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  1. Leos latest episode on consciousness - A question
    Leos latest episode on consciousness - A question
    To question assumptions is a form self understanding. There can be no understanding if we cling to assumptions. 
    To question assumptions in an orderly way there must be a cessation of the movement of desire, pleasure, fear. This is not a proactice. If done correctly it is a form of attention. Not premeditated in a certain direction. 

  2. Leos latest episode on consciousness - A question
    Leos latest episode on consciousness - A question
    To accumulate and cling to knowledge only perpetuates the movement of duality and prevents one from being whole/complete. 
    To understand how the psychological structure of the self influences the thought process. To understand how the self clings to knowledge and experience and becomes a slave to memory. 
    Wisdom  is not the result of knowledge. Wisdom is the product of the understanding of the whole of knowledge, experience, and its movement in time/thought. 
    To understand the unitary movement of thought/self.
    Through time/thought, there can never be an ending of time. And if time does not end then the non-dual is not.
    If you undertood how thought worked you would have an answer to that question. Techniques, beliefs, spiritual systems, are all a movement of time/volition and imply duality. This is what I mean by to apply positve action. To move dualistically to end duality is the same as time trying to end time. Futile indeed. This is somthing that must be explored If one is interested in ending duality/self and to live in action a non-dual existence.
    Technique implies a divisive entity who practices. Therefore mechanical. Any mechanical activity only nourishes the movement of self/time/duality. This is a fact. Explore yourself and you will see. 
    This is the kind of stuff that one must consider soon or a later. 
    There is nothing wrong with non-duality teaching nor techniques, spiritual systems, and so on. But there is something wrong with not investigating deep into the nature of how all of it works. 
    I see it as an act of intelligence to understand how all the inner workings of the conditioned consciousness (time) works. To me seems like a fundamental necessity to understand the root of how time/duality opperates. And to then apply awareness to what we have learned. 
    This must be a daily affair. Constant self understanding, learning, awareness, and self reflection in relationship. 
    To me this seems intelligent. But ??‍♂️

  3. Evil and lack of consciousness
    Evil and lack of consciousness
    I’m meeting you. 
    Except I think here there would be no thought (memory,knowledge, experience)
    There would be only awareness. But I think we are talking of the same thing. 
    Actually it’s quite nice to meet with another without having to have a series of discussions. Thank you??

  4. Evil and lack of consciousness
    Evil and lack of consciousness
    There’s perception, contact, sensation, then thought comes in “Knowledge, Experience, Memory”, then there is identification “the i” that identifies the above sensations. 
    In this we have the movement of desire, pleasure which inevitably breeds fear. Desire, (time) for the most part the origin of the “i”...
    Did I roll this out correctly to you @who chit?

  5. Evil and lack of consciousness
    Evil and lack of consciousness
    Yeah,the first "I" thought is "I am the body-mind". With contact,sensation,perception,there's the taught/accumulated knowledge,memory,experience "I am the body-mind". When one is identified with the body-mind,their concept of what "me" or "I" as a person is, built upon whatever thought,belief,sensation,desire (to pursue or avoid) arises,
    it will be in dualism to that which is in relation to it.

    The way it is perceived for me is,without the movement of thought,there can be no personal "I"/ego,attached to a belief of being the body-mind. If abiding in ones true nature,formless,empty awareness, there can be a movement of thought,sensation,perception but no identification. It is very clear that,that movement,sensation is not "me", but just a happening ,that rises and falls within the vast,infinite,emptiness of That or true Self/"I". The formless,ever aware,knowing "I".
    Just Being.No thoughts,no personal/ego "I" or "me", no movement of desire.

    Does that make sense??


  6. Evil and lack of consciousness
    Evil and lack of consciousness
    The following analogy might help you guys.
    Survival is like living life inside The Matrix.
    Truth/Enlightenment is like escaping The Matrix and realizing it's all a virtual simulation.
    Then, once you've exited The Matrix, you can re-enter it, but this time you're aware that you're inside a virtual simulation. You still have to survive if you want to stay in The Matrix, but your survival is different than ordinary survival. Ordinary survival isn't self-aware, whereas now you are surviving in a self-aware manner, and you can even bend some of the rules of The Matrix, stopping time, dodging bullets, etc. But if one of those bullets hits you in the head, you're still gonna die. At least your avatar will.
    Can you see how a question like, "How do we fight terrorism?" is a distraction from breaking free of The Matrix? Terrorism is part of the virtual simulation. If you get too wrapped up and angry about terrorism, you're losing sight of the bigger picture, which is that EVERYTHING you see is just a video game. You're getting lost in the video game world. You're confusing the video game world for Truth. Nothing is good or bad, because it's all just a video game.
    Imagine if Mario, from Super Mario World, started to take his life seriously. That would be a problem. He would be too afraid of jumping on a platform, cause for him it would be life and death. He would think he only has 1 life. He would become angry and bitter at all these evil spikey dangerous turtles walking around. He would become blind to the fact that he and the turtles are actually all part of one unified simulation. And so the whole game would turn into a nightmare. All just because he takes himself too seriously.
    Mario would start a political talk radio show where he rants against spikey turtles for corrupting the fabric of Mario World. He would call for a border wall to block the spikey turtles from entering Mario World. He would recruit other inhabitants of Mario World which align with his self-agenda to bolster his cause. The turtles would do the same. The two sides would demonize each other. And then you'd have an all-out battle between the two. Neither side realizing that it's all just a virtual simulation.

