed. Most best sellers are stage orange due to the system in which glorifies them operates from it xD

    People on this path need to read radically minded books like Ramana, Maharaj, Ralston, Adyashanti, Spira etc.

    This does not negate books like that in which you read. However, they merely are concerned with relativity and survival, only useful up until a point.

    Yeah with thoughts they can be a tricky thing to understand. It’s not simply that we all have the same thought patterns, it’s that thoughts occur according to our sense of self.

    Its great you have had some development regarding the nature of your mind. Letting go is a powerful practice. However, I urge you to never underestimate the minds incessancy. It deludes us far more than we grant it. If you spend enough time in solitary isolation you will see so much that is ordinarily difficult to see. Mystical experiences can show to you just how wrapped up in the ego-minds mental fixations we are.

    The best thing is just to be open for more learning and position yourself like an open book. It is often where we overlook deep discovery in these matters reside.

  10. On 12/06/2020 at 7:25 AM, Galyna said:

    Guys, I really need some help here. If you can answer my question I would appreciate it a lot. :)

    So, I am reading this book by Michael A. Singer "Untethered Soul."

    (Thank you, @cetus I fell in love with the book from the first page. That was a very good advice. Absolutely love it, love it,  love it! :x)

    In this book the author states that all of us have this constant annoying voice that takes multiple sides during the day and never shuts up. Nothing new, we all know it, right?. However, I wanted to ask people here who is "on topic".

    Do you guys have the gaps between the voice talking?

    I was surprised when reading the book that my voice is not acting the way he describes, please read below how the author gives an example of the "voice":

    "What am I doing? I cant go to sleep yet. I forgot to call Fred. I remembered in the car but did not call. If I do not call now…oh waits, it is too late. I shouldn’t call him now. I don’t even know why I thought about it. I need to fall asleep. Oh shoot, now I cant fall asleep. I am not tired anymore. But I have a big day tomorrow, and I have to get up early.” (Singer, 2007) 

    Wait what? :o If my voice talks to me like this I would go insane. Glad I do not have this "verbal diarrhea" all the time in my head. 

    I really want to know since people are doing some progress here with meditations, etc. How do your "voices" talk? 

    Do you guys see more images or a movie like visions in your head? Do you use the "voice" when really need to remember something, for a technical reason? 

    I am aware of this "voice" pretty much all the time. I know I am the one who observes it, however it does not make it any easier to get what I'm chasing for....

    How to understand the level of my awareness if I can not compare it with others? Does it mean that I am more aware and do not notice it since I am in this mode for a long time. I do not understand then how to "catch" this special state you all talking about...How to be even more aware.

    Thank you very much, 




    Singer is correct in his explanation here. In fact, I would go as far to say what he is stating is far beyond the ordinary awareness we operate.

    He used an explicit example above. Really, it’s implicit mental activity that we succumb to. We have excess noise to degrees much subtler than he explained. Plans about what to do, where we must go next, what’s happening tomorrow or next week, what had happened a minute ago, yesterday or will happen tomorrow. Even banal mentalism such as labeling a present experience in varying ways “this is comfortable”, “I like this”, “I don’t like that”, “that’s interesting, that’s not” and so forth. All this is what we are enmeshed in much subtler than we know.

    It’s not what you are aware of having noticed, it’s that what we do, we are not yet aware of it. Ralston calls this the uncognised mind. The process of being so immersed in mental fixation it appears normal and we think it undeniably false that we would be. We have so much chatter of the mind we a obfuscated from seeing it. 

    A better question to ask and put to the test is this: what happens when I attempt to still myself, do nothing and just be? 

    This rudely demonstrates our relentless activity of the mind and inability to silence it.  

    Thoughts are extremely pervasive it’s just we are so accustom to them we cannot see their excessive predominance.

    Simply look close enough and you will see them ubiquitously and in endless degrees.

