Justin Evans

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Everything posted by Justin Evans

  1. I don't think Leo should go mainstream. There are too many problems that come with adding more contributors, especially liability. I dont think theres anything wrong with Leo being a one-man shop, and the quality of his work is already amazing and good enough for the audience that learns it. Yes his health might go downhill in the future, maybe he can't sustain it, but adding more people into the equation takes away the personality from his work, the personality that makes his work so special in the first place. I'd rather see his work shine the way he wants it than to see it become a conglomerate and potentially burst into flames because of emergent collective ego problems that come out of it that Leo can't anticipate. I don't think that's a control issue, its a very real thing to be cautious about.
  2. When I do mindfulness exercises, I notice that my eyes strain and hurt a lot (even when it is pitch black and I'm not trying to look at anything). I think one reason this is the case is that I identify mindfulness with sight, and that the source of what I am is like an eyeball seeing things, seeing sights, seeing what I am hearing, feeling, smelling, and so on. I want to be able to feel and hear into my experiences by being them rather than seeing them if that makes sense but I am not sure how to do this. Do any of you share a similar frustration? Do you know of any alternatives?
  3. One thing that helped me personally with this question is instead of asking myself "How is it possible?", ask "Where does it already happen?" Because this question helps you see that there are plenty of scenarios where we admit we imagine things and we dont even need to ask why or how it works. The biggest example that comes to mind is dreams. Some people have more vivid dreams than others, so not everyone can relate but I will stick with this example for simplicity. Notice that in a dream, you become a character, your mind creates the place, time, and setting, all of this happens in one single present moment but creates an illusion of continuity. You can go to a museum in your dreams, you can remember being in that museum from 15 years ago and you can still recall art pieces the tour guide is talking about. It is only when you wake up when you realize it is imagination. On the topic of objectivity, how is it that a glass of water stays on your table when you leave your house? We can go back to the dream example, you can dream that cars pass by on the highway, you dont know where they are all going, it feels objective, but it is all created by you, and it works. The point I am trying to make is that asking where imagination already happens is important, because those outlier experiences such as dreams, where there is Illusion of time and objectivity, IS part of reality. Of course, not to misinterpret as using dreams as the answer to your questionbut rather just to help see new possibilities and ways to open your mind.
  4. Everybody has their own way of making that leap, the key is finding your strength. That might sound generic so I will give you an example. I grew up with my mom teaching me how to move and create energy in my body when I was young. Regardless of whether that was something real or just my imagination, I got really good at doing it, and it became something I did subconsciously. It turns out through habit, I started doing it in my dreams, and your willpower can manipulate reality in your dreams. Fast forwarding to college, I did so much meditation and mindfulness that I started doing it accidentally in my dreams which triggered awakenings. This is very different than lucid dreaming because in lucid dreams you know you are dreaming. Instead, you sincerely believe it is reality and you still question it with your meditation and will. Doing this along with building a practice of surrendering your fears away in real life can make you surrender fears in your dreams (as fears are oftentimes what makes a dream more solid and real, letting that go makes the dream melt away.) Why am I talking about this? It helped me realize that you won't always know the exact steps to getting awakenings and to deeper embody what you already know. It is best to plan your growth on grounded things that you can use every day both awake and asleep such as learning to let go of fear, becoming more courageous, letting go of comfort, practicing will power as if you can improve the outcome of your life solely through that. And that these skills build up in unexpected payoffs and events based on your strengths and when you need it the most. Hope this helps!
  5. To be clear I am writing an argument against Alan Bloom. I think stage green is very positive compared to the previous stages (although they all have valuable lessons on their own) However, I am presenting my thesis to a professor heavily invested in stage blue and orange so it is important that I chose my wording wisely so it can better relate. I have watched Leo's SD videos, I love them and I wanted to bring that in some shape or form into academic discussions. I might just buy the book anyways because it could be useful tool for personal growth, but if it does not have historical / political examples in it then I cannot use it in my thesis. Thank you for your reply btw.
