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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. What God exactly? The Primordial Gnostic? Abraxas, sounds like laundry detergent. Evil can not exist in anyway in Pantheism( or Atheism). And Godmode, would just spoil everything. Agnostic, no metaphysical judgement either way. Religions other than Christianity do a really poor job of putting everything together in a systematic way. Taoism isn't bad, but it's not a religion. Where's the audio Buddhist King James Bible? I'm going to hedge my bets, and say Evil exists. Maybe there is no soul, and the Buddhists and Atheists are correct. But then what about Astral Projection? How is that possible if there isn't some kind of transcendental soul. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!
  2. @noip What do you consider smart? What sort of topics were you interested in?
  3. Why not try it. Spend time in a sensory deprivation Chamber or a Tank. No light, sound, constant temperature, cardboard like food.
  4. Right-wing is Distributive, at it's best. Assholes at their worst. Conservative is defunct and lifeless politically, it hasn't only failed its failed badly. If they can't keep two types of bathroom, fail. The etymology of the word Left is literally "weak", strength in numbers. At it's worst it's Collectivist. At it's best creative. I like the idea of Agrarianism, it goes one further then Greens in Theory. Only the Nordic countries have them as a credible party. But from what I hear they sellout just like other parties. Although the Agrarians did put up quite a fight against the Soviets in the Winter War. An estimated 500 kills by a Finnish farmer, turned Sniper. With the Green Socialist Parties too much money gets wasted through corruption.
  5. @mattstivender The book 1984. I should have put it in quotes. The USA has enough food and housing, for now. The UK though is dependent on food imports and housing is very expensive. Empowering people, removing regulations lower down. Look at food manufacturing for example, there are fewer companies now then there were several decades ago. Now all owned by mega corporations. I suppose empowering people, education is often very fragmented and without any foundation. Intentionally so. The optimal stage Orange Materialistic/Atheistic mindset I think there is, is Voluntarism (Not to be mistaken with volunteering, as such). Where a person subordinates; their intellect, emotions and reason. To their will: general direction in life.( although perhaps there's a better definition).
  6. Listen to audiobooks. If you need to build up concentration try reading essays instead, by authors you like.
  7. @JesperFromSweden What did you think of "The doors of perception" by Aldous Huxley? I listened to Brave New World a while a go on audible, I found his writing style to be a bit all over the place.
  8. @Edelweiss A) is Nihilism. B) A Utilitarian Solution. C) A Dominance Solution.
  9. @clouffy Atheism failed. So Jordan Peterson was brought in, as an alternative means of control. Member of the Trilateral commission. Noted for a newspaper article when he was 13 that he wouldn't be happy until he was Prime Minister of Canada. Absolutely raking it in. He says some interesting things, I was persuaded to look at the Unconscious mind as a possibility, which then helped lead me more towards non-duality. But none of what he says is original, better off reading the sources directly, and not looking at his interpretation. He's totally soldout, for one reason or another. There's a book Jordanetics that'll show you the deceptions, the author isn't necessarily much better, but I'll use what knowledge I can. Ken Wilber is probably better to listen to, I was initially put off, by appearance pink wrist band, girly necklace, seemed too nice. But he's into non-duality, and I saw a positive facebook post by Christopher Langan, where he mentioned Ken.
  10. @mattstivender The reason given in 1984 was to maintain a power hierarchy. As plenty of goods can already be manufactured, to meet everyone's needs. If there's already enough stuff, what need is there of stage Orange, but a greatly reduced one. Besides with Financial planners, maybe it's more of a mix between Red and Orange, like many celebrities that have lost their wealth to them. I thought the first guy was very condescending, I think I have watched a channel with virtually the same name, and services before, but it was a different guy that ran it. At one point he want's to make out his protestant work ethic, at another he's saying his grandparents(or some relative) were Jewish in Auschwitz, then emphasising paperwork. Looking on his website, he says he started the business. But basically copied it, from the last guy that died of cancer, and changed the layout. Using connections to skim off the top. I used to follow anarcho-capitialists(libertarians) quite a bit. But they basically pervert the philosophy of Aristotle, in the case of Ayn Rand. Or pervert Von Mises Praxeology to promote, Anarcho-capitalism. Or say stupid shit like," I want a Jetpack or a Mansion." Stefan Molyneux. "Human desires are infinite, And that's why we need the price system." I don't like socialism either, but it is a more coherent system than An-cap. In the final analysis it's either collectivism(Eusocial) or distributivism (Prosocial). That or be a Yogi. Distribute the machinery, and have regulations locally favourable. Distributing the produce, is leading to disaster. There's a Hadith and a prophecy to invade India, Ghazwa e hind. That guarantees entry into paradise. Strike the Prophets proclamation from the record, then I'm sure they can talk.
  11. @moon777light Collective Ego, survival mechanism. As for Yin and Yang; I think the general idea is to transcend the feminine(Yin), in favour of the masculine(Yang), more presence. Similar to a "Left-hand"(satanism) or "Right-hand path"(not satanism). The Tao Te Ching helps with the thinking aspect of non-duality. As for the other aspects..... The future in memory, is obviously something that hasn't happened. Only memes of the past. As for a middle way between two extremes. I'd imagine that would be fairly godlike.
  12. @Preety_India I tend to try, to give notice to the idealistic side. Velocity; as to whether you're going down, staying the same, or increasing. Theodicy (Problem of Evil) 1)Plotinus. A deprivation of Good. Your soul continues as unbound potential, providing you do good acts. 2)Augustine. An absence of Good. Divine Grace if you like. 3)St Irenaus. All is Good. "Best of all possible Worlds". Everyone wins in the end. I go with the number 1. Yeah if they are clinically obese, they and/or their parents have failed in someway. Reality is important as the fixed substrate, that let's you reach greater heights and act morally.