  11. On 15/06/2020 at 11:07 AM, upstream said:

    This is pretty interesting. Ayahuasca completely changed this guy (Connor Murphy) - he went from being an extremely vain youtube personality who would do basically nothing but lift and pick up girls, to someone who has completely dropped all of that and is now doing a 40 day livestream fast to help spread awareness about 'the great awakening.'


    Not sure how this will end, but it's fascinating to see and I wish him all the best. Below is the link of his livestream, which started about 9 hours ago. Thought that this crowd might be interested in following this. Also, I have zero connection to this guy / have no vested interested in helping promote him or anything. Just think that this is very relevant to everyone here and is going to be starting a lot of conversations about 'awakening' in the coming weeks.



    The dude has lost it.

    I watched some of his content just to get some insight into what was going on and from my observations, he has constructed a gargantuan spiritual ego.

    I feel this is a clear demonstration example of ego backlash. Jump in too quick without preparation the ego will instigate it’s most fierce reactive protective mechanisms. Never underestimate the power of self-deception.

    He had no spiritual practice nor psychological foundation, what did he expect to happen.

    On top of this, he abuses the spiritual path making it out to be something it is not. Such naivety.

    **what not to do**

  12. On 12/06/2020 at 0:13 PM, trenton said:

    I am seeking clarity on this distinction.  One source of fear is the discomfort created by the possibility that everything we think is true is wrong.  Comfort is created when we think we are right.  That is we think our beliefs correspond to truth.  The problem is the nagging possibility that we are wrong which puts us in a hard spot when being right does not lead to knowing.

    Letting go of my idea that I am right leads to not knowing and a weird shift in awareness.  My mind becomes quieter, but I don't see much Beyond that.  I don't think my mind can understand truth if it is converted into a belief leading to the idea of an idea being right.  Everything I type here feels right.

    This is hard.  How would you distinguish right and truth?  How do you seek truth instead of being right?  What is the difference in method?  I feel like thinking does not work if my thoughts feel right.

    Right and truth is beyond the self. Anything that empowers or aggrandises the self is pretty much illusion. Why? Becomes the self is solemnly predicted on survival not truth. 

    I’ll tell you this, for me when I had a deep realisation sometime back I was shown the very opposite to what I thought was right. My self dissolved and the realisation arose almost as if I was the empty spectator to it. It’s very hard to explain, but real deep realisation and truth perse, goes far beyond the self.

    Watch yourself like a hawk. When you get the urge to agree or make arguments to support or refute something this is often delusion. Truth and realisation is independent of the self. When you truly realise the truth of something you will feel no need to defend it because what ever you do it still remains unaffected.

    Also, right and wrong are a duality. Truth of existence surpasses both of them.

  13. 4 hours ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

     A lot of guld nuggets in this video. He's obviously awake. I can relate so much to everything he says.

    Full control over emotions. You can still be sad but it's a choice. It's beautiful.

    Acting is a spiritual quest. He talks about how many actors are enlightened, Jim Carrey is a good example, because they learn that during acting they actually become their role. And this is the same they've done all their life: acting and then becoming the person. But that's not who we are.

    Depressive vs expressive. Yes, depression is the opposite of fully expressing yourself.

    "no-brainer" = "enligthenment". Yes the brain is a limiter. It narrows the Whole (Reality) to a narrowly defined "thing"; your survival is now all that matters.

    He talks about "What if your girlfriend broke up with you? Or you lost your job?" , would you still be happy? Would you have control over your emotions?

    The thing is: most people will be depressed and sad if they lose their dream job/dream GF/dream BF and there's nothing wrong with being sad/depressed, but here is what is "not-good": They don't WANT to feel sad/depressed while they are sad/depressed. And that's real unhappiness, when you resist your emotion.

    And why don't they want to feel sad/depressed after their loss? BECAUSE SOCIETY LOOKS DOWN UPON SAD PEOPLE. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SAD, says society.



    See, if I lost my mom/dad/my dream job/dream GF w/e I'd probably also be sad. But I want to feel sad if that happens, I'm not the least in doubt. I want to. And I can be happy again anytime I want to.

    happiness and sadness is a duality. it's the same thing. It's all Happiness with big H (i.e. Love) as long as you don't resist. 