  6. Forgive me if this is the wrong topic channel, I was unsure where this question would go. I am taking a senior seminar class, a hybrid of political science and international affairs. I am writing a thesis which challenges the book "Closing of the American Mind" by Alan Bloom by comparing the perspective to spiral dynamics. Alan Bloom believes that the characteristics of stage green (relativism, multiculturalism, mob mentality, democratic theory, and values) are a degradation to democracy, the university, and to humanity which could potentially spiral into a new form of fascism. From what I've heard, spiral dynamics includes all of these facts and recognizes the limitations of these characteristics in stage green, however, they see it as a necessary stage which we will eventually grow out of. Going to the question, I found the book online, but it looks like it talks about business and leadership. Before I buy it for research, does anyone know if inside that book there will be historical or political examples or is it just business related?
  7. I recently lost my best friend, potentially my whole friend group, my original career path, and "relating with others like I used to" because of my journey. The lesson I learned was that the costs of seeking truth are immense, but the rewards are the of the greatest yields in life. Here is the catch, if you halfway pursue the journey, the costs will be detrimental and you probably won't get much in return. In that case it's not worth pursuing truth. That indecisiveness is the downfall. In my opinion, it's worth it, IF we go all in and fully commit.
  8. It's probably safe to say that any teacher is going to have believers who can't embody what they are learning and turn it into a "religion" or a cult of personality.
  9. To my boy Leo, your teachings are PURE GOLD! Seriously I hope your meditation will bring you to the collapse of self. I hope you can fully let go of your worries about Actualized.org, because you have already made a huge impact. As a token of my appreciation, have a gold Leo. Summer is coming and I will be joining you on the meditation challenge . Good luck to anyone else who is doing the challenge, see you on the other side.
  10. I've cooked brown rice as my staple food for meal prep every week. I usually put uncooked brócoli and bell peppers in it. However, I used to use shredded cheese but now I am cutting it off. Does anyone know any good alternative spices or something that is healthy and would add some flavor to my meal prep dish? Thanks a ton
  11. On a beautiful crisp sunny day, I finished all of my college school work, completed two quizzes, a test, and finished my homework early. I feel victorious, I feel productive, and I feel clear with an abundance of energy and mindfulness. I'm ready to surrender the rest of the day to meditation. It's 3:30 P.M. when I arrive at my apartment complex, it's time to pop a squat on a warm sunny pool chair, and I begin some mindfulness labeling. 10 minutes in, two helicopters fly over the pool and begin hovering relatively close. That’s odd; what could be possibly going on? There couldn't be a fire because there isn't a cloud in the sky. I don't hear sirens so there isn't a war going on. Could there be protests at my college about a mile and a half away from my apartment? Anyways, my mind starts rambling and contemplating the purpose of the helicopters. Eventually one of them flies away and the other remains. 30 minutes later as I am still meditating, I have a deep and profound realization. My mindfulness has vastly improved over the past year, yet my concentration and discipline is SHODDY WORK. As I look into the air, a helicopter, a FUCKING helicopter flying in the air can stay perfectly still. Here I am, ME who is sitting at a pool with nothing to do, nowhere to be, on a sunny day, ON THE GROUND, and I can't sit perfectly still for 30 minutes without a quick break to scratch my scrotum or to worry, "Is my blood vessels clotting because I'm sitting for two long? Should I get up? What if my toes don't get enough oxygen?" ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, I am not going to stand for such shenanigans anymore! It's me versus the helicopter! Either it goes, or I move, one or the other. I am not going to let a flying metal machine beat me, the person who couldn't be more comfortable and 'grounded' than the fuzzy pair of wooly socks on my feet. The battle of stillness began. That vow I made, as silly as it seems, triggered something in me. It supercharged my discipline and intention. The distractions no longer became an issue, and I was laser focused. I learned a lot about helicopters. Surprisingly, they are great to meditate to, and I would of never thought that a pair of metal blades slashing into the sky could sound relaxing or even mystical with the right perspective. After 1 hour and 15 minutes, I finally won, the helicopter left. What's the moral of the story? 1. Sometimes you need a wake up call. Your environment and intuition is constantly offering you OPPORTUNITIES to take your work and discipline to the next level. 2. The environment at times can appear be irritating and counterproductive to meditation UNTIL you can observe it long enough to realize it's been your ally this whole time. Your greatest enemy can sometimes be used to your advantage. 3. Don't let the helicopters meditate better than you. Your helicopter may be your neighbor, your co-worker, or the squirrel your back yard. Ultimately what matters is what triggers that fiery passion within you. Find your helicopter, and then BEAT IT. Thanks for reading, and if I may ask, what is your helicopter?