  7. What do you mean by "We are all one"?
    What do you mean by "We are all one"?
    Yes, but it's a non-experience, it only seems like an experience to the ego. Its awakening "from" thinking ur an ego, thats why its not an experience. It's seeing from the perspective of yourself (awareness) and being aware OF objects, both subtle and gross. It's not a big deal really, it's what "is" anyways. Most just don't realize it, but when you do it's quite funny.
    The challenge is too not get sucked back into believing the story of "me". You know it (the person you appear to be) has an "apparent" transient reality, another words, it just aint real. So, you play your role, but not being identified with it, as you. 
    So, you (awareness) will be "associated" with the hologram person, if you will, until the death of the body. To think you will trancend to some mystical place, is a satori dream, it will have you chasing "experiences" until the end of time, still believing in a story, even if it's a nicer, more comfortable story. It's still a story.

  8. Why Feeling your Heart is the Ultimate Contemplation and Healer
    Why Feeling your Heart is the Ultimate Contemplation and Healer
    Your heart is where your non-physical soul enters this universe to express itself creatively. With enough focus on our heart we travel through the astral, then emotional, mental and causal body to experience ourselves as this non-physical essence. As Raman’s Maharshi said, feeling your heart is a silent contemplation. It is the most direct path to experiencing yourself as the awareness for that is where the source of awareness exists.
    Once we know ourselves as this all loving awareness, we return to our bodies by loving whatever arises as God, for we know that everything in existence is God, and we do this from a heart-centered place. Once we observe whatever arises with unconditional love we will soon see the underlying ideas behind our thoughts and emotions. This means these beliefs can disappear leaving only an empty human vessel for your higher self/soul to fully embody.
    In both cases living life literally from our heart is essential. Living with the love of a benevolent God that is found within the heart is the real fundamental spiritual practice. So as we go deeper into the heart we can embody more of this unconditional love, and direct it towards whatever arises. We become one with God who loves the prostitutes and criminals just as much as he loves the angels floating around in heaven, for all is God.
    Desire God, and meet him in your heart. Be God, and radiate that light from your heart into everything in this present moment, even if that is simply refraining from judging yourself, and loving the part of yourself that doesn’t know how to love what seems so unlovable in the world and in his/herself as another part of God. You don’t need to go looking for things to love, they’ll come to you, just be the open loving space for whatever that is to arise in, and observe, or speak kind words to it if so inspired to.
    There is so much nonsense out there to do with spirituality, I intend to make it very simple for everyone. In actuality a strong focused desire to find God will lead you to him, but it is helpful to know I feel that he is in your heart ❤️ To hold this desire we need a silent mind, and a focus on your heart is the honoring of this desire without speaking it. Try this in your meditation.
    This is all what I’ve found in my own experience. Only greater love to shine through me from here for decades upon decades. 

  9. Realizing absolute formlessness - 7 day solo retreat + 300µg AL-LAD - Report & advice
    Realizing absolute formlessness - 7 day solo retreat + 300µg AL-LAD - Report & advice
    If you told me a week ago what I am going to write now, I would have laughed at you. On May 25th I realized absolute Truth.
    What I did:
    During the week, that passed I had a 6.5d solo retreat and with some intense 10 to 12h of daily practice. The weekend before (May 18th-20th) I went on a nice camping trip with 3 of my friends and fellow self-actualizers. We did some inner and regular self-actualization work together and enjoyed time in nature. This was a great preparation and helped me to put some space between practical everyday life and the retreat.
    My intent was to reconnect myself with spirituality and to go deep into the work.
    I combined several different practices, kriya yoga, labeling and do nothing meditation, holotropic breathing, walking meditation starting at 5am in the morning. On the 4th day I took 300µg of AL-LAD. I tried to time everything in a way that I was a least likely to get disturbed by my housemates. Here's my schedule:

    M = meditation
    SDS = strong determintion sitting
    SHF = "see, hear, feel" (labeling)
    Holo = Holotropic breathing
    Allthough I was able to follow through with the entire schedule without missing one single practice (which I am kinda proud of ), I ended up having a lot of what I would call half-assad sits and sloppy meditations. I had to move and open my eyes a lot, even during strong determination sitting, and I ended up getting lost in thoughts a lot.
    Nevertheless I was able to enter a state of great calmness by wednesday. I also did 1h of walking meditation 3 times/d, just walking around in a park next to where I live so I wasn't really that isolated from the rest of humanity allthough I didn't really speak to anybody.
    In case you might be wondering, I had psychedelic trips before this one. I was actually doing psychedelics before I stumbled about Leo and the concept of personal developement. And over the last 5 years I had a couple of mushroom and salvia trips, one 25I-NBOMe experience and 3 AL-LAD trips prior to this one  (100, 200 and 150µg).
    What I experienced:
    The actual retreat and practice itself was rather ordinairy. I had to go through some emotional work and purging to enter a state of great calmness and equanimity on day 3. To cultivate this internal peace helped a great deal with preparing me for day 5.
    The holotropic breathing also did a lot. I typically fall asleep soon after the breathing is over after a state of trance where most of the purging seems to happen for me. After waking up I alway feel so relieved.
    On the 5th day, I prepared everything for the actual trip. I sat down and said to myself: "I am ready to learn! Whatever may come, I am open and will accept it." Then I orally administrated the 300µg of AL-LAD and listened to some music for about 35min to help myself relax a little from a mild pre-trip anxiety. As I noticed it starting to take effect, I turned off the music and laid down on my bed.
    I started to see visual phenomenon and allowed myself to get fascinated by the patterns of the ceiling above me. I just let myself ooze into them and start to get absorbed. Everything got more and more intense and suddenly everything (my whole visual field, but also the inner world of mind and the fields of sound and touch) collapsed into one giant mosic like totality.
    And then, I suddenly realized what happened. I was no longer there. There was just infinite formlessness. I became Truth.
    I should note, that the experience was profoundly beautiful and profundly shocking at the same time! My human body just contorted in awe and horror. I felt every single emotion at the same time. I also noticed, that I started to hear sounds. High ringing type of sounds, that augmented the chirping of the birds outside and low drone like sounds, that seemed to be related to my breath
    Now the really profound thing was, that I seemed to be able to switch back and forth between this state of being absolute formless infinity and the state of being a contracted human form. This was immense! I experienced how I (absolute infinity) contract to create form, mind, relative reality, ego and suffering. I realized, that I am god and how I am constantly creating everything. I realized, that what most people call hallucinations or visuals on psychedelics are actually artefacts of how creation of form from fromlessness happens. They are just how absolute nothingness looks like when it creates reality.
    This switching back and forth produced enourmus insight and I was able to learn so much! It went on about 4-5h and then, I started to stay more and more in the domain of forms. As the trip became milder and taper off, I decided to take a long-ass walk because I wanted to be outside and in nature. It was so beautiful.
    My mind still was in this hyper-intelligent mode, that it seems to enter on AL-LAD and started to produce insight after insight, and it integrated all the theory and concepts about nonduality with the experience.
    The trip was about 8 to 9h long and I entered a nice afterglow, that lasted the whole next day, as I continued my retreat. I returned back to the state of great calmness, I had the days before the trip and the experience became more and more of a memory. I started to realize, that this glimpse won't be permanent. But the insights stayed with me.
    What I learned:
    I became Truth. I experienced, what I truely am. Everything is in perspective now.
    I learned how creation and existence work. I understood how I (the Big I, nothingness, god, infinity, formlessness...) contract to spit out all dualistic forms including my human form, the mind and reality. I also realized, how I have to create suffering and ego in order for this to happen. This was an profundly powerful and eye opening insight. It also showed me, how I (my human form) can literally not exist and be happy at the same time. For my body even to take a single breath, I have to create form and therefore suffering. And it made this whole issue of having to physically die to get enlightened very clear. Letting go completely litterally is the way, that I can return to nothingness. There can only be Truth or there can be creation and suffering.
    I understood every single contemplative practice, how each one works and in what way it is supposed to reveal Truth to you. Kriya, breathing, and all the different meditation techniques, Leo and Shinzen talk about make total sense now.
    I also learned how to meditate intuitively. The way Infinity came to me and the way, I had to let go sort of made a permanent imprind and I was able to recreate the way I focused my mind and surrenderd myself on the next day. It's basically a combination of open, choiceless awareness and a very deep surrender (simular to the do nothing technique). Leo's guided meditation video actually get's pretty close to it. Allthough I am not able to recreate the deep state I had on my trip, I can archive a calm and extremely peaceful no-mind kind of state that way.
    I learned how life purpose and spirituality work together. This became so clear to me by becoming infinity and seeing how reality comes into existence. Maintaining a minimal sense of self for this mammal, that I am to survive is best done by aligning myself more and more with the truth and with living an integrated purposeful life.
    I learned how the whole issue of authenticity and relating to other people is connected with spirituality. This was huge insight. The only way to relate to other beings without creating suffering is the way of utter vulnerability. Like if you literally would lay you naked body in the arms of another person, exhale your last breath and say: "You can have everything! My entire existence, it's yours!" This kind of surrender is the exact same surrender that is needed for enlightenment.
    I learned, that the biggest trap, I can now fall into is to cling to the memory of my awekening too much and to have too strong of a desire to recreate it. Whenever I am clinging to the memory, I am not surrendering to the Truth.
    What's next:
    More practice and more tripping. This experience of infinity I had is already fading and I see, how I have to do a LOT more work, to make it penetrate the core of my being more. I want to take my spiritual practice way more serius and I want to embody what I have learned. More theory. Even though I have studied quite a lot, I now feel like I needed the experinece to truly understand any of the theory. There is so much more to learn now. More life purpose work. I am curently building a life around being a musician and I want to do it in the way that is as alighned to Truth as possible. Having seen infinity made it increadibly clear to me how this has going to happen. Doing more for my body. I have seen what increadible miracle it is to have the form of a human being and I want to take care of this mammal that I am as best as I can. And allthough I have a pretty clean diet, I have all sorts of tense muscles in my back and consume quite a lot of caffeine. Getting more into fitness and exercising is inevitable right now. Working on truthful and authentic relating to others. I want to be able to open myself to others way more and to become a lot more honest.  
    Tips and advice:
    Unlike Leo, I would advise you to have your first experience of Truth with AL-LAD rather than with 5MeO-DMT. I understand, that this is sort of personal, but if I would take the 20min of my trip, that where most intesne and imagined myself getting blasted into this state within a few seconds, I wouldn't have been able to let go so smoothly and I guess wouldn't have learned nearly as much.>
    Think of it this way: If you were trying to understand light, and you can choose between a lightbulb, which is nicely dimmed on and off again, and a single bolt of lightening, I guess for a first timer, the lightbulb is much more helpful. Probably my most important advice: Study the theory! If I wouldn't have been studying the theory of nonduality for the last couple of years I would literally have gotten nothing out of the experience. My mind wouldn't have been able to make sense out of anything. It would just have been some hallucination for me. Having concepts of what I was experiencing helped a great deal with recognizing it as absolute Truth and the way that AL-LAD makes your mind become this hyperintelligent wisdom machine worked greatly with that (which is another reason why I would recommend AL-LAD over 5MeO for a first time experience). On retreat, practice starts to take on at different dynamic on its own. Stuff comes up and it might be getting very hard to do some of the techniques as good as you would be able to do them in your daily practice. Don't judge yourself for that and don't judge your performance. Surrender to whatever happens and try not to get frustrated. The retreat is at play here and it will give you whatever you need to learn right now (sort of like a trip). Thinking in terms of good or bad retreats is not useful (recisely like thinking in terms of good or bad trips is not useful ). Solo retreats are perfect settings for breakthrough doses of psychedelics. If you are serious about experiencing Truth for the first time than this is definately one of the most recommended alternatives. If you're struggeling with this issue of life purpose vs. spirituality, consider psychedelics. For me they made the solution to this increadibly clear. They actually showed me, that there is no real difference between the two, especially, if you understand how your core values relate to Truth. Lastly: Remember, that letting go is the key!  
    I am so greatful right now. Awakening is so powerfully life transforming and liberating. Thank all of you for walking this path together. I hope this report is helpful. If you have any questions, I am happy to answer.