    Enlightenment = No resistance / being in flow / free = being unlimited = being in-control = expressing yourself freely
    Being "normal"  = resisting (in order to survive as a separate self) = tension in mind&body = being limited = being controlled by external things = not-being-in-control = being depressed

    Sadness is a beautiful emotion. Why are sad movies popular? It's beautiful, cos you can let go after you've watched it. Sadness is beautiful emotion if you realize its your own doing; that you in ACTUALITY can break free ANY TIME, you want to. But most people can't break free. And they can't break free, because they don't realize that it's something you can do. LOL

    Oh god. Great video, that's just why I wanted to share it in a post for itself on this beautiful forum.

    So how do you become Happy for good? You stop searching for it externally. And start looking inward to see who you are. When you find out who you are / what you have left out all your live up until now, your prior false self will be shattered, and you can now be anyone you want (which is the "state" of the true self: <nothingness/everythingness/God/Love/Consciousness/The Acting Self Always In Full Control>. You can be sad, you can be happy. You realize you're fully in control, and the most stunning part: that you've always been. Prior to awakening you were just pretending not-to-be-in-control. hehe;) 

    You were (are, if you are not awakened) pretending to be a 'poor little me', swayed by external conditions. A victim. Either you believe you are on parole, with God up in the sky looking after you (religious people), or you believe you are just an accident. A biological accident that happened in a universe that is basically a cold, unintelligent machine with no deeper meaning, no finer emotions, no purpose, no love, no intelligence. (atheists/ hardcore scientific-minded ppl). Haha. 

    What's up all pretenders on this forum. When are you gonna let go and stop pretending to not be in control?:D Stop pretending = letting go = not resisting <3

    Could you at least pretend to let go of the "reality is a cold machine"-myth and try, just TRY, to imagine yourself to be believing in this myth:

    The Universe is playful. It's Intelligent. Reality is warm, filled with emotions, filled with purpose. Who's filling it up with play, act, intelligence, warmth, emotions, and meaning? ........... YOU. You. You. You. God. You are God. It's all your doing. 

    If you want reality/the universe to be a story of a God-creator in the sky looking after his children to behave well, then that's what it is. For you.

    If you want reality/the universe to be a story of a natural, physical, scientific, hard-coded, tough, rough, fully-automatic, cold, unintelligent machine made up of Natural Laws, where there just randomly, accidentally happened to be life on an otherwise lifeless rock floating around in dark space, then that's your story. Then you have to conquer nature and defeat it. That is what it's all about then. For you. 

    But both these two myths (the religious & the fully-automatic-model) make you feel like a separate self. You see that? They re-nforce your concious/semi-unconscious deep belief that you are a separate human being isolated from everything else, living a temporary life, and that after that you will be death forever and ever in eternal darkness/nothingness.
    A separate isolated self that has to seek happiness externally during his/her limited life-span. Either from God in the sky -- salvation, by being "good" -- or from external, materialistic factors such as prestige, success, fame, money, social status, power, sex, food..., you name your addiction.

    But you see. No matter how much you try to be-good to please the Lord up in Heaven, or no matter how much success, sex and money you get, it will never make you really Happy. Why not? Because you still believe that you are a limited, separate 'self' living in a cruel world that will you no-good... You *KNOW* that you will eventually die and lose everything. And that makes you deeply depressed on the inside, whether you realize it or not. As long as you think of yourself as a temporary, separate self, you will constantly feel that you: lack "something". You will fear a lot. Regret a lot. You will be depressed by society/cultural norms/other people's opinion, because you always try to live up to their standards.

    But the only standard that matters is your own standard. 

    Change your standard. Make the universe something that is intelligent. Buy into the acting-myth. That it's all a dream/act/game. And that you are the actor. That's a lot more fun than the fully-automatic and religious model, cos then you are eternal. You are just right now acting out one meta-characther, and after that characther has played its role, you will play a new one. You see? You are Divine, Eternal, Infinite, All-Powerful.