  12. Thanks for all the feedback, I will check out those ingredients : )
  13. I will never look at my cat's hairballs the same ever again.
  14. Seeing around through a tunnel is very common, although it varies in different ways. Sometimes there are physical sensations such as vibrations, feeling empty, light, energetic, and more. Other times it is like a geometric singularity, there may be a feeling of timelessness, feels like you are traveling the speed of light, and sometimes there is an undeniable raw intuitive understanding of whatever you experience. A combination of these can occur as well. Depersonalization / derealization has happened to me many times, and I get mixed feelings. Sometimes its blissful, but other times its horrifying and leaves my ego curled in a ball days or even weeks after those moments. However, I always heal, grow stronger, and understand more over time because I let myself work through it and I can connect the dots when later insights come. Derealization and the "wormholes" occur frequently but they aren't permanent for me. I don't feel like I am separated, but more like everything is happening to me, in a holistic type of a way. I'm honestly not sure what enlightened people see because I don't consider myself to be enlightened yet. I think derealization and depersonalization certianly has its place in enlightenment, but our glimpses are "filtered by our ego" which makes it feel negative because its still unknown, we don't have a full understanding of it yet, and when everything becomes clear, peace follows.
  15. @Buba It is fantastic that you are honest about your intentions. It's healthy to not force yourself to "attain or pursue" enlightenment. It really has to be your choice and to be an authentic desire. Don't be afraid to listen to that honesty and to let go of all the self inquiry and stuff. If you really want to see which type of life is better for you, just go ahead and chose regular mundane life, do whatever you desire to do, but make sure to do it mindfully. Just observe, like an experiment, if the mundane really makes you happier than your pursuit. Lastly, it is true that some monks can spend their whole life meditating and never become enlightened, let alone have even one "awakening." In my opinion, this probably happens because they are using an efficient method that doesn't work at all with their personality. Some people spend their whole life, while others have miracles overnight. You just have to find what triggers your awakening. For example, what I have discovered is that meditation in my dreams trigger full blown awakening experiences, and the "symptoms" seem to be just as powerful as people who had psychedelic awakenings. I've only been seriously meditating for about a year now, so it can come sooner than you think if your serious about it. Basically, if you eventually find the motivation to continue your journey, you just need to find what method clicks for you. That method might mean something completely different from vanilla mindfulness and self-inquiry.
  16. @Buba Strange coincidence is that I am going through the dark night of the soul myself. Here are the two most important things I can think of. 1: The dark night of the soul FEELS permanent, just like our cravings and addictions. Remember that it is temporary and it will pass. 2: While you are going through this, the fastest and clearest way to deal with it is to be as authentic and as self-honest as possible. Self-honesty will always lead you to truth, and that truth will serve you, you just have to trust it. One way to also do this is to listen to your intuition. Your intuition is never sad, emotional, but always present in you, it is you, and it always chooses health over the ego. Listening to your intuition like a soldier, in my opinion, is the best way to get out of the "circular traps." Lastly, remember that these are the barriers that keep most people living a mundane life. If you can pass each barrier of depression, you will permanently grow each time. I am not saying you will never have a "low" again, but your overall consistent happiness will go up. Anyways good luck keep us updated with your journey if you ever feel up to it because we are here for you
  17. Absolutely powerful, I agree! I wanted to add an extra mindfulness trick. As you are brushing your flossing your teeth, try to watch yourself really closely and try to identify as the person in the mirror instead of yourself. So instead of thinking of "your arm" flossing, associate the muscles of your hands flossing as the one in the mirror and not with your real hands. Eventually, you will realize how easy it is to begin to identify with something that actually isn't you. It starts to make you question if you identify with yourself the same way you would fool yourself with a mirror, like watching a first person movie, which you eventually believe you are that person.
