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Posts posted by Rebecc

  1. On 2/21/2017 at 1:22 PM, Tuomas said:

    Name: Tuomas V
    Age: 28
    Gender: Male
    Location: Vaasa, Finland
    Occupation: Mechanical engineering student
    Marital Status: Domestic partnership
    Kids: No
    Hobbies: Music, weightlifting, martial arts, personal development, technology

    I first got into personal development when i had reached the bottom of my life in 2010 and the only choice was to do whatever it takes to get myself up. I have not pursued personal development that actively all the time, but a lot has changed. In November me and a friend of mine decided to put in a higher gear and also started doing weekly masterminds and helping eachother push to the next level. Now i am more commited than ever to reach my full potential as a human being and create the life i haven´t even dared dreaming of.

    Personal challenges I've overcome:

    I have overcome my shyness and learned to be comfortable almost every social situation

    I have learned how to attract the opposite sex and how to be e man someone thrives in a relationship with

    I have learned to love myself to a certain extent and to believe in myself

    I have taught myself to take personal responsibillity for everything i do, creating my own reality

    I have become independent and not relaying on other people or circumstances (this has bitten back)

    I have learned to be resourcefull and adaptible in life

    I have killed a very large part of my ego which has helped me see things and react to them objectively

    What I'm working on now:

    Improving myself in every area of my life 

    Learning to not push away or ignore my emotions

    Getting more attached to people 

    Finishing my final year and getting a job in Mechanical engineering

    Getting my body into a shape i´m satisfied with

    Sounds like both of our callings happened when we were in the pits. Thank you for sharing. It's good to know there are others who went through a similar situation. :)

  2. On 2/5/2016 at 5:03 AM, Leo Gura said:

    Share your story, how you discovered personal dev, and what struggles you've overcome.

    Here's an example from me:

    Name: Leo Gura
    Age: 30
    Gender: Male
    Location: Las Vegas, USA
    Occupation: Personal Development Speaker & Entrepreneur
    Marital Status: Dating
    Kids: No
    Hobbies: enlightenment, meditation, personal development, reading, learning, nature, healthy eating

    I got into personal development in 2007 when I started my first online marketing business in Boston and then Dallas, Texas. From there I started reading more and more self-help books until somehow I stumbled upon the pickup community -- a community of guys who learn how to get better at attracting women. I sucked with women and dating a lot back then so I hit it really hard and spent the next two years immersing myself in mastering the art of dating. In doing so I delved even deeper into developing myself. During that time I discovered life coaching and became certified as a coach. Then I launched, which was intended to be a personal development blog. Then I started making more and more videos until the thing ballooned into what it is today.

    Personal challenges I've overcome:

    • Was fat my whole life until age 21
    • Absolutely sucked at attracting women
    • Used to be very shy, introverted, and socially awkward
    • Started my own business and became financially independent
    • Cleaned up my diet A LOT, now eating mostly vegetarian
    • Learned weightlifting
    • Changed careers and finally found my life purpose
    • Started my dream business:

    What I'm working on now:

    • Working on enlightenment
    • Working on improving my health & diet
    • Working on being more authentic in relating to others
    • Working on growing and deepening

    Name: Rebecca Shih
    Age: 26
    Gender: female 
    Location: Chicago, USA
    Occupation: Sales Manager and entrepreneur 
    Marital Status: Engaged
    Kids: No
    Hobbies: reading career development books, working out and lifting weights, cosplaying, all things art related

    My first calling that jump started my path to personal development happened when I was 19 years old. I was an extremely toxic person who hurt everyone who ever came across my path. I hurt my parents and my family the most. I was reckless and callous. I was living with my parents at the time and they did the best and most loving thing they could've done for me at the time. That meant kicking me out of the house. I moved from Chicago to California with a boyfriend at the time who had equally as many problems as I did. I lost contact with my family and friends and fell into a very deep depression for about a year. Something happened to me. I started to become aware of all the ways I was hurting myself and others around me. I made a commitment to myself that if I ever had the opportunity to again, I would go pursue my education and take full responsibility for the outcome of my life. 
    My parents surprise visited me one day in December during the deepest pit of my depression. They told me that their door was always open for me and that they loved me and only wanted me to be happy. I left my ex in California and moved back in with my parents, even though I felt like I was starting from scratch, I knew it was the right thing to do. The whole experience was a pivotal turning point. Moving back in didn't make all my problems go away. I had regressed a few times and still had a lot of anxiety but each year got better and better. I graduated with my BA a year ago and now am a sales manager for the firm I work at. I have a loving, healthy relationship with a man that I only dreamed of being with. I'm creating the life I've always wanted. 
    Personal challenges I've overcome:
    * Overcame my depression, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety 
    * Overcame my poor impulse control and need for constant gratification 
    * Got my degree after years of telling myself school wasn't for me 
    * Lost a significant amount of body fat and am in the best shape of my life now
    * Learned weightlifting
    * Started my career in a industry that challenges and interests me
    * Developed and built a beautiful and nurturing romantic relationship 
    What I'm working on now:
    * Working on my independence from others-being okay with being alone
    * Working on improving my health & diet
    * Working on developing my career and business
    * Working on investing in more self development products
    * Working on being less judgmental of others 

  3. @Gladius I think it may be time to uncover and undo some of those childhood traumas. I also had a few traumas in my childhood and young adult years I needed to face. To put it short, I don't think it's ever something you can completely forget about. The reality is, it happened to you, but it shaped who you were. By facing these traumas it makes the weight of carrying them much lighter. 

    Hope that helps :)

  4. @blacksapp imagine creating a space between a event and your emotional reaction. 

    If you're used to flying off the handle you probably don't notice that there is a space of time between what happens to you and how you respond to it. Bring awareness to this space and try to elongate the time before you respond. 

    This space is where you decide how you want to react. 

    You always have a choice 

  5. @Nahm @RossE thank you both for your wonderful words of encouragement. My friends who operate on a higher frequency are busier. They're accomplishing their goals and that takes up a lot of their time. I don't see them as much as I'd like because I'm busy doing big things as well. Sorta a catch 22. On the flip side I have a friend who has more free time but I'm starting to second guess whether it's one I want to keep maintaining. She hasn't matured much in our 6 years of being friends and is not a very self aware person. I just got done talking with her on the phone and now I feel a shift in my overall mood. (Not in a good way)

    what I am thankful for is the fact that my fiancé is someone I would consider very high frequency. So in that regard I'm happy I can connect with someone intimately on that level 

  6. It's very normal to experience negative emotions and feelings when you first start doing personal development and other things like meditation. 

    I like comparing it to working out. If you don't regularly train your muscles it's going to hurt the first few times you do it. 

    Youre raising awareness to the things in your life that need to be worked on. It's probably a lot and it gives you anxiety. You're on the right track. 

    Now it's a good time to work on your balance and see what issues you should focus on first so you don't get overwhelmed :)

  7. Hi everyone! 

    This is my first time posting and hope this is to the right board. I'm really excited to part of a community of like minded people. I've been doing self development consistent for a while now. I feel like I'm reaching a point where I'm starting to realize the low quality consciousness of the majority of the people that I'm around. 

    With that being said nobody is horrible that I should cut them out of my life. Many of them have wonderful redeeming qualities. However, the state or their consciousness certainly makes me want to limit the time that I am around them. 

    Independence is an important piece of self development/self actualizing, etc. but part of me can't help but feel like it's a rather lonely road at times. Any advice for someone who's going through this bit? (I hope I posted in the right forum)