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Everything posted by SLICKHAWK

  1. Be. Weird. Break the norm. Do not follow. Only show your truer self. Higher cellf.. We are cells. Be who you want to become. Not what.? What who am i? Yes who will mold you.. Mold or create you. Not them or want of those. Social. Be social but create your authentic value. I am not who you think i am. I am being most incredible. I am mycellf this i love. Most can not except you for this. I am love. I love you. I love myself. I have this my self i have you. You have this this is our cellf. Remember who you or i am. ?
  2. Are we. Going? Be alright. Yes. We are all being right. Going too. Yes im fine. I am always going to be alright. I am rite/choice free will. I can. I have my right to be all. Yes we are. I love mycellf. I love you.
  3. All those deep divers out there.. Finding nature. Enjoying the journey. Love life. Live love. ❤
  4. Silence is key turn ready. Now only to open needs no words only slince. Action. Body. Eyes. Interaction/handshake hug or close. This is the story.. Only words inform mind one receiver intent. Vs.. If truth and authentic was said. How it can be mis concepts. Our i interaction or vibes is language never taught. Only words. Words hurt. Body language. Vibration. Eye contact speak lowder than words. Example..... I love mycellf/ i love you.
  5. I love myself. I love you. I say thus often to assure myself us to who we are.. Reflections of light all one source energy. Its fucking beautiful.
  6. @Annetta i belive. Yes. I in ego do not want to reincarnation form of being. Based on karma i value my journey noe this being present to accend. I feel its a path of evolution/revolution. If we have choice and act on our free will. Can one transcend time infinite love/vibration. 4th density 5th dimension being. Ok yes subject my words or see my positive journey now. I love mycellf. I love you.
  7. I am a cook. I posted in this thread earlier however. I only feel bad cooking for me. If i can cook for others to make them happy. I do have change in direction. Restaurant can compost food or recycle. Be sure to keep your values 100% teach those around your actions. Lead by example. Daily smoothie spread the love.
  8. I am vegan.. This thread is funny. Argue about life all we like.? Vegan however is very easy. Not much use for energy such as oven or microwaves. I take my plants to eat and place the butt in water. It will sprout new leaves and begin to root. Thats awsome. With other plants fruits i can compost to the soil to continue. Morning smoothie. For all you. Cheer up i love myself. I love you. Continue the fight.
  9. Karma. If you suicide in one life whats to pursue in your next? Scary subject all around. Just please continue your path. I am here. We are here. God is now. I love you. I love myself.
  10. This is my passion. I love myself. We all are on the path. Raising our awareness. Break the norm. Vibrate our world. All of us are worthy.
  11. Interested topic. The laws should be completed to understand attraction. Change your mindset. Law of opposite for example. To understand all the universal laws in changing thought pattern. Have accepted the laws and follow through. I am God you are God. This is all God. In the idea to learn all and become one. I love myself oppiste i love you. I am you as you are me. Powerful if the world understood this as a whole our vibration of one healing all. Gods gift.
  12. Vegan. No caffeine. I challenge my mind too. Daily to intake positive reject negative. Over come over eating. Learn cellf love. 30 days walking outside for 30 minutes without shoes. Just keep pushing the norm.
  13. Dude. We are 3rd density beings moving into 4th density being. Moving into 5th dimension. Thus is vibration. Matter. Onecellf being cell. Forever reflect love.
  14. Yuuup. I work on my triggers on 30 day challenges to prove mycellf and mind. One cell one life body mind. Infinite energy. Natureboytv. I love myself. Reflect love vibration.
  15. Go nekkid. Feel nothing sometime try i like relaxation music . i have my play list however.
  16. Project. Reflect. Mirror those as if they are you.. See yourself cuz you are cellf inside each of us is our own self.
  17. True. Projection. I reflect today. Imagine seeing a face. Now imagine that in 2d or 3d. Its only how you see it... Crazy. How does mind project reality? If its all fake or only conscious is all. Reflection of our own... Hmm..
  18. I hug my inner child. I hug my children now. I love myself. I love my children. I love all if you. What does not kill us only brings us together.
  19. When i was 13 i would walk along the yellow stone river MT. It was winter i was alone. I was walking on the ice when it broke. I fell in and had grabbed the ice feeling my feet sweep under the ice shelf. I pulled my self out. Walking home it was freezing. My pants and shirt coat froze into ice. Every thing was crispy. When i arrived home i was in shock nobody was home. Im not sure but i went to the bath and layed in water for what seemed like forever my body was numb and stiff. I felt death. 1st brush of drowning. Ive been in 4 drowning experience. Another i had slipped on ice on snow over a canyon i slid and could not stop sliding or get a grip. Some how i managed to dig my fingers and feet into the iceey snow. When i stopped i could see the bottom of the canyon and was feet from sliding off. Shit is scary. I feel near death exposure happens more frequently than most understand...
  20. I have 2 kids full time dad. I love it. Yes social life stinks. However i maneuver with balance use each moment to improve the next. Each day i wake up. Fresh. Unstoppable. Use energy for truth understanding. Knowledge. Yes my social life stinks. I dont get laid. And thats what i work on. The weak and strong use both to create balance. Just fear. Find fear. Adjust fear into your pocket.
  21. Shin reminds me of myself. I quote girls always say " you missed your chance" im like what... I had a chance? Now i look at every situation as its sexual. I really like to engage women and gaze at them. I let them know im sexually attracted with eye contanct and i posture like cross my legs or open my stance. I need to get some pussy lol
  22. Dude this is all about helping others raise there awarness. Vibration. If man on this planet only understood. Individuals are just a cell on this earth. No bigger than your ego or self wants to believe how flashy awsome you are. We are all flashy awsome. We are just one cell of a billion cells inside on a big fucking cell inside a huge fucking cell. Are you cancer? Or healing cell? Thats the question.