  10. Fastest way to grow: Do what excites you and what also really scares you to consider
    Fastest way to grow: Do what excites you and what also really scares you to consider
    This is such a powerful way to live your life if you want to evolve in the most accelerated way. While we love our hearts we must remember to not sit on the couch all day, but honour its counterpart called excitement. We follow whatever excites us the most in each moment, and which also makes us feel nervous in a good way to do. 
    This could be as simple as giving someone a compliment, going up to a stranger and having a convo, or driving down the Middle East in a cheap rental car. We love our hearts, and anchor that through this inspired action. And we always know what these inspired actions we are meant to take are by using our bodies as emotional barometers. Give it a choice to go to the beach or to a restaurant and your body will get more excited towards one of those options, follow that to no end. Excitment is a complete kit, which means you’ll synchronistically run into people who may help you move further into your heart and remove judgement, or provide an opportunity to explore your life purpose more. It gives you the confidence you need as well almost out of thin air to be in any situation and present yourself in a loving and kind way. We are always making choices regardless so why not make exciting ones?
    Warning: following this kind of excitement is not for the light of heart, this is for the soul who is willing to make his/herself look silly, or be put in slightly dangerous situations as a way of following your highest intuition. If beginning just do slightly more exciting things than you usually do. Also remember not to micromanage your choices to always choose what is exciting. This is because these choices should be instant, and then the practice of responding to whatever arises with infinite love should resume. There is no wrong choice or action, following your excitement just helps give you more opportunities to love your shadow  
    Best if wishes to you all. Also check out my guide to unconditional love which shows us how our response to whatever arises is what is truly the most important thing, love being the only answer to experience true oneness: 
    Video for more in depth explaination:

