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Everything posted by Torkys

  1. I'm so dead
  2. People have given awesome pieces of advice already. The way Leo describes "Awareness Alone Is Curative" isn't the full solution. By observing the activity you want to get rid of, you only observe the negative aspects of that activity which builds Resistance to that activity over time. Your job is to face Resistance, not to build a wall of it.
  3. The epiphany! Make sure you don't turn this into a desire/fetish though. The desire to suffer is resisting not-suffering which in turn causes suffering.
  4. Ask yourself these question: What is negative? What is Resistance? - This may your entry to Spirituality 2.0 You are still a newbie in personal development. Confusion and these cycles are inevitable. Sit back and enjoy the ride! You will become a hero in the end. "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek" - Joseph Campbell I absolutely love this. @Nahm I couldn't have said it more powerfully. We are honored the receive your wisdom ?
  5. @Shin @Pramit You guys have to get at least one reference in this meme. Welcome back, @Shin! We missed you, you little green French fried! *fucking monikammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm*
  6. He's a controversial figure, definitely a false prophet on some level. The stuff he puts out in golden though. If it works for you, take it! Value the teaching, not the teacher.
  7. You forgot that people can betray you every second. No matter how much you guard yourself, you can get attacked. You have a belief which says "people won't betray me if they are 'x' or do 'y'". The only way to face the ego is to trigger the Resistance that lies on the other side of that belief and face it without close to no Resistance.
  8. Burn this as a fuel, my friend
  9. There is an aspect of you which wants you to get irritated, and another that does not. What happened now is that the aspect of you which doesn't want to get irritated got a chance to express itself. It's natural that it gets "worse" if you observe it because it makes the friction between these parts of more obvious. Keep on observing nonetheless. The very reason this is a problem for you is because you are used to living with lower level of awareness. Even though this quote may seem negative, it describes the life as an ego really well: "There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." - Carl Jung Also, watch this video if you haven't already. The video doesn't describe the nuances of this statement fully but this should be able to tell you why observing works:
  10. I have been very skeptical about LoA but alot of things happened to me which I can only explain using Teal Swan's (channeling pain points to a deep spiritual issue) and Matt Kahn's (a twin flame which seems to be obey LoA) teachings - both of which are from a LoA paradigm. Do you think that LoA is real or is it just confirmation bias? Why do you hold this position? Where do you think the line is between confirmation bias and causality and how can I confirm it experiantially?
  11. I observe myself as mainly Green and Yellow (recognizing lower stages as self-evident, willing to entertain multiple prespective, building models based on direct experience), with Blue and Orange shadow aspects (subtle nationality, the desire accumulate knowledge, and a lack of social and environmental awareness). @Leo Gura So what am I if I have conflicting answers to these questions? I should be high Blue, below Green, and Green and above at the same time. @Gerard(sry, glitching phone) @Gerhard Why not Red-Orange, Blue-Green, Orange-Yellow and Green-Turquoise?
  12. @Solace When I was talking about LoA, I wasn't only referring to manifestation but to the "punishments" the ego receives because from them. Maybe LoA isn't the right phrase; I thought of the idea that God makes you face certain situations (to which Matt clearly subscribes), not the ego reacting to itself and blaming it on a universal law out there. I really appreciate the Matt Kahn vid so much I will check out the Higher Self vids later @Artaemis @Solace Thank you both for showing an alternative perspective! ❤️ There is no "negative" to flowing with life / surrendering to the Heart (one and the same).
  13. @Leo Gura I am aware of the ego's projection of its Resistance - which goes to the depth I can't even fathom - but I don't get how phenomena - which I perceive "raw reality" as without any thoughts - can be mind-stuff. How can I prove this to myself - is this possible without deeply questioning reality itself? Can you give any tips and hints to getting there? Through observing my dreams, the line between real and unreal started becoming blurry for me so this should be easier to realize. @Solace
  14. Even though there are common trends in activities which are "high or low consciousness", increasing awareness is a completely personal journey and no activity is absolutely low or high consciousness. PS.: Creating a list and sticking to it is creating boundaries for yourself which is "low consciousness".
  15. @Nahm Very little, only a part of a video you posted once. What do you recommend from her?
  16. 1 month ago, I went on a solo retreat where I had multiple deep glimpses of this insight: "The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it". In other words, most of our desires are there because we desperately want to avoid the opposite and fulfilling these desires won't solve anything. This also led to the natural conclusion that purification is unconditional Presence. This insight caused a huge backlash for me. Going back to my normal life, I started playing video games again, watching lower quality content, and generally avoiding inner work (I still have the interest but it doesn't manifest that much). Every time I try to get out this I recognize that with the attempt to get out of this, I am avoiding the pain of this way of life and the only way to truly break the Resistance towards this state is to stay in it / give it unconditional Presence. And with this attitude, I go back to my old ways forgetting and not staying conscious of the reasoning that brought me back here. Even though I start to figure out what is going on and which beliefs bind me here ("If you put conditions on Presence, you are automatically messing it up and doing it wrong"), I would like to hear your thoughts and suggestions.
  17. Combined with my initial confusion, the lack of expressing of emotions (maybe that's just me), the mentioning of worry and the lack of meaning made me think he has gone too far for his standards. The fact that I suggested contemplation to him could have made me see something neutral or even positive negative.
  18. I know some may disagree but I would recommend you to stay away from practices which harm your current ego structure. Seeking Truth is a long and very serious endeavor. Uninvited and unwanted Truth can traumatize you - in fact, trauma can only develop if your beliefs clash with Truth and the ego can defend itself only by developing a trauma. But then Truth is the only thing that can liberate you from your suffering so it's the most worthwhile thing for anyone to search for the Truth. Even though I pointed you to contemplation, be careful what you wish for. Truth is going to get you anyway but only seek it if you are willing to face the consequences.
  19. Maybe it's because of this post (literally a suicide note to the forum, it doesn't matter if it's real or not) that I don't like to use the phrase "kill yourself". The guy literally expressed his belief that self-harm and suicide is the way to liberation. But what do we know?
  20. By mentally going in the other direction. What if you could never help animals and decrease their suffering? Try to imagine that. If you feel Resistance - or even the idea sounds horrible to you -, it is selfish at least to a certain degree. But you can transcend that. Self-transcendence (the ultimate form of seeking Joy) is the most selfish thing there is
  21. Thank you alot, Leo! ❤️ I am so glad I stumbled onto your enlightenment intro video when I was 13, I became a big fan when I was 14. Even though I don't agree fully with your approach (especially because I have walked this path for a much shorter time that you have but agreeing 100% isn't the point) but after clarifying it as a newbie, you gave me the best foundation for my spiritual search I could have ever received. You gave me the wings to fly away, to explore, and to find a profound and worth-while life even if it's not in your metaphorical lap. Your content transformed me to a degree I could not ever describe. It has been a wonderful one and a half years. You are truly a huge and conscious giant and countless people sit on your shoulders. All the best and all of God, Leo!