  18. @starsofclay Thanks for sharing your experience. I have had so many new unbelievable experiences in the last couple of months and they have became so common that I have at least 2 a week, and hopefully from these experiences I can answer your question. So, lucid dream, regular dreaming, OBEs? They really begin to blur together, because you start question if "reality" is as temporary and shifting as your dreams. The common pattern I have discovered is that meditation experiences in dreams are like lucid dreams, but take it up about 10 notches. So instead of realizing you are in a dream. You learn insights in your dream that apply exactly the same as it would in "reality." When you learn that insight, you instantly get in an extreme meditation state, you can feel vibrations, reality crumbles, feels like your going through a wormhole, or you cease to exist. Here are a couple of other factors that I noticed have resulted in such experiences: Going out of my way to help a friend for a whole day, maybe its something about letting things go that effects your dream later. Being out in the sun for a long time. Talking about it a lot, forcing yourself to articulate it, getting excited about it, etc. The most important: Questioning reality via self inquiry when you are awake and especially doing it an hour or two before bed. Learning to self inquiry and be mindful will create a habit, which eventually will bring that same habit to your dreams. Here is an example of one that happened last night: Basically, I had a dream I was hanging out with all of my friends, we where chattering, talking about drama, etc. Instead of realizing I was in a dream, I had a realization (intuitive) that every voice that I heard was actually being created by me, and that every argument I was hearing or interacting with was all me. From that insight, I instantly shifted into a meditative like state, which it feels like you are going through a wormhole. Until eventually I woke up after a while. Lastly, I agree with you that dreams makes you open minded. I would love to hear what ends up arising for you in the future.
  19. This topic came to me by accident, because I accidently had two profound experiences (a taste of enlightenment) within three weeks! I have to give the credit to the dreams. There is something powerful about dreams that allows your mind to be more open and sensitive to meditative exercises. However, there is always the posibility of dillusion. What do you think? Do you think that it's legitimate or is this an easy trap to believe that dreams could be a catalyst for meditation and for experiencing samples of enlightment? I want to share two of those profound experiences to you and would love to hear your opinions or your own dream experiences. 1. (The first and most profound one) I had a dream about a classroom exercise. It sounds pretty lame haha. Basically it was like a game of tag, but when you get tagged, you had to label your sensations and surroundings, and you have to speak whatever comes to your mind. Basically it was like accidently doing Leo's mindfulness labeling. I got tagged, I started yelling things like, soft, tree, my teacher's cute, grass, warm, then I spontaneously said out of nowhere "I created everything." As soon as that happened. My body felt like it was moving at the speed of light, I "woke up" (probably was still in my dream state), and all of my sensory was amplified to a level I couldn't handle. I usually sleep with my head under the covers, but I could see through the covers, I KNEW through the covers. I felt like something other than me was making me sit up, with the covers over my head in shock, all I could do was stare down my living room hallway. I could see the end of the hallway, but it felt like between me and the end, there was an endless degree of distance. Our white noise fan sounded equivalent to a jet engine, but take that contrast and apply it to every sense in my body and senses I didn't even know I had. I felt like I had an intuitive feeling of knowing everything without explanation. I also had some strange visual effects like what you would think of like a "line box reality" in the matrix, except it was like particles flying past me. It was amazing, but also horrifying, it felt like I was choking on the sensations of reality and because of that I woke up. It was a dream, but felt more real than reality has ever felt for me in my life. As soon as I woke up, I grabbed my phone to record sound of the fan in my living room and edited it with garage band to the best match I could to the amplification of my dream. I listened to it and cried for half an hour. Interpretation: it is possible that I watch so many of Leo's videos that it was just manifested into to some dream. However, I believe this is my first possible "sample" of experiencing the absolute infinite, totally has taken my meditation to the next level of seriousness and motivation, and finally getting that tangible subjective evidence of turning the theory of enlightenment into practice. 