  11. Guide to Becoming Unconditionally Loving: a Gift of Experiencing Oneness the Fast Way
    Guide to Becoming Unconditionally Loving: a Gift of Experiencing Oneness the Fast Way
    Here is my gift to you all on the forum. It sums up everything I would want to teach anyone to be free from addiction, emotions and thoughts; and to become empowered human beings. After this I will be on here a lot less, so take some notes if you feel like it  I wanted to share this as well becuase it has helped lots of people on PM, so I honour that here:
    We are in a new spiritual era right now where the teachings to overcome the ego, to push away our thoughts and feelings to make room for a transcendent experience are being transformed into the practice of self-love, and a deeper appreciation for everything that arises in our reality in each moment. It is like we have moved from first grade in school to second grade as a collective. 
    To me love is the ability to see the beauty in everything that happens in our lives such as the activity of thoughts, the words people say to us, and the feelings that come up at the most inconvenient times. It begins with knowing that whatever experience is brought to you, it is only here to help you evolve into your highest self, by taking away the emotional karma we carried as children. When our parents didn't give our child selves the love, and acceptance that we deserved when we were angry, this anger as such stayed in our body. All of our negative emotions that weren't loved as much as joy or happiness has created our shadow self which is a bunch of unloved emotions waiting for even just our acknowledgement so that they can leave our body, and be integrated into the light that we already are as consciousness. This means that every experience you in every millisecond is designed to trigger you emotionally which gives you a chance to love the neglected parts of yourself that nobody else could love. This is the essence of the new spiritual path, the opening of the heart chakra through feeling our emotions until there is no emotion left in our body which is unloved, unappreciated or unadmired as equally as you would embrace joy or ecstacy!
    Loving my emotions and my heart has been the most powerful practice I've ever done. I had sun gazed and done a headstand for 6 hours a day a few months ago which are supposedly "the ultimate spiritual practices" and had nothing to show for it. I've meditated, I've done reiki, and used the most high vibration crystals in the world; and through all of that nothing has come close to how much self-love has transformed me which is why I talk about it a lot on this forum to save people years of searching for the best technique when self-love is and always will be the most essential. In my experience, you start to feel so fulfilled and expansive; it's hard to describe.
    I've watched all of Matt Kahn's videos and I've read his book too which I recommend for a more elegant and perfect explanation of love. But his main message is to love whatever arises. What I do everyday is when I feel an emotion arise of discomfort I will say to it, "I love you" or "Thank you so much for showing the part of me that needs more of my attention. I love you". I do this while treating the emotion with the same care as I would a 5 year old child in pain who just wants to be hugged until the tears stop. To feel the emotion on a deeper level too I will breathe into it slowly while saying softly, "I love you" with my hand on the area where the emotion is. And I don't stop. When there is no emotions I focus my attention on my heart and keep repeating, "i love you" to it in a endless lullaby. Your heart is very special because it is the place where all of your pain is, so I treat it like a child as well, knowing that even by placing my attention on it is healing all of the emotions in me. It's a beautiful process because every time you feel your heart or an emotion you are healing just a little bit more, stepping a little bit closer to being pure love. It;s that simple. Know to that what you love in yourself, you are also loving in every single humans heart because we are all one and we are all connected in this way. You have the power to stop a father from abusing his daughter, or a child from going hungry by clearing the emotion of say frustration leading to a greater generosity in the hearts of tourists to give to the hungry child or for the father to not hurt so much that he feels like he needs to hurt another to get away from his own hurt.
    From there, just expand to loving whatever arises in your perception, not just emotions. Love your thoughts, love your circumstances, just anything that catches your attention send it blessings of love. Realize that people are only acting out how another person had judged or neglected them in the past when they hurt you, so they too are just 5 year old children in pain. And if in the face of someone saying, "You are worthless. Why are you even here?" you said, "Thank you for giving me that feedback. I'm sorry that you are upset by the change I represent. May you be blessed with the worthiness that you deserve right now", that is love in action. I've done this, and the look on peoples faces when I say this is so funny because egos don;t know how to respond to compliments other than with sarcasm or skepticism. In this way I always see everything that arises as a gift for me to give more love to by just saying nice things to it, and you can get creative as you want. Just using the words I love/appreciate/admire/embrace/see or I'm grateful/thankful anchors that vibration in your reality. These words also pass through your heart, which opens it even more, just as much as focusing on your heart. Why? Because your heart is the source of love.
    This is all you need to become enlightened. All of the spiritual insights and awakens are a natural product of this self-love. This is because when we love ourselves the nervous system in us relaxes, allowing a enlightening experiences to stick permanently, rather than be temporary such as with psychedelics. At first you won't feel the love, and it will feel inauthentic probably. This is because your subconscious mind is used to you responding to whatever arises negatively, and this love is foreign to it. After a few weeks of slowly integrating this until you can love your emotions more times than not, you will start to feel the same love you get when your kissing a partner, except it's constant. No longer is it necessary to dissect ourselves by ignoring our thoughts and feelings. All that is required is trust that loving whatever arises through the phrase "I love you" will answer all of the questions you have right now about the practice. It is a jump, but the best you can ever make. Just placing your attention on an emotion is loving it, do that now. If a thought arises that, "this is weird", then love that thought. Then love the one who thinks that loving thoughts is weird if you think that. It is foolproof like that 
    I hope this helps you understand love a bit more. This is all you need, love the one who wants to overlook this and find more information on other spiritual topics to clarify if love is really all I've said it to be. It's our response to life that determines everything, and responding with love is the highest response you can have. I love you.
       See also how to put love into action through jumping onto your highest Excitment (this is the second part of this guide):

  12. Are sensations part of the thought?
    Are sensations part of the thought?
    If action is still taking place influenced by the movement of thought, “the perciver and the perceived” then one has not ended the contradicting movement and illusion of duality. Therefore one remains bound by time. If one is bound by that dualism then they are are not “AWARNESS” 

  13. Existential Crisis
    Existential Crisis
    @Jarrad Your crisis is rooted in your trust in reason.
    Reason is a man-made concept related to other man-made concepts of cause and effect.
    You are not doing things because you have reasons to do them.
    Things do themselves and you narrate them as you go.
    We think that we do things because we want to do them. To us, will is a cause of actions.
    The problem is that will is an action in itself and we very rarely want to want before we want.
    How is then our wanting ours, if wanting is not caused by us? It isn't.
    Wanting simply is and we define ourselves against or in accord with it.
    Human animal has no capacity for reason in the sense of imposing its will onto reality through actions.
    Reality plays itself out through our wants, desires, reasons and meanings. We are mere puppets.
    Godly puppets but still, puppets. To claim ownership of Logos, Tao, etc is a grave mistake.
    To let go of control is to gain freedom.
    Isn't that the greatest paradox?