    You now see that it's all your dream. You are making it all function. It's all part of your play. It's all your doing. You feel CONNECTED. You are part of an intelligent dance. An intelligent play. The purpose is to see what we can imagine. How far out can we go? And how loving can we be? How powerful are our Divine Creative forces? What can we imagine? What can we do? Look at the past 10.000 years of human history. Look at all we have imagined, both "sad" and "beautiful" things. It's all play. It's all Creation. Your Creation.

    Of course just remember that you on purpose always choose to do something consciously and something unconsciously, simultaneously. 

    If you did everything unconsciously, then that's equal to a deep sleep without dreams. That's where you go after you die. Until you wake up again:-)

    If you did everything consciously, you'd be nothing/everything/God. You see that? You can't listen to music, eat melon, beat the heart and shine the sun, all 4 things consciously, simultaneously. So you choose to do 2 things consciously: the music and the eating of the melon and then you do the sun-shining and the heart-beating unconsciously. :-)

    So even though everything is your doing, of course you will relatively speaking still be surprised when your conscious doings overlaps with the your unconscious doings, like the tree that might fall over your car tommorow, or how your loved one may get a sudden heart attack in 2 years, or how it's gonna rain like shit in 1 hour, or how you make an apple fall down from the tree while you read a book under it.

    By letting some things be done unconsciously, you can focus on something (i.e. make distinctions and thus manifest 'things'). That's what life is: a special type of focus. Your focus.

    Create. Express. Imagine. Love. <3

    You see, if you could let go of all beliefs you have absorbed from the outside, what would be left? Pure experience. Pure being. Pure qualia. Raw conscious experience. And then you are free "to now put on" any myth you like. Will you choose the religious myth? The fully automatic machine-myth? Or the intelligent/play/act/dream-myth? :D 

    See, all myths have their purpose.

    The religious myth was necessary for the evolution of ethics and "good behaviour"/good manners (a lot of harm came along too though, ofc).
    The fully automatic-machine myth/atheistic myth was necessary for the evolution of science and technology (which also brings good and bad things with it).

    Now we are in a unique position, us people who are living in the Western World. We have the comfy life now. We live in a democratic society where people mostly behave well, because they have been taught to behave well and because they can get food on the table everyday. And we got powerful technologies like the internet. So we can study anything we want. And we are all connected in a way we've never been before. And we can focus on what's behind everything. We can focus on ourselves, find out who we really are. And then when we have found that out: we can create our own myth and transform the planet. Make it a better place. Help ppl wake up.

    We need a new myth. A spiritual myth. A myth where all human people are seen as conscious souis who have chosen to live their human lives themselves (and for a deep mystical reason!). As divine beings, not just as "biological/cultural/ethnic human beings". As avatars of The Godhead. As "physical" vessels for love/imagination/infinity/God/Consciousness. The play/dream-myth, where you by buying into it slowly can start to see that it's all One. Oneness. Because it's all play (God's play), but it's play with a deep intelligent manuscript behind it. Your manuscript, not your ego's or the cultural/societal ego's manuscript, but: God's/Your's manuscript. Everything has meaning, purpose, because it's part of an intelligent plan. You start to see reality as something filled with meaning, intelligence, emotion and purpose and love. Then we can create a more loving society on Earth with less suffering, less pain, and more love, more creation for creation's sake.

    But also see, that there can only be "good things", i.e. happiness, good, beautiful, joy, surprise, laughter, love etc if we have something opposite to contrast it with: sadness, hate, bad, ugly etc. That's why life is not just from the get-go: paradise. If it were paradise from the get-go, it would not be paradise! Haha, you see? It would be nothing. "paradise" is only "real" if we also got its opposite: hell! You can't have hell without paradise, you can't have paradise without hell. Just like you can't have life without death and vice versa.
    And fundamentally all these relativistic dualities are one and the same thing: God/Love/Consciousness. We did it. To dream. For creation's sake.

