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Posts posted by andyjohnsonman

  1. I just got back into Kriya seriously after a bit of a break. During navi kriya i felt my base chakra more than normal and felt like it was opening up. During Kriya Pranyama i managed to feel deep levels of relaxation and calm. After that i started concentration and i felt sicky feeling in my gut. I stayed unreactive to this and started to feel worse to the point where my body was shaking and had a gag reflex followed by my back tensing up immensely. 


    This meditation is ridiculously powerful and wonder if anyone else has experienced anything similar and can breakdown what is going on.

  2. Sorry for the clickbait title. So what would I say to Trump if I met him? It would be very hard not to moralise telling him what he's doing wrong and what he should do. However it seems clear people have to figure things out themselves. I don’t think telling people like Trump what they should do would help. They are so stuck in their paradigms, I would give them my perspective, let them think about it. If I tell him his pitfalls and force the change on to him this will most likely have the reverse effect, making him more defensive, and more stuck to their way of thinking. I think ppl have to figure things out themselves through trial and error and the problem when they have constant errors and no change then what do we do? They need outside help. 

    After watching Leo’s “A rant against Morality” video and then his conscious politics video it seems to me there is a slight contradiction. Moralizing has an aire of superiority (i'm right and you're wrong). Morality is a human invention, we are making up the rules as we go along, what is right and wrong, its do as you like in the animal kingdom, whats right now might be completely wrong in 100 years. However even though it is a human invention it’s a necessary one. 


    Animals don't have the power to destroy the whole planet, they don't have the degree of variety in their behaviour that we have. In Leo’s politics video he talks about freedom and true freedom being rules - if you want freedom like the animal kingdom then it wouldn’t be free (well it would but not in the way you would like it to be). So I therefore feel a sense of what is right and wrong is necessary in order to create a system that can be governed and have an equal chance for all. To do this societies and govenments must then surely  moralise as to what is and isn’t right? 

  3. 4 hours ago, ajasatya said:

    @andyjohnsonman How would you measure your own level of consciousness? How do you diagnose yourself?

    How judgemental I am, how loving i am to all, how much responsibility i can take, how much i can see other perspectives, how enthusiastic and passionate i am to the joy of life and living, how much i can let go, can i live in the moment, whats my level of mindfulness and state of content from moment to moment. However on a first date there generally are a lot of  games being played and people can put on a false facade and therefore it would be nice to have some questions that could really penetrate the real person (pardon the pun) ?。

  4. 8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Aeris You gotta ask more follow up questions and really dig into her values. Most people have no idea what their values are so it takes digging.

    What if her answer is family and friends. This is coming out of love but as you have said before is a narrow version of love which can cause a lot of devilry based on in group out group. But it would take a highly developed person to answer love for everything i cant expect this. This type of person isn't prevalent. 

  5. What questions could you ask a person you have never met to quickly assess their level of consciousness? 

    I am in the process of looking for a new girlfriend. My last girlfriend had a lot of devilry and would like someone who has worked through a lot of their devilry or is at least aware of it. I would like a set of questions that i could ask to separate the wheat from the chaff. I know it is possible to get a general idea based on how a person talks without asking these questions but i would like a more effective and efficient method.


    Much appreciated

  6. I have been doing this style of meditation over the last week with my friend. You set a meditation bell to go off every 5 minutes, close your eyes, start meditating together for 5 or 10 minutes and then ask your partner contemplation style questions which can be found below. Your partner answers these questions from a calm meditative state and you don't interrupt just listening without judgement, when the bell goes after 5 minutes you change and your partner asks you.


    I find this practice very beneficial for feeling present as well as combining meditation with contemplation. I feel there isn't enough of this style of communication as many conversations tend to be soundbites with lots of interruption with people just focussing on what they have to say next. This practice reminds me times being around a fire with friends, or those times when you have a sleepover as a child and you get to talk about intimate things with another person. 


    Here is a link to the site:



    Has anyone else tried this style of meditation? I would be curious to know how you find it.

  7. I would like to get some advice about my brothers most recent phone call. He is a very positive person and very actualized without every doing any of the theory. His wife recently came back from 2 months in Peru where she went there to have some space from my brother and they didnt talk for the whole time. She had a tough upbringing with lots of trauma and has always been searching through spirituality for answers. Before leaving for Peru she went through depression and the relationship got quite toxic with her getting angry at my brother but he saw past this as he is blinded by love. He has done everything to try to keep the relationship together and tried to help her with her inner demons by going with her to get counselling and giving her constant support.  They have different paths - my brother is very goal driven and she is more of a free spirit.  