  14. Am I X or Am I Aware of X
    Am I X or Am I Aware of X
    Wisdom is the result of understanding the whole of thought/mind. Only truth sees the whole.
    Truth operates on thought to make it run straight and rational. Not bias, crooked, disorderly. 
    Wisdom is born of truth. infintie intelligence..... love, creativity, compassion, joy, beauty all from TRUTH. All actually one and the same.
    No. The essense of wisdom does not come from mind. It comes from truth. But when truth operates in mind to make it run straight/orderly that truth is expressing itself in the form of wisdom.
    The action of Truth operates in mind.
    Wisdom “action of mind/thought” is the expression, “action of truth”...That make sense? 
    For example, the general pattern that takes place...
    Usualy there is a movement of thought “knowledge, experience, through memory or recollection “identity/self.”...  In this thought is always limited to that memory, knowledge, and experience. So every action is determined by the content/movement of ones consciousness “memory/and psychological biases. 
    But when one sees/understands the whole of thought/psychological entity “the me” then in that understanding thought quiets and makes space for truth to act. The mind is usualy so cluttered and full truth is not able to act.
    So then the pattern is quite different. 
    The pattern is not any more thought then action, but is perception which is the essence of “truth” and in that perception there is an action in of itself. So there is no interval of thought and then action. Hints duality. If there is thought then action that implies choice. Thought chooses. Thought is fragmented, mechanical, divisive. Then comes contradiction, confusion, and then conflict. 
    The perception is the action hints
    “WHOLE” nondualisitc. 
    Not seperated and cut into two parts, but one holistic movement. This is where the word holy was born. To be whole, not fragmented.

  15. Personal Development With Enlightenment
    Personal Development With Enlightenment
    You don't HAVE to do anything obviously. But yes, if you read Pursuing Consciousness by Ralston or The End of Your World by Adyashanti, they talk about the importance that personal development can play before and after an enlightenment experience.
    Wilber is tough to recommend, because he's highly academic. Just jumping in and reading him is tough. But I know many people like A Brief History of Everything. I'd suggest moving on to others after that like Integral Spirituality and Integral Psychology.
    I actually read all these books BECAUSE I was so confused after my own enlightenment experience. Life WTF, I realized I'm God and experienced the void, yet I still can't seem to resist Facebook? What gives?

  16. wilber charts
    How To Rate Oneself On The Integral Map ?
    You rate yourself via examining where you are stuck on, You may reach a certain state but may neglect a certain intelligence or state of mind which bottle necks you at the current stage you are in, Work on what you seem lacking and you'll move up the spiral. Of course this is a paradigm there are ways to just bypass it all and go work your way from the end third tier integral map, the thing with this is you may backslide due to less understanding and not experiencing each stage hence taking decisions more often from lower levels which isn't wrong but one(ego) would like to bypass a level for good at times, it's all up to you on what do you actually want.
    Example when it comes to religion you have spiritually immature people post-spirituality vs trans-spirituality ( a more mature enlightened phase) Same with rationality of post vs transcendental seeing beyond their current mind limits and being aware of their illusions.
    Everything below is from ken wilber's superhuman os program


    Here's some more details
    Lines of intelligence

    States of consciousness

    Types of drives

    The 4 quadriants



  17. Is Ego Transcendence Really Possible?
    Is Ego Transcendence Really Possible?
    Meditate on the differnence between being against war, and being for peace. Feel the difference. Realize that anything that is, is only because someone or some people continue to focus on it. What is not focused on, does not continue. THEN - realize this is true for your own personal reality. It is impossible to experience or observe something that your are not focusing on. Not thinking, but focusing. To be against war is to focus on war. To be against frustration, is to be frustrated. To love love is to love. This is the path to ego death. 

  18. Is suicide a short cut to enlightenment?
    Is suicide a short cut to enlightenment?
    More like seeing the nature of belief. Seeing the limits of thought. In seeing those limits of thought, thought doesnt over step it’s own limits/boundaries. Seeing the paradox that thought sets limits and transcends those very limits..Seeing that thought can never touch truth. Seeing that thought and all its implications like desire, choice, and the cultivation of time can never put order in the mind. 
    A capacity to see holistically the entire movement of thought in a Non-linear understanding. To see without discrimination, discernment, and the dualistic influence of language/imagination, which is the nature of THOUGHT. Therefore not only are thoughts not believed in, ignored, disregarded, and the illusion caught after those thoughts occure, but through sensitive awareness of “the whole” processes of thought, there is a total cessation of thought all together. 
    Prevention, prevention, prevention...Without volition of course as all movements of volition are still movements of thought. 
    This is a little closer to enlightened being or non being. Hehehe 
    This is the way I see it anyway. 