2. (Less profound and happened today) I was in a dream that was trying to achieve/solve some insanely difficult and imposible problem or task (which I unfortunately can't remember specifically). It caused me a lot of emotional suffering and frustration in the process, I couldn't solve it. A man told me basically to "let go" in order to solve the problem. I took it with a grain of salt at first, but finally entertained the suggestion and totally let go of the problem. As soon as this happened, my body began to feel like I was traveling the speed of light again, however this time it was in the context of traveling through a wormhole. This experience was much more visual than the first dream. The wormhole was made up of daily objects that you would usually see, however there was millions of the same thing. Pretty strange! The biggest example of this was that I saw my own face, but there was trillions of my own face. I was in shock, the only thing I could say was "walk into the light," over and over and over. I was in this state for a long time, just observing and repeating walk into the light. I eventually thought to myself, remember this is only phenomena, as soon as I said that, that feeling of the "speed of light" travel slowed down to an eventual complete stop and stillness, which I then woke up. Interpretation: although the visuals of this dream appears to be very odd and limited in meaning, there was an indescribable intuitive feeling that this wormhole must of had something to do with different realities. The trillions of my own face as an example I think had to do with the fact that there are trillions of different possible versions of me that exist or could exist at this very moment. I didn't feel like God, I didn't feel like I created all of those possibilities, but it felt like another taste of the infinite regarding all possible realities in a more visual manner. Conclusion: I am definitely going to try consciously meditating in my dreams by setting an intention every night before I go to sleep to experiment with this new arsenal of tools. And I will share my results with y'all in the future What do y'all think? Is it legit or dillusion when it has to do with your dreams? Have you had any experiences with this?
  20. Although self help is the ultimate direction to go. Doing both a therapist and personal-development is the best route. The reason I say this is because you know yourself better than anyone else, and growing yourself is a great habit of responsibility, action, and flexibility. A therapist is good because they have a professional third-person perspective who can give you feedback on a different angle, and possibly catch any bullshit that you can't see yourself. Of course they aren't always right and may misinterpret your intentions. I personally do both and it works pretty well.
  21. @Amit You absolutely can experience the nature of God without psychedelics. Around every 2-3 weeks, I have an intense mystical experience, which has only became more and more intense. Last night for example, I had so many experiences by accident that I stopped counting. One of those experiences included an enlightenment-like experience of ever expanding awarenesss, which I actually tried to break out of because I wasn't mentally prepared for the power that I felt during the moment. I may write a post about. It later in detail. The point is, follow your intuition, because it knows you best and can guide you. I personally thrive in the night when I am dreaming and then wake up from dreams, I get hit hard with experiences then I surrender the best I can to it. Find your strengths, don't get too worried about "how your supposed to do it" and follow your intuition that tells you "how you really want to do it."
  22. @Electron If you don't authentically feel the desire to get in a relationship, then don't do it in my opinion. Relationships are a huge time investment, complicates things, and effects the other partner. If you are forcing yourself to get involved into a relationship, it won't work, and she will be a casualty. Thats just me though, you know you better than ANYONE. You'll know when you meet a girl that your crazy about, that's when I would go in.
  23. @Ilya be patient with yourself, give it time and dont give yourself a hard time if you don't "experience" the non physical. Do it with love for yourself. If you continue your techniques and continue onwards, you will have the experience . Im not sure how you feel about psychedelics, but I am not going to do them yet because I'm too young, I won't even consider it until I clear up all of my addictions first, because why risk it if I'm still a slave to things with lower consequences? I haven't used psychedelics yet, I've been meditating seriously for about a year now, and I am starting to break down the physical. What I encourage is that you do this in dark lighting or almost pitch black. You see less, so you create more subtle imagery to make up for the lack of contrast in dark lighting. Pixelation gets larger, the room starts moving subtly, and you can feel/see the room breathing, you may see entities, warm/cold sensations in your body like if you had a toasty campfire burning in front of you, etc.
  24. We focused heavily on law of attraction in a workshop called WorldWorks. For me it was effective, I kind of left it after a while and went internal with meditation. However, one of my recent theories is that there may not be a difference between the internal and external, which makes miracles, spiritual experiences, and law of attraction feel more metaphysically possible. Another theory for law of attraction is that you think it, your intention is there, it happens, right? What if your thoughts, intention, and the result are happening to you, instead of you creating it? Just theory, but try it out for yourself