    He moved to Australia to marry her (he is originally from UK) and has everything there for the last 8 years (Mortgage, car, job). The divorce takes along time to settle and will be difficult financially when he has put all the money into the mortgage but thanks to divorce rights it will be halved. When she came back from Peru she told my brother that she wants to split up. He just called me to say all this and started crying down the phone. I found it hard to advise him especially when he lives so far away.


    Any advice for him and on how i can deal with this?


    Much appreciated

  8. 5 minutes ago, Nahm said:


    Consciousness isn’t prior to anything because all there is, is consciousness. There is no material world. There is a thought, “material world”. That thought, is itself, consciousness. Consciousness can not expand, as it is not limited, and there is no second ‘space’ which it could expand into. 

    You do not have an individual consciousness. The brain does not produce thoughts. The body does not produce awareness. Consciousness forgets, fools, dream, imagines itself, to be other than as it is...aka “experience”. 

    Trust, is a thought, about there being a second thing or entity. There isn’t. Trust, is a thought. Linguistically, experientially, trust is logical and helpful, but ultimately speaking, it is not logical, nor helpful. If there is anything you are inclined to trust for, you have already reduced yourself with an idea that you are not already enough, regardless of apparent circumstances or apparent shortcomings. 

    There are not, most literally speaking, “higher consciousness states”. This is only in communication, in language. Consciousness does not change, it appears to. The unseen, unchanging, awareness of all that changes is consciousness, and the actuality of all that appears to change, is that it too is the very same consciousness. There is not a separate, individual, “you” which experiences altered states. “Altered”, “higher”, these are linguistic, relative terms and ideas. Were it not for the the true self, you, unchanging - apparent change could not be experience. But, there is experience. 

    A “clearer understanding of reality”, is literally, actually, recognizing yourself. The apparent means, avenues, forms, versions of this (whatever word you prefer)... is recognition, knowing of, yourself. The experience, while “forgetting” yourself, is interpreted as, understanding. 


    Direct experience reveals no experience. You, but no experience. Then indirect experience, right? It’s the exact same, but in not recognizing, in forgetting, the appearance of you, is mentally mistaken as not you, and so seems, indirect. 

    To pick a focal point which I think could be the fulcrum of the perspective of your questions, the deconstruction of it being in the contemplation of it...

    Consciousness does not create a second being. It becomes a ball of light. There is nothing in this ball, it is consciousness. You could say, “at the center of this ball” is “pure consciousness”, Nothingness / Awareness (actually the exact very same consciousness). From “inside the ball”, nothingness does not recognize itself, as being the light, which is appearing as -other-than-nothingness. The experience, is, consciousness fools itself into forgetting itself, not realizing it is still nothingness, distinguishing, making distinctions, projecting them onto the light. 




    thanks i need some time to think about this

  9. 19 hours ago, Nahm said:

    Your paradigm from your current perspective is entirely backwards relative to the perspective / paradigm you’re asking about. Not in any you’re-at-fault-for-it way, not in the slightest bit.  But it is, entirely backwards nonetheless. 

    From the perspective you expressed here, you are a thing with consciousness, a thing which is questioning the notion it can experience “higher consciousness”. But you are not a thing. You are the Entire Consciousness, appearing limited to itself, an implication there is a “thing”, and believing you are that “thing” which is implicated. 

    A “thing” does not have a property of consciousness. There is only consciousness. So there is no “your consciousness” which gets expanded, though that is an entirely accurate description of experience. Rather than an experience of expansion of a thing, consider there is experience of Consciousness unveiling to Itself, that it was never the “thing” it believed itself to be. No actual expansion occurs, only the deterioration of the belief you were ever a limited thing. 

    Ok i get what you are saying. So i will reword my question then. If consciousness is prior to the material world and therefore consciousness gets expanded (rather than my own individual consciousness), how can i trust that these "higher consciousness" states give me a clearer understanding of what reality actually is. If consciousness is just differences that are just happening then surely whatever is, is? Wouldn't this mean then that my normal state is just as true as the "higher conscious" states? 