  19. LSD Trip Report: 200ug (Torn apart by God)
    LSD Trip Report: 200ug (Torn apart by God)
    exactly, it's eternal (hard to grasp that now, but right there I just felt the infinity) but what brought me to heaven was accepting it for eternity. it was like oh, ok, I'll just be here forever. I'll suffer this pain of death infinitively. this will never end.  that's when it went full circle for me and turned back around into infinite bliss

  20. LSD Trip Report: 200ug (Torn apart by God)
    LSD Trip Report: 200ug (Torn apart by God)
    So, LSD whooped my ass to say the least. I decided to take a breakthrough dose because I had taken 100-150ug doses before and handed them without a problem, even tho 150ug was starting to get difficult. So, I took the 200ug and instantly I felt as if I was dying literally. I began panicking and trying to hold on to myself but I was dying out really fast. As time went on reality started breaking down and eventually that is when death came. Reality turned into nothingness and I went back to nothingness. It was shocking, I died and left my body and went to the place where I was before I took this human body. There was just complete nothingness, and it was terrifying until the death swallowed me whole. This death period lasted probably around 10-20 minutes and then I slowly started regathering myself as an ego and it was the scariest thing that had ever happened to me but it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Ironic isn't it? My death was the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life. It felt like God grabbed me and tore me to shreds! Here is some of the insights that came up shortly after I came back from death.
    As an Ego, I try to put an anchor in reality to create a meaning in life and a purpose.
    There is no place to put the anchor
    How could you place an anchor where there is nothing there
    On the anchor I put my deepest sense of self on
    for me its:
    My ex GF, other unconscious beliefs/values adopted, my brother
    But there is no where to put the anchor because reality does not exist and the anchor doesn't even exist!
    Because nothing exists, I try to make something exist so I adopt beliefs and reinforcements to make myself feel that I exist
    I was struggling and desperately trying to find an anchor before i even met my ex gf
    Then later on used her as the anchor
    Now shes gone and there is no anchor
    Even though the anchor is illusory and was never there to begin with
    I used my ex gf to deepen my illusion

    But my brother as well
    I used many others as an anchor
    Anchor that is illusory and non existent
    My brother and mom made the basis of the anchor
    then everything else added onto it
    Of course each thing added on which proportioned differently
    My ex gf became a huge proportion of the anchor
    And i used her to make the anchor feel more real than ever but then she was stripped away and now my anchor feels hollow and empty again
    But she is an illusion she doesn't even exist
    i just tried using another ego to fulfill me as an ego
    Sports teams, video games, and many other hobbies
    Were also thrown onto the anchor
    used my ex girlfriend's appearance as an appeal to my ego's anchor
    I also noticed that there is no difference between atheist and religious person.
    atheist : no god is my god
    religious: god is my god
    Unless I full go into the empty void and die, I will continue to use people on my anchor
    the brain itself is a hallucination
    'Other' people are hallucinations
    'Life' is a giant hallucination
    Overall, I understand that even though it was the most terrifying experience I've ever had, I must die again. My goal is to surrender myself fully to death without any resistance. Of course, this will take years and years of consciousness work but I know I can do it. 

  21. ego drop
    ego drop
    when the ego drops there is no enlightened ones and unenlightened ones
    if you enlighten, everyone enlightens, the ego is the separation of unity
    you cannot enlighten if you can't recognize that everyone is at the same level as you
    there is no more enlightened one or less enlightened,
    there is no higher or lower
    there are just different roles , different paths, and different explorations
    as long as you view 90% of humanity on this planet as unenlightened baboons you will in your consciousness be 90% a unenlightened baboon because you cannot recognize unity, and you actually believe you're doing better then others which is pure ego
    and more importantly because you are everything you experience
    once and for all, we have to stop getting off on the idea that we're better then others, the only thing, the forbidden apple
    or do it, get off on it, feel better then everyone, as long as deep inside you know its just a play,dont take yourself seriously or you'll live in a very serious world
    see the enlightenment in animals, the enlightenment in insects, in drug dealers, in trump, in wallstreet business man and woman, in your dad or mom, your friend, in a kid, in a tree , in a rock, in a chair, yes you think you're better then the chair you sit in?think again
    your chair is enlightened too
    see what you want to be, for everything you see is you
    the ego is a playtool, the most magically advanced toy for gods that want to divert themselves
    "how should we have fun next?"
    "let's pretend we are separated, that's going to be loads of fun! want to try?"
    "yeah let's do it, sounds like a fun game, I can't even imagine what that would be like,to not be one!"
    "or can I"

