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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Here is one of my favorite AIs Simulating a game within a neural network...
  2. For a few weeks I had been experiencing what I believed to be resistance to this new form of meditation I was trying to implement into my life. One day the resistance was tough enough that I looked for some external help and remembered the Sedona Method. I tried it and it worked great but only just for a few days. Eventually I got hit by a big enough ego backlash that I couldn't push myself anymore and I reverted back to my old routines from a few months ago. How do I distinguish between when I am resisting something and when I pushing myself too hard and wearing myself out? TL;DR : How do I tell the difference between resistance and actual mental exhaustion?
  3. What does it mean to increase consciousness? How can there be more or less consciousness if everything is consciousness? This might be a pedantic thing to ask, I assume there are two meanings here for different contexts. Leo talking about bandwidth got me thinking; is consciousness just awareness? If I increase my awareness then is that what it means to increase my consciousness? For example, I've never taken a psychedelic but I imagine that such a drastic change in state of consciousness increases one's awareness of how all encompassing consciousness is and thus "increases consciousness".
  4. This isn't spirituality this is fantasy land.
  5. I've been following this technology for years. It is so exciting that it has gotten so big even Vox is covering it now.
  6. I saw this video and it really resonated with me. Warning the video is a little distressing. This is just a reminder of what a lack of love does to someone. Love yourself.
  7. Because "life unfolds in chapters" your best goal depends on the context of your life. So maybe the best meta-goal for this purpose is context awareness at all times in your life.
  8. Hatred has a sick primal attraction to it, but this person had to be missing so many firewalls in their mind to go this far and do something like this.
  9. I consider visualization a meditation. I am a little confused about what do. When I visualize, ideas will pop into my mind. Do I ignore the ideas and focus on the visualization, or do I write the ideas down and then continue with the visualization?
  10. It frustrates me a lot when people have such bad faith interpretations of spirituality lol.
  11. Just don't fool yourself.
  12. Be patient. Do not do more than you can handle at one time. If you are not meeting your behavior goals then make easier goals that you can actually accomplish. Once you are consistently successful with your goals it is time to make them a little harder.
  13. What if they're authentically in autopilot?
  14. I'm curious where you draw the line between thought and not thought. Are these verbal thoughts?
  15. I think things are only a hamster wheel in the hamster wheel.