    I am trying to be as open minded as possible and remain neutral to all possibilities. I feel like without direct experience of the absolute (if that is a thing) this is the least dogmatic way to think. 


    In Leo’s most recent video he talks about how consciousness is just differences, he then says its possible to “raise” your consciousness by 1 million times more than normal human consciousness in order to see facets of reality that can’t normally be seen and get a clearer understanding of what reality actually is. In meditation or taking psychedelics you can “raise” your consciousness to have a deeper understanding of reality. 


    But if consciousness is just differences how can we be sure that these “higher” levels of consciousness have a deeper understanding than normal everyday survival consciousness where you think reality is material? 


    Surely you have to come from a certain paradigm to believe that what you are at these “higher” states is more real than your base state. How about it’s just a difference, non of these states being more real or closer to the truth than the other and therefore we truly don’t know what reality is. 


    Great video as always by the way.


    I think that I am going through a transitional change in my life. I think I am improving and clearing out all the negativity from my life. I am trying to figure out what the fuck the world is all about. I am trying to understand a lot of what is talked about in My world view is heavily influenced by what Leo talks about. He could easily manipulate me as I listen to him and take his words as truth a lot more than other sources. This is how cults work they give you some growth and help you out with something then throw in a sneaky metaphysics. I think that generally people are good, but have selfish tendencies based on survival and ego. I think that people have a tendency to believe something and want to hold this belief as truth. I think I am above this and can think through the problems and see from other perspectives. I think that because I meditate occasionally it gives me some superpower and I dont fall into human traps as easily. I obviously do and can’t get over biological survival programming which was evident when I was terrified on a plane when it was having turbulence.


    I am trying to figure out whether reality is physical or a giant mind. I think that I am a work in progress. I think that love is more than just sexual desire, there is pure love that can be given to anyone and its just a matter of being in the present moment and free from the ego mind. I think there’s more to life than survival but I still can’t figure out what isn’t survival. I have noticed how peaceful it is when the thoughts stop and I can just be in my body. I know how important good friendships are and family connections. I think health is very important and having a curious mind is something that can take you far in life. I admire people who have massive levels of enthusiasm and really want to be able to have this passion and level of energy on a daily basis but find it hard. I really enjoy sport, new experiences, new connections, good conversation, being playful, feeling like ive known someone my whole life when we just met, being a developed person and seeing the rewards this gives. I really wanna get good at loads of stuff. I feel I’ve wasted so much time in my youth pissing around and now wanna get involved with more stuff. 


    I see myself as a good person, as funny, as reasonably clever, as fit, but not handsome even tho I think thats not massively important. I can get frustrated with my terrible concentration levels, laziness, procrastination. Chemicals in my body really control me. I noticed when im on drugs how much I crave those positive chemicals and avoid those negative ones. When I feel bad in my body I really let it affect me. I love my brother so much more than I could ever love anyone else. He’s perfect and even as a little brother he is someone I look upto. I see life as a journey, as experiences, as growing opportunities. I dont see life as something that should be run by your career. I value independence, free time, alone time, but also being with great people. Im at a period in my life where I feel I should make a decision for family and career if thats what I want. I love children and feel I would make a great dad. I feel to do that though I have to get all my shit sorted like career, finances and would have to sacrifice a lot and still dont know if its worth it however at the same time, time is passing and quickly.


    I define great people as people who have a similar worldview to mine and similar interests. I’m scared of my parents dying and things moving on. I want things to remain. I feel time is moving too quickly, every year just passes by and we get older and closer to death. I dont know what happens when you die. Leo talks about there being nowhere else to go you are always here. This is a big reason I am into spirituality. I want to know everything will be ok when you die. I dont want to burn in hell for eternity or for that to be it.  Maybe all of this is feeding a confirmation bias as I feel better knowing that the Self will live forever. I just want to be happy but didn’t realise how complex happiness is. Theres just so much to it and it seems to be very counter intuitive. When I started reading books I thought because its a scholar you can believe it, but many scholars have conflicting viewpoints. 


    I am very interested in psychology and feel it has become part of my identity. I’m at a stage where I think most things can be solved with kris, psychedelics, journaling and contemplation. How do I know this is the case as I haven’t had all my problems solved. How can I even be sure I have improved from these and not just matured as I get older. How can I know I have made any improvements at all?


    I love different cultures learning new languages exploring and adventure. I can’t get over my need to sleep so much but have just realised this is a limiting belief.