  13. Well I stand up next to a mountain. And I chop it down, with the edge of my hand! - Postmodernism in a nutshell. Korshunov: This is bullshit! It's simple physics. Without fuel, the plane crashes, everybody dies! -Movie; Air force One (Environmentalism in a nutshell)
  14. @kindayellow Buying up a lot of land. James Dyson. Underground swimming pool. Stupid planning permission, councils wanting their cut. Why can more people live like lex Luther from superman. I think the former Prime Minister's father law owned something like over 100,000 acres! in a shell company. The Cameron's, also made a lot of money in slaves, I remember reading somewhere.
  15. 7 Years worth of Solar energy used in 1 day!( to the later half of the video, I think) All those millions of years building up fossil fuels, gives the illusion of a potential Green society. If society went Agrarian(Permacultural), and away from Industrial Agriculture. That would neutralise stage Red from the World. And help repair the eco-system. Stage orange might not like it. The only other alternative unless algae feed/soylent green becomes viable, is the mass death of people imho. Soil degradation and salinity. Plus the oil and technological sophistication to maintain it. Cows don't get milked, their organs explode.
  16. Generationally I see it this way. Millennials: A mess of Red to (Green). Fragmented Society. Boomers: As Orange AND (Blue or Green). Split society. Pre WW2: Blue - Orange. A Regression from Victorian. Pre WW1: Orange - Blue. Victorian Pre Victorian: Blue - Orange. Pre Napoleonic: Blue. Pre Renaissance: Blue - Red. ----------------------------- Bulk of the World Below. Pre Roman: Red-Blue. Pre Greek: Red. Pre Mesopotamian Red - Purple. ---------------- Tribal Purple - Red.
  17. Academic strikes me as Green, and/or Orange A good polytechnic/trade or coding college as Orange. Yellow. Not really sure. I think you'd be teaching your own students or have your own institute, if you were yellow. With modern technology how is anything, but the highest scientific tech and Ego keeping the University system going. Yellow to me, would be more Intellectual "Salons". Or perhaps a yellow institute with tangible aims, higher than the group.
  18. @SQAAD More use to society. Lots of writers for news agencies, magazines etc for instance. Duplicating old ideas or not even that, nothing new under the sun.
  19. I would say Sargon is Orange. He's an Atheist and Materialist. The media are scumbags.... and tools for the powers that be, that do not want Youtube as threatening their political interests. Probably like the Mafia it's nothing personal, only the destruction of a potentially brighter future.
  20. @SQAAD IQ is a proxy for intelligence, not intelligence itself. I believe there is a strong correlation, but not everyone does. Naseem Taleb for example. A lower I.Q tradesmen is probably more intelligent, than a slightly higher I.Q writer. I think a high I.Q may make changing in someways more difficult, like turning a big ship. With lower I.Q collective instinct, can more easily be allowed to takeover. I knew someone for a short period with OCD, they supposedly would clean every week with bleach.
  21. @Joseph Maynor Look for patterns perhaps. Anima is basically feminine Yin. Animus Masculine Yang. Carl Jung mentioned the Adventure Novel SHE as a good playing out of the anima and animus, or something like that. "She has always been Rider Haggard's most popular and influential novel, challenged only by King Solomon's Mines in this regard".[96] Such was the popularity and influence of the novel that it was cited in the psychoanalytical theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, the latter describing the character of She as a manifestation of the anima figure."
  22. Nature is based on limits. Einstein and Spinoza's God. Pantheism. Unnatural, Freewill. Panenthesim Panentheistic Religion Norse (Vanir and Aesir)Godhead.-----------Ragnarok.(Twilight of the Idols). Unstable Castle Slaughter, aka Valhalla Eastern Orthodox (Jesus Christ & The Father)Godhead.-----------Satan. (The Resistor). Possibility for love. Taoism (Darkside and Light)Godhead------- The Way. No Love, except perhaps by being godlike. Buddhism? Hinduism? Neoplatonism? Jainism? - Transtheism Darkside (Swastika). Plurality, metaphysical fail. Scripture a mess. Pantheistic Religion (No particular Good or Evil) The Force(Darkside and Light)God/Nature.------------ Light(Pleasure) & Darkside(Pain OR Sensation). The darkside must prevail, or it will be sequels without end.
  23. @1x0 Focus on land, distribution. Permaculture. Less than 900 square meters of land! To feed, cloth, provide medicine, water & heating fuel. In a cold climate. Less dependence, more effort can then be focused elsewhere. At the 8 minute mark in the video it mentioned NO2 being a large contributor from Fertiliser. Walled gardens and high yielding fruit trees can produce more food efficiently than millions of pounds in equipment. The thing is the labour and getting to that stage. Forest gardening so there's a canopy of layers. I'm not a Green. I consider myself Agrarian Whig ideologically. People know the UK is a potential powder keg, and the police will struggle to keep order, as with the London riots/looting that spread across the country. I remember them making a big thing on the news with a 5 year sentence for stealing Tesco's value rice and bottled water. Steal something decent! I think the only mines still operating in the UK are Potash. Either things go to a tech Singularity(Hive like) or an Omega Singularity(Distributive). Otherwise the UK remains at the mercy of imports and the status of it's currency. De-Urbanization. The expendable labour for industry is no longer required. Cold reality, but unless anyone has a better idea.
  24. @MM1988 I've played that game. I think that's at the point where he storms the mansion and he get's drugged. Played the sequel as well, too many video games.