  22. Everything happens now
    Everything happens now
    It’s very simple. All that exists already exists. When? It is ALL one instant. And there is only one ‘thing’. It just is. It is not this or that, but just is, not as any particular thing. Now, to experience itself, it has to have relationship, duality. But there is no ‘other’, so how is this possible? Well, it has the capacity to reflect (like thinking or dreaming or imagining, choose your word). What EVERYTHING is, is this one ‘thing’ (No-Thing, really) reflecting upon itself. This means it is basically viewing itself from infinite angles. Each instant is an angle, or a perspective. You may think you are a human viewing things, but really you are this no-thing viewing itself, now and now and now and now and now. Each now is the same now, experienced from a different angle (perspective). This shift in perspective is what change is, and it happens constantly.
    So, all exists simultaneously, and all that’s going on is no-thing is viewing itself (reflecting upon itself) like this, then like that, then like this etc. Like a film strip in which the beginning middle and end are all present, but each picture on the strip stands independently. Yet if you view the pictures in a particular order, it’ll look like someone is living a life
    It’s brilliant! It’s creation. Perhaps at first this can be very uncomfortable, can feel like death, cos it’s all so very empty. You don’t really exist…. oops. But, well, you don’t really exist as a person in time, is far more accurate. Eventually you cannot be other than this no-thing reflecting upon itself, experiencing itself, for there is no other thing really. It’s all the same one thing, on every fractal level of itself. You are it, exploring yourself, writing stories, making art out of no-thing! It is what is looking at these words right now. It is changeless, while its thoughts (reflections) are forever changing.
    There’s no hurry to get anywhere, there’s no one you need to be. Eternity will take all of eternity to experience itself, and eternity is forever NOW.
    You can play it however you want it, or just watch it passing by like the film it is. I find that usually life calls me to be an active participant but you might find otherwise….
    It is not a hypothetical scenario, as the topic above suggest, but the actuality of What Is.

  23. Reality grants everything
    Reality grants everything
    Those two beliefs aren't the same.
    The first is very close to the genuine definition of belief itself which is 'accepting that something exists or trust in someone/something'. So we are just accepting it, by definition it doesn't necessarily imply any interpretation of what exists that we are accepting. We can have very few ideas, concepts, beliefs, explanations and interpretations or very many of them and our belief in them doesn't make them true or exist, just that we believe they do., we accept/trust they do in our own mind.
    That first one also doesn't imply a necessity of things as they are, just that it is as it is and it also doesn't imply we have no input or influence in things as they are. The second one says everything "must" happen as they do which says a requirement to happen, that there is no other potential way for it to happen. Of course if the universe is of infinite potential as you also suggest in your opening post then that second belief is an inaccurate reflection of what really is because it says potential restricting "must happen".
    Although, it explains why you then believe a very "no control" belief paradigm in thinking that we have no freedom to willfully intend anything other than what "must happen". Yet again, if the universe is infinite then our ability to have the freedom to willfully intend is a potential that can "must" be? Hm? The universe just doesn't "must happen" to produce musicians, people willfully intend to make instruments, learn to play them and do play, without willful intention there would be no music.
    So, yes, 'accepting what exists' is a basic belief and a fundamental observation as you suggest, yet, the complex belief paradigm that may spread from the "must happen" can be a spider web of "why's" that could entrap someone into feeding the identity. Our ego wants everyone else's ego to surrender to it's own belief paradigm because it needs to be validated just as it seeks our own belief in it's construct to be empowered.
    Yes, this just may be my own perspective, experience and fundamental observation so you don't have to believe a word of it, there is no must requirement.

  24. Reality grants everything
    Reality grants everything
    Everything happens as it must happen. Reality is absolutely infinite, meaning everything that could happen, will happen at some point (in consciousness). That's what Leo tried to get across to you with his analogy of the infinte block of sand in which everything that could ever be shaped out of it, is in a sense already there. The same goes for his blog-video with the sheet of paper and the (adorable) little paper-figures. To grasp this is the ultimate proof for the fact that you don't have free will and just why God permits "evil" to occur - it just couldn't be any other way, you see? So, to apply this in some practical way to your life, whenever you wonder why you feel so stuck in your life or why you can't progress on your spiritual path and just why you seemingly can't achieve enlightenment or why bad things happen to you and why there are terrorists and why there are wars and all sorts of crimes commited against our own human kind and why we destroy our planet and just why life tends to play out for you as it does - remember that reality grants everything and that everything happens just as it has to happen. THIS IS IT FOLKS! It's the ultimate act of surrender, the final stage of complete ego-death - the moment when you truly realise that there is just absolutely no control whatsoever over anything that is or that happens. This is also what is meant by some other post floating around here titled "All mystics agree on this one thing...", which is that: "all is well". It's precisely for this exact reason that  e v e r y t h i n g   h a p p e n s   a s   i t   h a s   t o . You just can't escape it, you see? Every remaining resistance against this is remaining ego, is remaining self-deception, is remaining unnecessary suffering. To truly embrace this fact is what will make you flow with life in perfect union and harmony. This is in it's essence to not give a fuck, at all. You simply don't care about the outcome anymore - the total letting-go of absolutely everything. You will no longer care about whether you will achieve enlightenment or not, you won't care about the achievement of other "higher states of consciousness", you will no longer care about life or death, a t   a l l . You won't even care about the fact that you don't care. You simply let life happen as it happens by allowing everything. You are the super-conductor for life, as pure as it can be. I'd propose to you to contemplate this for a while.

  25. mindfulness
    Which is a better object of mindfulness?
    @The White Belt Yes... Mindfulness of bodily sensations or breath is a beginner's practice.. You need to go to the next level.
    In the original Buddhist version, it has been suggested to extend the mindfulness to cover the whole first-person subjective experience, including the thoughts and emotions.. Witnessing just the bodily sensation will only help you to disidentify yourself from the body, but for most of the people, their identification is with their mind.  Mindfulness of thoughts is very much essential to dis-identify from the mind.. And this is just one kind of self-inquiry and it is very effective.