    When you can transcend all perspectives and all dualities and let go of the dream, what you are left with is Paradise though. Paradise with a big P. Because you see it's all something you do. It's your garden of play. Of love. Of imagination. Of creation. You are now consciously in full control over all your emotions. Want to be sad? be sad. Want to be happy? be happy. Want to hate? hate. Want to love? love. Want to be bad? be bad. Want to be good? be good. Want to be beautiful? be beautiful. Want to fear? fear. Want to be at peace? be at peace. When you're fully awake, you are in absolute control and everything that happens to you is seen as your own doing, consciously or unconciously, doesn't matter, still your doing. and it is beautiful and you want to be Loving towards everyone and everything with a big L, cos how can you not Love yourself?????? <3

    Create. Express. Imagine. Love. <3

    I don’t know about this dude. He appears extremely stuck in duality. He assumes a good and bad, superimposing his points in a polarising fashion. Like some of his points but this video hardly demonstrates his level awakening. It merely displays his inability to compose himself when contending the inevitability of existence.

  14. 10 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

    Being  is the quality or state of having existence.  If you are dead you might be remembered by living beings on earth but you do not have an active being in their world.  
    Love is not being.   Being is being. It means existing.   Just existing obviously isn't love.
    Love is a particular feeling that beings who are being (living) do.

    Love can be expressed as action. 

    Love in it's highest form means caring about other beings.   

    You‘re misconstruing absolute love for relative human love.

    Love has nothing to do with what you do it has everything to do with what you BE. What you are explaining is merely human constructs of emotion. That is not love that is primitive human behaviour. Useful as it may be, that is not an absolute.

    Also notice, “care” and “feeling” are relative. Dependent on what one deems conducive to their survival. Thus, both equate to relativity, meaning, equating to limitation. To be relative means to be not absolute. Therefore, the love you speak of is a relative human construct not independent of itself.


  15. 22 hours ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

    I will try to explain it with an analogy of a video game.
    Imagine that you are a character inside a video game and that the video game is programmed with a certain type of programming language/code, that sets up certain determined rules of the game.

    All characters are programmed to understand and interact precisely with this programming-language/typed code, and with its rules. This is applicable to 100% of the characters. Until now, there is no way out of the constraints of this code and its rules, because that's just how the code works.

    But suddenly, imagine that we inject into this video game: a hack. This hack is a script, that if run against the characters, they will be able to “step out” of the code/game and its rules for some brief time. During this time, they will be able to completely perceive and operate without any rules/programming. This could even mean realizing that they are inside a video game and that this video game is not actual reality, but just a small part of it -- of an actual infinite, eternal, more whole, ‘more real’ reality.

    To the ‘characters’ who managed to step outside and see the existence of this “whole new reality”, they will call this: Infinity/God/Consciousness/etc. Also, some of them will no longer consider the script/hack an ‘object of the code of the video game', because the script/hack itself will let them see that the code/game itself and its rules were just that: programming, code, game, fake, illusion. It was not grounded in anything *real*.

    Now, substitute:
    video game by what you call real life;
    character by what you consider ‘a person’;
    code by rationality/logic/causality;
    rules by science/materialism/natural laws;
    ‘stepping outside’ by spirituality;
    script/hack by: psychedelic / meditation / self-torture / ”rare character”.

    ( - Credit for this analogy is not to me. I copy-pasted it some time ago -- saved it on my PC, and then, now, edited it slightly -- from a dude here on this forum. Can't remember his/her name.)


    Nice analogy.

    Psychedelics are a powerful illusion which can show the way to transcend illusion.

    Fo not underestimate their value. They are far more powerful than the service “mystical” experience. They are the radical illumination of insight in which surpasses the ordinary ignorance of mind.

  16. On 13/06/2020 at 1:47 AM, Nak Khid said:

    You confuse love with apathy or accepting everything regardless of if it's helping or harming other sentient beings.  
    If someone is getting raped or beaten in front of your face or an animal is being tortured and you have the power to stop it or protest in some way yet you don't because you purport to love everything, that is not love.  It is cowardice and apathy 

    Human and animal rights are both love concepts.    Love is caring for other living things and having concern for their well being and survival. 

    Love is not sitting in alone your room  and vibing on how you love everything no matter how destructive and cruel.  That is not love.  It is an intellectual construct with a sign taped to it that says "love" and thinking  -more is "higher" 

    Love is a feeling. It is a feeling of caring for other living things.   That is a sacred thing yet simple thing and available to all.  

    It is not this mental intellectual exercise about ideas of  "unconditional" forms or some rarified altered state 

    It is a feeling that takes over and compels you to act  not a rational analysis.   

    You can imagine things in "absolutes" and extremes but that is not how things are.   One person going out and volunteering to help people for 5 minutes  is more real than someone doing a 2 hour lecture on their theory of extreme love. 
    People who are actually the most loving don't talk about love all day, they do it 

    I understand your sentiment but you have clearly demonstrated my point.

    All action you just pontificated is subject to survival, it is not absolute. Helping or “saving” others is a relative means. Dependent on what “saving” is qualified as in its given context. Eg. Killing in one context may be more justifiable than “saving”. And regardless of whether you do or you do not save/kill is completely irrelevant to love. The state of being from which your action stems is far more important than the action that follows it.

    You don’t seem to comprehend this. You assume action supersedes Being. Which is a fundamental misunderstanding of both consciousness and reality. 

    One can pursue the support of others, however, without an alignment to Being it still remains classified as egoic-neuroticism or some form of self-preservation.

    The central point you have misunderstood is that you assume Love is predicated on action. It is not, that is survival. Survival is ego. Love is Being.

    Nonetheless, to live a conducive life one must serve others as it is the most powerful thing one can do on a survival basis. But do not superimpose the survival of the human-species as fundamental a absolute. You’re comparing contrasts of survival to the ineffability if love. This is just pure bias. Love and the expression of it, surpasses all action or words you espouse. 

    Both your explanations of love and apathy a merely limited human constructs with no independent existence.

  17. 15 minutes ago, krockerman said:

    If consciousness could defy logic it could destroy itself. It could also create Total red and limit the whole nature of absolute infinity. But it cannot not. therefore proves that reality obeys logic

    Haha that does not prove reality obeys logic. Quite the opposite actually.

    How come there is something rather than nothing? Logic is mute here.

    How come the immaterial can produce the material?  Logic is mute here.

    How come you exist but cannot validate the experience you were born?  Logic is mute here.

    How come infinity cannot be mathematically computed?  Logic is mute here.

    How come you can intuit an experience without a rational understanding?  Logic is mute here.

    All these questions and many more defy logic and yet they still exist. Logic is not required because it never began with. Consciousness produced logic using the mind. And notice, logic changes depending on which mind uses it. It is limited to minds’ and reality surpasses the mind.

  18. 4 minutes ago, krockerman said:

    pure consciousness cannot destroy itself, right? This proves that logic has everything to do with the nature of consciousness

    No this does not prove logic has been every thing to do with consciousness.

    Logic is secondary and relies upon concepts language in order to be conveyed. Therefore, logic is limited to language and concepts. No concepts or language = no logic.

    Furthermore, reality is not a concept, it supersedes concepts. Reality cannot be explained by concepts since they are limited to the conceptual realm of “the mind”. Since reality cannot be explained by concepts, one requires a more effective tool. This so happens to be direct experience. No the the “idea” of direct experience. The actuality of direct experience.

    Ps. Logic cannot even explain direct experience let alone reality. Thus, what makes you think it has any further importance than to compute inert concepts via the mind?

  19. 20 hours ago, krockerman said:

    Reality or absolute infinity is logic itself. It cannot include anything that is against logic. If it did it would limit the reality

    Let's use an example a supernova that could destroy Reality itself. That would limit Reality rather than make it more limitless.
    However, this also means that God or absolute infinity is not Omnipotent because it cannot do anything that goes agaist logic. 

    So if absolute infinity is logic @Leo Gura why not try to look into logic and reason to try to reach out to mainstream scientists about the nature of Reality if you want to awaken the
    the planet as fast as possible?

    Logic is a fabrication of mind which is completely arbitrary. It has no relevance to consciousness because consciousness does not require anything in order to be validated. Consciousness is self validating by the very nature it is exists. Therefore, logic is irrelevant.

    The only utility logic holds is in the relative domain of mind. Which just so happens to only concern a finite self that relies upon survival. Logic is not absolute because it is limited in what it explains. It must be, as it is a subset directly derived from the whole. Logic is rather codependent. A faculty of mind dependent on conceptual imagination.

    How is it that an immaterial consciousness can derive itself out of a “assumed” material world? Logic cannot answer this because it is limited. Refer to ‘the hard problem of consciousness’. 

  20. On 07/06/2020 at 9:36 PM, WHO IS said:

    I see a world/existence where there is no need to kill and consume another living beings/creatures in order to sustain one's own life/existence.

    I see a world where one does not need to "earn a living", when one "earns" a living it sounds as if to be alive is a privilege, doesn't it? 

    I see a world where people don`t get sick and ill. 

    I see a world where there is no such as some are ugly and others are beautiful, why not make everyone beautiful? When some are ugly and others are beautiful it creates jealousy from the inferior party and willingness to dominate from the superior party, I wonder if it is intentional, what do you think? And do you think it is fair?

    I see a world/existence where one does need to virtually watch out/make sure all times that at one does not die. Where death does not exist. 

    I see a world void of entropy, where good things last and do not fade away. 

    One must know suffering in order to know bliss.

  21. 11 hours ago, DivineSoda said:

    I think it would help the quality of this sub-forum if we all took a moment to re-read Leo's forum guidelines. 

    "Please keep in mind that this is a naturally controversial topic. Watch your self-bias, ideology, and devilry extra closely as you think about and talk about these issues. These issues are emotionally charged precisely because they go to the core of your identity & survival. Don't turn this sub-forum into a distraction from inner work."

    Good topic thread! 

    From my observations, many prefer to antagonise forum members on politics opposed to partake in conducive discussion for the purpose of inner work. This would be a good start.

  22. 20 hours ago, Kinjal said:

    Is it okay to be angry? 

    Anger is the misunderstanding and displacement of ego reactions. Ego uses anger as it’s defence mechanism to protect it from threat. Feeling anger may not be so much the problem, however, acting from it is complete delusion.

  23. 17 hours ago, Consept said:


    What Sadhguru is referring to is universal love.

    A positionless and paradigmless interaction with humanity, synonymous with non duality. The problem he speaks of is not inequality, it’s much deeper than that. He is speaking about the arbitrary line that we drawn between human existences. The line is the problem not how one operates from it.

    The problem is not that black people are mistreated. That is secondary. The problem is the dividing line that has been drawn between races and type for the primitive purpose of survival. If one could not distinguish between them self and another (a no dual state) one would have no quarrel with others. However, this is not the case in our present societies.

    We have superimposed classes, competencies, creeds, races, belief systems, statuses, appearances and so forth. People are schematically organised beyond any awareness of being so. We both do it and succumb to it, it’s a closed loop.

    We have projected the minds dualistic deductions on to what we perceive in order to preserve a survival bias. Reality has been divided from the whole. This is why discrimination of any kind exists, not because of hate but because of unconscious arbitrary division to fulfil survival.


  24. @ivankiss Your thread title insinuates that a repetition of past events is something to be concerned about. Thus, it is important to understand them.

    Im suggesting that history is nothing but merely a distorted mental fabrication. Completely relative to the paradigm one is coming from. Therefore, history is extremely ambiguous, arbitrary and irrelevant to what one does in the present.

    I understand your sentiment here. However, it assumes history has some sort of monopoly over the now. History is surface level. Consciousness is fundamental. One does not need to concern them self with history if the consciousness they operate is perceiving clearly.